All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1304: Feng Hailingxun

With sharp eyes, he noticed a trace of Han Chen's divinity flowing out just now, and it must be very strange in it.

Feng Hailing Xun said at this time, "Don't worry about that stinky boy, we have to kill the two lonely ghosts in front of you now! Wait until we are at the exit, and then kill the surnamed Han below. ."

People from Feng Hai's clan rushed toward the front one after another. Na Honghu Hongchang had a shocked expression.

They were still fortunate just now that they had such a strong support in this respect. They never thought that after killing two Feng Hai people, they let Feng Hailing Xun want to kill them faster.

This made them complain.

Honghu Hongchang didn't know the bitterness in Feng Hailingxun's heart. Feng Hailingxun realized that he could no longer kill Han Chen during this prohibition.

So I can only pick up a soft persimmon to pinch.

Hu Jun and others admired Han Chen more and more.

"Own captain is awesome!" everyone thought in their hearts.

Finally bluffed that group of domineering guys! Everyone thought so, and then they just need to reach the top quietly.

As a result, in the next second, Han Chen said to everyone, "You work hard! We are going to kill these Feng Hai family members during this prohibition, Director Hu, you are responsible for picking up that person's storage bag, Jin Pang You are responsible for picking up..."

Everyone was caught in their hearts when they were mentioned.

But everyone discussed with each other in private, only to find that they were all assigned to pick up storage bags...

They are not the main force on the battlefield, but to do some chores.

"Team Korea, who do you think of us? How can we be so useless!"

Although they thought so in their hearts, no one said it. After all, the divinity was suppressed here, and it was really no luck.

After Han Chen finished speaking, he started to climb up quickly. In such a restriction, Han Chen was the only one who could resist the restriction.

Han Chen ran at twice the speed of ordinary people!

Seeing that Han Chen was at such a speed, those people were frightened and wanted to speed up their escape, but the ban on their feet became more and more serious, instead, they were a bit slower than the previous speed.

"Captain Feng Hailingxun, we will soon be caught up by the kid surnamed Han!" said the last few people.

"What are you afraid of? He must have stimulated the strength of the whole body to be able to achieve this speed. Don't worry, he will get down tired after a while!" Feng Hailing Xun reluctantly turned his head and said.

The last few people smiled bitterly.

After a while, the clansmen behind that almost shouted out, "We will be overtaken by the kid surnamed Han in one more time to stick incense!"

"What are you afraid of? Now he is at the end of the crossbow, and soon he will get tired. We are climbing now, and we are climbing, and we are comparing endurance, not explosiveness!" Feng Hailing said perfunctorily.

"No, you see that he really ran up!" The faces of those people were green.

I remembered that when I saw my two clansmen go to intercept Han Chen, they were split in half with a god-killing axe, and even their souls could not escape.

"He ran up, that's when he was exhausted, as long as you use your strength to attack him fiercely with a physical punch, you can kill him, and you can also get a big credit!" Feng Hailing Xun The head is the analysis of Tao.

The others all felt that Feng Hailingxun's suggestion was reliable. This was a tactic of waiting for work.

Those tribesmen wanted to distinguish a few words so that more people could attack Han Chen together, but a greeting came from around him.

"What, are you looking for me?"

Hearing this greeting, they turned their heads abruptly, and saw Han Chen who was still a hundred steps away. At this time, they had already come to them.

The two were so scared that they almost couldn't stand still.

He hurriedly shot, and immediately released the top-level form of the mythological form. The fist held in his hand was like a King Kong, coming towards Han Chen Lianmen.


The mythical form of the two of them just came out, and they still kept the movement of sending out their fists, and the two suddenly solidified in midair.

Then he cut in half and fell to the ground with a crash.

They only felt that their heads were dizzy, and they saw that their bodies were cut open.

Just wanted to become a soul to escape, but was immediately scorched by a string of electric arcs.

"You, can release the divinity..."

None of this sentence was complete, and the two completely disappeared from this world.


With the fall of these three people, the five people who were alone in front showed a surprised expression, because they were closest to them, and naturally knew that the three of them were not weak.

However, Han Chen killed one face.

It can be seen that Han Chen must have a problem here.

So the five people began to form a horn, divided into three groups and spread out separately. As long as Han Chen attacks one group of people, the other two groups will rush to attack Han Chen.

This is an effective defense.

Then walk the Internet step by step.

"What! What do the people behind eat? Can this Han Chen, a middle-level monk in mythical form, be unable to resist it?" Feng Hailing Xun roared frantically.

In addition, the two Honghu and Hongchang in front were as slippery as a loach. Seeing that they had the opportunity to kill the two, who knew that the two of them had gone a dozen steps further with the help of magic weapons.

To catch up again.

So Feng Hailing became more and more irritable.

This Honghu, Hongchang, is the existence of the future young patriarch of the Hong family. As long as these two people are killed, the younger generation of the Hong family will have a fault.

After dividing the Hu family with the Gu Luo clan, the next one is the Hong family.

This is also the task assigned to him by the ancestors of the Feng Hai family, and naturally he cannot fail.

"It doesn't matter, you must kill these two Hong family members first!" Feng Hailing Xun finally gave up on encircling Han Chen.

There are more than a dozen top-ranked powerhouses in mythological form behind.

It can definitely stop Han Chen, I don't believe that this little Han Chen can kill the entire Feng Hai family?

Han Chen didn't know that Feng Hailing Xun gave up the best chance of escape in order to hunt down the Hong family.

Striding forward, Han Chen didn't have time to pack the storage bags at the back, and walked toward the front step by step.

A horn formed by five people appeared in front.

Han Chen showed thoughts.

After all, there are so many five people who still need to pay attention, but you must not overturn the boat in the gutter.

"You, are you Han Chen?" one of the five people with two pony tails yelled.

"You don't deserve to know my name." Han Chen showed a weird smile.

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