All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1303: Goodbye Honghu Hongchang

Han Chen also knew that Hu Jun should have thought of the fact that the Feng Hai family had lost four people before, but the other party seemed to be very interested and didn't ask.

This road is relatively calm, because the creatures in it have been cleaned up by the Feng Hai family, and they quickly walked to the hole directly opened by the Feng Hai family.

Seeing the corpses of ice and fire anteaters everywhere, they almost blocked the road ahead.

Han Chen and others were shocked.

No wonder that even the Feng Hai family only had to run away when they saw the Ice Fire Anteater, this was too much.

Han Chen and the others stirred in the front with force, causing the road to appear in front, and everyone set foot on the road again.

But this time when Han Chen and the others looked at the top of their heads, they couldn't see anything. It seemed that Han Chen and the others were at the top.

So the next layer of the flame cave where Han Chen was just now should be the cave where the ancient Luo clan walked.

As Han Chen and the others thought, they ran inside.

Suddenly an open area appeared in front, and everyone jumped out of the cave. At this moment, they saw Honghu and Hongchang running very hard in front, followed by a group of people in blue clothes.

The person who took the lead in the blue clothes was Feng Hailing Xun.

"Your helper is here." Feng Hailing Xun said mockingly.

Honghu and Hongchang were very miserable. After being trapped by the Ice Fire Anteater, they must have been attacked by the Feng Hai family.

Except for these two people, the Hong family members were all wiped out by the Feng Hai family.

"Friends of Taoism, save us! We are willing to help you get the Soul Flower!" The two Honghu and Hongchang spoke decisively.

"You don't need to say, we will also rescue you!" Director Hu looked very excited.

Han Chen's expression moved, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Haha, you chops, don't be afraid no matter how much you come," Feng Hailing said at this time.

A weird smile appeared.

In his hand, he followed the steps above.

"Why don't they fly over?" Jin Pangli said everyone's doubts.

"I'm afraid there are some restrictions and they are not allowed to fly. And seeing how hard they are going forward, I'm afraid there is a gravity formation here." Han Chen analyzed.

"But there is no other entrance here, we have to rush forward." Director Hu added in agreement.

Naturally, Han Chen and the others would not hesitate. Just now because the ice and fire ants came too much, they directly swallowed the Honghu and Hongchang and others. I never thought that these two people would be able to escape the ice and fire ants. Swallow.

Obviously these two people have a treasure given by the family.

Han Chen and others began to climb the stairs. Sure enough, he found that he had added a heavy ban and he was also restricted from flying into the air.

However, Han Chen found that his mysterious aura could still function as usual, not suppressed like his divine nature.

So although Han Chen did not go very fast, he seemed very relaxed.

However, Director Hu, Sun Xue and others have already clearly felt the serious problems caused by the stagnation of the gods.

"Haha, you guys have already come in. Then I'll show you some colors." Feng Hailing Xun told the last two clansmen and began to crawl down.

Han Chen showed a strange look.

Han Chen could feel the strong cultivation base of these two men, but he did not expect the other to be so big.

Han Chen was worried that he suddenly released a mysterious aura, exposed himself, and the other side sent him to the door by himself.

However, Director Hu did not have the kind of thoughts of Han Chen, and saw Director Hu anxiously looking back at Han Chen.

"Our divinity is stagnant, we can't display half of our usual strength, and we can only rely on the flesh to fight! The Korean team, what should we do?" Director Hu asked anxiously.

"Oh, it's easy, move back a little bit." Han Chen showed a slight smile.

"Han Chen..." Wu Yuan behind said quietly.

"It's okay, my weird breath ability can still be used, and I can easily **** up those two people." Han Chen said to Wu Yuan.

Wu Yuan was relieved.

Jin Pangli, Sun Xue and others usually know Han Chen's ability. Now that they see Han Chen saying this, they have changed positions with Han Chen, allowing Han Chen to come to the forefront.

"Are you so spineless? You actually sent a middle-level person in the form of mythology, isn't this coming to die?" said one of the Feng Hai family members.

"Hey, are you willing to join our Feng Hai family?" the other person laughed.

"Humph." Han Chen was silent, climbing up silently. I just communicated with the Void Elf, and discovered that the prohibition here also limits its space shuttle.

This made Han Chen look bad.

In the eyes of the two opposite people, this must be Han Chenfu's weakness.

So I tried my best to ridicule, and looked at Han Chen condescendingly, and said, "Since you are stubborn and unwilling to abandon the dark, then I will let you die without a place to be buried!"

It was too late and it was fast, and the two quickly exuded the top-level cultivation base of the mythical form. One was a deep-sea poisonous dragon, and the other was a light bulb shark, showing sharp teeth.

Moreover, the mythological form was revealed, arrogant and cruel, and the teeth were covered with saliva.

They felt their own physical power. Although they were under the suppression and suppression, they still displayed the physical power of their heyday!

"We kill you with such a physical body, it can be considered an honor to you kid!"

Speaking of these two people turned into streamers and rushed over, and the explosive force blew the surrounding dust into the sky, and there was a wind hunting in the air.

Suddenly they saw the stubborn little brat suddenly raised his eyes and revealed a weird smile.

Divine light radiated from that brat!

When they saw this scene, the two were surprised and shouted, "You..."

How not affected!

This sentence has not been finished yet, their whole bodies were directly split into four sections by Han Chen's God Killing Axe. When the God Killing Axe was stirred, even the spirits inside could not escape, turned into dust and disappeared into this world. Up.


Everyone present has noticed what happened here.

They are more surprised!

But they can't see what happened just now!

"Is that a divine tool? Even without the blessing of divine nature, with a light wave, it directly split the top-level body of the mythical form into two parts!" The group of Feng Hai family members showed a deep fear.

"No, that person must have used something, temporarily breaking through the limits here, using divine power!" Feng Hailing Xun, who took the lead, thought otherwise.

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