All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1297: Cocoon

"As brothers, how can you not rescue me?" Suddenly a voice rang from the side of the team that Director Hu had brought in.

The man was so scared that he almost fainted on the spot.

"Don't act rashly, otherwise, our team will definitely fight you!" Hu Jun threatened immediately.

But before he finished speaking, he heard an ah, that the man was slapped away by the rogue in the eternal realm, and fell behind, not knowing whether he was attacked by the Ice Fire Anteater or the Giant Scorpion.

Perhaps those Feng Hai family members have also taken action.

Hu Jun was furious, and his steps stopped.

"You go, I'll take care of this guy!" Han Chen said suddenly.

"What, you are a middle-level rookie with a mythological form, and you have such a big tone!" The brazen and brutal eternal realm powerhouse showed a strange smile.

Han Chen also showed a weird smile.

Anyway, here is also in the Kixi Desert, the spiritual power of the cultivators is not more than ten feet, so even if a powerful battle erupts, absolutely no one knows.

When I thought Han Chen was a little rookie, an unusually coquettish woman flashed out from behind Han Chen, who exuded a strong true magical energy.

"Xiao Chenzi, this time I will help you kill this person, and he must give me his spirit. I think he looks delicious." Mo Xiaoyan said.

"What, Demon Venerable!" That person in the eternal realm, then knew what kind of person he provoked? She yelled frantically, "You actually carry the demons, you know it's illegal and it's a violation of the rules of heaven!"

"Oh, don't want to think about it, I can meet you, it means I am not afraid of you at all." Mo Xiaoyan showed a strange smile, and the whole figure began to blur.

"You are so unscrupulous, you actually want to completely strangle me, what a cruel heart..." Although he was poor on his lips, he was very decisive. He resolutely got out of his mind and wanted to abandon his body and escape.

He turned his head and ran, and ran into Ao Bai head-on. Ao Bai, a giant white dragon, swallowed it in one mouthful to face the spirit.

These few moments all happened instantaneously.

Han Chen took the storage bag away and greeted Mo Xiaoyan and Ao Bai, who were constantly complaining because they couldn't eat the soul, and retreated quickly.

After fleeing for another ten days in a row, Ao Bai gradually couldn't sense the chasing ants and giant pythons.

For a moment, everyone slumped to the ground, gasping for breath.

Han Chen just came to idle at this time. Han Chen checked the contents of the storage bag, but this person had been promoted to the eternal state, and he had already used up all the pills.

Coupled with the long escape, the sacred stone in the storage bag has also been consumed.

Only a simple map attracted Han Chen's attention.

Han Chen discovered that this quaint map was about this secret realm.

There is a big "hong" on the ancient picture.

"This person is from the Hong family? No wonder he was chased down by the Feng Hai family. But Hu Jun didn't even know this guy, and this guy is relatively unlucky."

Han Chen smiled. With this map, even if he broke up with Hu Jun, he can still act independently.

After a while, they came to a green desert oasis. Han Chen and others looked at the desert oasis with many cultivators.

"There is a desert oasis here!" Although Jin Pangli had already bigu, but the days of escaping made him feel nervous all the time, so when he saw the desert oasis, he still couldn't help but want to stroll inside.

Han Chen suddenly asked Hu Jun, "When your people came in last time, did you mention that there is an oasis here?"

"No, but this secret realm is very big, it's impossible for them to dabble in every place. But we must be very comfortable here after we rest." Hu Jun exhaled.

While speaking, Hu Jun took the lead and slowly walked over there.

Han Chen asked Ao Bai and Mo Xiaoyan, but neither of them saw anything unusual.

Han Chen had to bite the bullet and follow up to see what was going on inside.

"I always feel abnormally gloomy here." Wu Yuan suddenly said in Han Chen's ear.

With that said, Han Chen immediately improved his spirit by twelve points.

"A few fellow daoists, are you here to rest? We only need to contribute a sacred stone, and you can play on the oasis to your heart's content. There are many good things that you did not expect."

At this time, a powerful man with Kong Wu flew from the opposite side with a scorpion tattoo on the left side of his face.

"So, fellow Daoist Lao took us in." The expression on Hu Jun's face was very tired, his eyes lit up after seeing this oasis.

"Then come here with me and pay a **** stone, and then you can enter the oasis to rest!" The scorpion tattooed man yelled, everyone couldn't help but went up to pay a **** stone.

Han Chen also paid a sacred stone and walked to the edge of this oasis.

Suddenly, Mo Xiaoyan's voice came in Han Chen's mind, "I smelled a smell of the seeds of the devil."

"No, there really are seeds of the devil here!"

Mo Xiaoyan's voice rang in Han Chen's mind, "I want this seed of the devil! You must help me get it."

"Is this a trap?" Han Chen asked cautiously.

"Yes, all fools know where the oasis in the desert comes from." After that, Mo Xiaoyan transferred the picture she saw to Han Chen's mind.

Han Chen was shocked immediately.

Although the people in front of me are indeed green, the people on the question are all shriveled corpses.

Where are real people.

"This seed of the demon world has a hint of spirituality, and it actually knows how to use illusions to confuse you stupid creatures." Mo Xiaoyan said mockingly.

Han Chen prevented the big guy from entering this oasis here.

However, Director Hu walked in the forefront on his own, already bewildered by the words of the mummy next to him.

With a move in Han Chen's heart, he rushed towards Director Hu, grabbed his hands and feet, hugged him and walked back.

Walking out of less than two meters, suddenly that area suddenly became a dark blood basin, and the beard of the blood basin was full of mummy corpses, letting the wind blow.

Director Hu, who was awakened from Han Chen's embrace, was shocked and frightened!

"What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you run with them quickly! I'll give them the queen!" Han Chen said decisively.

Hu Jun, who was bewildered in the middle, nodded repeatedly, and walked away with everyone.

At this time, Demon Seed completely revealed her form. It turned out to be a huge flower. The center of the flower was a green tongue, and the tongue was covered with weeds.

"You are the seed of the demon world? There is no flowering?" Hu Chen suspiciously asked Xiaoyan the meaning of the demon.

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