All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1298: Seed of the Devil

Soon the Demon Seed received a slow reply.

"I am the seed of the demon world... I want to devour..." After that, the huge oasis turned into a huge opening, biting directly at Han Chen.

"Hmph, you are underestimating my Han!"

Han Chen showed a weird smile. You must know that as soon as Director Hu took the other people away, Han Chen could let the Demon Xiaoyan do it directly.

In this way, no one would recognize Mo Xiaoyan's identity.

Mo Xiaoyan flashed out from behind Han Chen, and a real demon energy attacked.

The seed of the devil uttered a oozing laughter, "Unexpectedly, I would still meet a demon lord with a real demon energy!"

"Friend Daoist Han, this Demon Realm Seed is approaching adulthood, and its cultivation strength has reached the mid-eternal stage. Please help me!"

Then he secretly said to Han Chen, "Now that my cultivation base has fallen from the previous peak of the eternal realm, you have to be responsible to me."

"..." Han Chen looked dazed, responsible? What does it matter to me?

"Oh, if you didn't kill all the people in the Hehuan League, and you save some people for me to absorb, how could I only have this cultivation base!" Mo Xiaoyan has no demeanor of a strong person.

It even took advantage of Han Chen.

If Wu Yuan is allowed to know, Han Chen must not be killed.

That Mo Xiaoyan was wearing tight leather armor on the upper body and a miniskirt on the lower body, showing her big white legs. A touch of green dangling under the leather skirt made Han Chen feel a strange feeling in her mind.

Suddenly Han Chen hurriedly gathered his mind.

Lifting her eyes, she saw Mo Xiaoyan with a seductive smile.

Only then did Han Chen know that Mo Xiaoyan had used the demon clan's flattery attack.

"It's a freak that your kid is able to wake up so quickly." Mo Xiaoyan showed a weird touch, and then shot a real demon energy emitting black light towards the seed of the demon world.

This real demon energy covered the seeds in the middle of the creature and attacked, scaring the seeds of the demon world to quickly envelop itself.

"This demon..." Han Chen felt a joy in his heart. Ao Bai gave Han Chen a heart-clearing curse for his ability to recover quickly.

Otherwise, relying on Han Chen's cultivation base, sooner or later this demon Xiaoyan will get rid of it.

Mo Xiaoyan didn't care at all, and was fully attacking the Eternal Demon Seed.

Han Chen was yelled at by Mo Xiaoyan and hurried up. The God-killing axe in his hand had undergone the last sacrifice, and now it has changed a lot. No one knows that its body is the God-killing axe.

Suddenly, the shadow of the axe fluttered, and Han Chen slashed off the tentacles in the demon world, and the weird venom in the demon world, Han Chen also detoxified most of the detoxification pills collected from the Tulong clan last time.

In addition, Mo Xiaoyan was very familiar with the seed of the demon world, and quickly ate the detoxification pill into her stomach.

Then Mo Xiaoyan turned into a figure and rushed out of the abdomen of the Demon Seed. The Demon Seed instantly turned into a puff, and after a while, it exploded directly.

Without seeing Mo Xiaoyan talking, she flew into Han Chen's stellar machine instantly.

Leave a chicken feather.

Han Chen glanced around the Demon Realm Seed and found that there were many lost storage bags, but most of the time, the storage bags turned into dust when they touched them.

There were more than a dozen new ones. Han Chen searched for twelve divine essence pills, a few low-level Xuantian treasures, a fake divine tool, and 200 divine stones.

Han Chen was quite satisfied with the harvest, but didn't know what Mo Xiaoyan got.

It was the fake artifact that made Han Chen more concerned. It was obviously a sword repairman, and there was a trace of wooden divinity on it.

It seems to be a strong man in the mythological form of wood attributes.

Han Chen didn't lose it.

It seems that Jin Pangli is metallic, but the wasp contains a trace of wood attribute divinity.

Thinking of Han Chen in his heart, Ao Bai found Wu Yuan and the others through spiritual power. Han Chen probably talked about the whole process.

Han Chen naturally concealed everything about Mo Xiaoyan.

So distribute his harvest.

That fake artifact was handed over to the Hornet.

The rest were given a few Shen Yuan Dan and Shen Stone.

Hu Jun had a pensive expression. He just glanced at it when he escaped, and he could feel the horror of the huge green plants.

Never thought that Han Chen would be killed easily, and it seemed that he hadn't been injured much.

This is too strange.

Hu Jun ignored other things and took Han Chen to the side and asked, "Did your kid deliberately suppress your cultivation base in a mythical form, or hide your cultivation base and say that you are a lower realm cultivator. How else can you kill? What about the huge green creature?"

"My strength was originally only a middle-level mythical form. There is nothing to hide. Look at me? Does it seem to hide the cultivation base?" Han Chen also said very bachelorly, "The reason why the huge green creature was killed by me , But I was lucky, it was just a fluke. I thought I would become the food in his mouth."

Han Chen had a very serious expression.

As a result, there was a resentment from the bottom of my heart, and then Mo Xiaoyan spoke to Han Chen, "Stop stimulating the Demon Seed! It's hard for me to swallow!"

"..." Han Chen showed an awkward look.

After Hu Jun knew that Han Chen's mouth was so strict, he did not force it.

After all, Han Chen is his teammate, and even if there is anything, the enemy is in luck.

However, Hu Jun's strength against Han Chen may have to go up a bit. It seems that Han Chen's comprehensive strength is already comparable to the first-level powerhouse in the Eternal Realm.

I have to respect Han Chen in the future.

"Friend Daoist Han, please..." Hu Jun smiled.

"..." Han Chen said, feeling weird as he walked, "abnormal."

Because of the penetration of Ao Bai's spiritual power, Han Chen and others trimmed three or four hours here.

Jin Pangli and Sun Xue couldn't wait to advance to the top level of the mythological form, so they had already taken a divine essence pill when they meditated for three or four hours.

Han Chen meditated comfortably.

Because Mo Xiaoyan said that the seed of the Demon Realm is very sensitive to Han Chen's breath, it is better not for Han Chen to release his divinity indiscriminately these days, causing Han Chen to be unable to cultivate at all.

Just think about some of the jade slips you saw before, these jade slips are also taken out of the storage bag, and they record all kinds of eternal realm primary skills.

There is also a book of Hu Family's exercises. Han Chen glanced at it and discovered the mystery. It turned out to be how to sacrifice the team token.

It is said that through a trace of soul contact, the team token was enlarged and used as a shield, but it was not very strong.

Han Chen just found it interesting.

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