All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1305: You guys really don't...

"Huh, wait you will know how powerful our Feng Hai family is!" said the ponytail girl, and took out two long braids from her hands. Although the braids were not inspired by the gods, the physical attacks on them were still terrifying. With a casual flogging, there was a feeling of space explosion in the void.

"Really?" Han Chen didn't pause at all, and walked straight up. "I don't know. Would you like to look behind you first?"

"Do you want to lie to me? What can be behind me?" Although she said so, the ponytailed woman paid attention to her behind.

I found two white lights coming from behind, and immediately wrapped the two people, and soon the white light flashed.

The two passed directly from here, and went to the door of the secret realm.

"How can these two betray their faith so quickly!" The ponytail woman shook her heart, still stubbornly cursing.

"Sister Fei, we are really not this person's opponent. I'm sorry!" The two people around us also used their divine thoughts to inspire divine souls, and immediately teleported out from here.

When the ponytail woman saw that the people had run away, she immediately turned and ran towards the upper level.

"Want to run?"

Han Chenxiemei smiled, and there was not the slightest disorder in the steps under his feet. After a few breaths, he rushed to the side of the pony-tailed woman. With quick eyes and quick hands, the knife fell with the hand and directly split the body of the man.

The eyeballs of the ponytail woman were all about to fall in surprise. After the body was destroyed, she quickly turned into a soul and wanted to run away, but was overtaken by Han Chen. With a beckon, an electric arc was emitted, and the electricity became dust.

There is no longer this world.

"Tsk tsk, there is no pity, fragrant, and no pity." Mo Xiaoyan's voice suddenly remembered in Han Chen's heart.

"This is the enemy, and being merciful to the enemy is cruel to oneself." Han Chen said without being affected.

"Someone's Dao Heart is so hard." Mo Xiaoyan added at this moment.

"Why, have you absorbed it?" Han Chen continued on the road and said.

"No, I have stabilized the situation for the time being. Next, I may be dormant for a while, so you can do it yourself. When I come out, if you die, I will avenge you." Mo Xiaoyan said awe-inspiringly.

"Hehe, if I die, you can never get out of the Stellar." Han Chen replied coldly.

"You man is so boring."

With a word, Han Chen walked Mo Xiaoyan away and continued to climb up.

When he got here, Han Chen did feel the pressure from the outside world.

It seems that the power here increases with the increase of the ladder, and the suppressing power increases.

But fortunately, Han Chen was able to replenish his divine nature at any time, and took out a jade bottle. From the jade bottle, the Ten Thousand Years Divine Liquid flowed out, and it fell into Han Chen's mouth.

The mana consumed just now was restored to its peak in an instant.

When Han Chen took out the drop of Ten Thousand Years Divine Essence, everyone in the room was stunned.

This person is too wasteful.

That's Wannian Shenye.

It was so used to swallow it raw.

What a crime.

But looking back, the opponent's mana suddenly recovered, wouldn't it be faster to kill?

Suddenly everyone in the Feng Hai family is in danger!

Some self-confidently lacking power aroused the spirit on the waist card, and the white light disappeared in a flash.

"Hey, what do you guys do, you can stop me for a while, and I can kill the two of the Hong family!" Looking at the original team of ten people, suddenly five people stimulated the spirit token to leave the secret realm.

Feng Hailing's face is very ugly.

The remaining five people were originally loyal followers of Feng Hailingxun.

But seeing that everyone around was almost gone, they were afraid of their own life and wanted to run away first.

Unfortunately, it was a step too late.

"Yes, young patriarch!" Feng Hai's family member said.

Feng Hailingxun and his tribe had been in contact with each other, and they were almost destroyed.

Feng Hailingxun also knew that he shouldn't be entangled with the two Honghu Hongchang anymore at this moment, he left and right a lot, and finally set his sights on Han Chen again.

Now Han Chen is out of breath. Obviously, Han Chen has solved their Feng Hai family members and has also consumed a lot of energy.

From the very beginning, Feng Hailing Xun was consuming Han Chen through crowd tactics. Although Han Chen was very powerful, it was now at the end of the battle.

"Look, everyone, the surname Han is out of breath!" Feng Hailing Xun encouraged everyone.

"Yes, the young patriarch is awesome!" Everyone glanced at Han Chen, and seeing Han Chen's appearance, all fools could see that Han Chen was no longer good.

"Enclose!" Following Feng Hailing's order, the five people around him gathered around Han Chen, and if they walked back, their pressure from the ban would gradually decrease.

They are only a dozen steps away from Han Chen!

As their speed increased, there were only eight steps left between steps...

"The Korean team be careful!"

"Han Chen!" Everyone in the Han Chen team looked over with concern, and Wu Yuan was even more worried with tears on her face!

"Kid Han..." Because of Han Chen's strong intervention, Feng Hailingxun, who had been chasing Honghu Hongchang, turned his spear, and is now lying limp on the ground, quickly meditating to recover.

However, one of their minds was put on Han Chen, because Han Chen took a huge risk to attract Feng Hailing Xun, and he was too many friends.

They were very moved.

Therefore, he is more concerned about Han Chen's safety.

Seeing the six people passing towards Han Chenwei, they all mentioned to their throats. It's a pity that their mana is exhausted, and they are helpless.

I could only watch Feng Hailingxun and his people continuously surrounding Han Chen.

"Haha." Although Han Chen gasped, he didn't seem to be afraid of their approach.

Still standing in the distance watching the six people coming from a distance.

"He must be bluffing, he has already killed more than ten of us! Mana must have been exhausted! Everyone rushed over!"

All kinds of Xuantian treasures without divine nature all greeted Han Chen one after another.

"Han Chen, come and die!" Feng Hailing Xun rushed to the forefront, he is sure to win the current Han Chenzhi.

It's just a middle-level mythological form!

Mana is still exhausted!

Killing him is like crushing an ant!

"Haha, let's go together." Han Chen showed a hint of contempt.

They didn't know that Han Chen could still use divinity, so Feng Hailing Xun guessed it.

If Han Chen wanted to use his divinity, he couldn't use it indefinitely, he could only use a little bit, but Han Chen had already killed ten people, and that bit of divinity was probably already used up.

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