All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1296: Kithi Desert

"This guy hasn't woken up yet. It is estimated that he will wake up only if he really goes to a place full of secretive aura." Ao Bai said.

The demon Xiaoyan is making too much noise these days, because there is no real demon energy, and meditation is of no avail, so she has to discuss with Ao Bai every day.

Make Ao Bai's nervous breakdown.

"It seems to be." Han Chen answered noncommittal, and suddenly asked, "Can you feel any kind of power beyond the eternal realm in this secret realm?"

"We didn't find it. But the divinity here is too strong. You still have to be careful." Ao Bai shook his head and reminded him.

Han Chen withdrew from the stellar machine and looked at the green plains that had turned into a piece of yellow.

And with the naked eye, they can only see a distance of less than ten feet, obviously they have reached the edge of the Kithi Desert.

"Get off the ship, everyone, here is already on the edge of the Kisek Desert. Under the air ban, the ship will definitely not be able to stand it." Hu Jun took a look, then urged everyone to disembark, and with a brush, the huge spacecraft turned into streamers and entered. Inside Hu Jun’s storage bracelet.

Everyone looked carefully at the periphery of the Kixi Desert, and was surprised to find that their mental power seemed to be two feet away from their body.

On the contrary, Ao Bai's mental power has no obstacle.

Han Chen knew the reason for this.

This desert is probably also part of the ancient battlefield. More or less strange auras are born in these desert gray fog, floating in it.

Limit people's spiritual strength.

But Ao Bai, he originally cultivated the mysterious aura in the form of a divine soul, so although he was a bit difficult, he was still able to diffuse his spiritual energy.

Only slightly worse than normal outside.

With the help of Ao Bai's spiritual power, Han Chen probably knew what a ghost place this was.

The endless distance here is desert, and even a living creature cannot be seen, which can be called some restricted areas.

But under these deserts, Ao Bai said that there are some weird creatures hidden, so Han Chen should be careful.

When Ao Bai said that, Han Chen asked Wu Yuan to get closer to him.

"Ah, there are a bunch of bones here. It's really bad luck." Suddenly the Jin Pangli was walking and tripped over something. He stood up and yelled.

It also seemed terrified.

Suddenly Ao Bai let out an exclamation, Han Chen asked hurriedly, "How?"

"I found it earlier, Ice Fire Anteater!"

"What is this?" Han Chen turned his head and asked Hu Jun.

When Hu Jun heard this, his face paled, and he whispered, "Where is it?"

"A few kilometers away from us." Han Chen said.

"That's good, Daoist Han, you are going to scare me to death." Hu Jun's expression recovered a little and said, "This kind of ice and fire ant, which grows in places with ice and fire attributes, such as deserts and ice fields, is possible. , They are very adaptable. And they live in groups, so they eat everything. If the ice fire ant is recognized as food, if there is no order from the queen, they will hunt down until they kill the prey!"

"Don't they know the pain? Why is it so crazy?" Jin Pangli also interjected.

"I know, the problem is that there are too many of them, and they only take orders from the queen. Without orders, they are as desperate as dead men. Although the cultivation base is not high, some of them can reach the form of myth, but there is no shape change, only myth. It's just a powerful physical body." Hu Jun added.

At this time everyone knows what the previous existence is.

"Oh, by the way, Fellow Daoist Han, how do you perceive things tens of thousands of kilometers away?" Suddenly Hu Jun asked Han Chen through voice transmission.

"Oh, this, it's very simple. I let the Void Elf teleport to a distance, and then send the message back to me. He has the Void talent and is not afraid of any enemies at all." Han Chen just found a reason to say it.

Ao Bai's existence should not be exposed.

"This is very good. That means we are a lot safer." Hu Jun laughed repeatedly.

So under the command of Han Chen, they deviated slightly, avoiding the ice and fire ants far away.

"Not good." Ao Bai said in Han Chen's heart.

"What's the matter?" Han Chen was also nervous.

"This ice and fire ant seems to be fighting for territory with a group of pythons and giant scorpions. The scope of their fight is very wide. We can't get around... Huh?" As he said, Ao Bai's expression changed again.

After a while, Ao Bai said, "Quickly run to the left!"

"Everyone quickly follow me to escape, run as fast as you can!" Han Chen immediately said to everyone.

Everyone heard that they followed Han Chen and ran over without hesitation, and immediately after their original place came a ray of blue and flame.

A large-scale contact collision occurred there.

"What just happened?" Everyone asked in fear, because the spiritual power could not be dispersed, they had no idea what happened next.

Everyone turned their attention to Han Chen again.

At this time, Han Chen knew the reason from Ao Bai, and then he said, "Remember the guy from the Eternal Realm before? He was forced to rush into this desert, and then the Feng Hai family member , I was unwilling, and they all rushed in. They obviously didn't have time to find the way, so they broke into the nest of the python giant scorpion and were chased madly. In the process of hunting, they encountered the ice fire ant!

"This sad baby." So everyone thought.

"You hurry to follow me, otherwise you will be dragged down by the guy in the eternal realm!" Han Chen hurriedly urged everyone, and everyone immediately raised their throats.

"Hey, my brother in front, please wait for me! Please help me, there will be a lot of thanks." At this moment, the eternal person shouted brazenly.

Obviously, people in this eternal realm have a higher cultivation base than them, and the range of spiritual power release is larger than them, so they can know their existence.

It is also possible that the sound of their running at high speed was heard by the other party.

Han Chen and the others frowned as they heard the call.

"This stuff..." Han Chen didn't have time to complain, so he had to take everyone to flee, hoping that the fire-eater ants and giant pythons would not follow after eating.

So the most surprising scene in the secret realm happened.

Han Chen and others are the locomotives in this desert, behind them are a series of carriages of Eternal Realm Powerhouse, Feng Hai Family, Ice Fire Anteater, and Sky Python Scorpion.

The whole desert was turned upside down.

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