All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1306: Withdrawal

So that's why Feng Hailingxun rushed to the forefront first!

He wanted to kill Han Chen himself, the cat and dog who embarrassed him.

Feng Hailing Xun directly inserted a trident into Han Chen's body!


It was so real that Feng Hailing Xun was going crazy.

However, with a strong mental power, he quickly realized that he was hit by a psychedelic attack on the level of mental power!

He bit the tip of his tongue and forced himself to wake up.

But when he looked up, he saw a huge shadow of axe appeared in front of his eyes, slashing it diagonally!

His body only had time to instinctively avoid the position of his pubic area and head, half of his body was split, and the entire shoulder blade was directly cut off.

The terrifying broken body staggered away, his posture was extremely ugly. Fortunately, the five people around him quickly caught Feng Hailing Xun.

"Oh, I was evaded by you." Han Chen raised his eyes and straightened his chest. He was holding a white jade bottle in his hand, where he was still tired.

"This, this is the fragrance of the Wannian Divine Liquid, I didn't expect it to be ruined like this by you! You actually have such a heaven-defying recovery treasure, and you used it at the last minute. You are so despicable, Han Chen!" Feng Hailing Xun showed a strong unwillingness.

"Young patriarch, let's retreat, quickly stimulate the soul to run!" As he said, a clansman next to him stimulated the soul card to want to retreat.

However, Feng Hailing picked it up and threw it directly towards Han Chen.

Han Chen naturally knew the truth that the trapped beast was still fighting. Seeing that the tribe was thrown as a human bomb, Han Chen didn't even look at it, and he split it in half with an ax!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) The demon tooth is twenty centimeters long!

The clansmen nearby saw Feng Hailing Xun's gesture, and they all stepped back in shock, as if they had seen a monster.

"No, don't!" The remaining four people stimulated the soul card before they were stimulated, and the eight pairs of tentacles that were born from the back by Feng Hailing Xun were all held together.

Then, without a breath, these people instantly became humans.

At this time, Han Chen couldn't help but glanced a few more times, because Feng Hailing Xun, who was unable to use the divine nature under the restriction and suppression just now, broke out a strong divine brilliance at this moment!

"No, this person is in the Advanced Eternal Realm!" At this moment, the knowledgeable Director Hu suddenly said to Han Chen.

"What, this person is too vigorous, he has advanced to the eternal realm here!"

"Here is a place of prohibition and suppression, if he can really withstand the prohibition here, then he would be considered awesome!"

"No, I don't think he wants to break through the eternal realm. He wants to attract Thunder Tribulation, so there will be a chance of escape!"

Everyone rushed into analysis.

I guessed Feng Hailing's information.

However, Feng Hailing Xun never thought that he would really attract the Seven-Color Thunder Tribulation!

This is the rarest thunder tribulation to advance to the eternal realm.

Moreover, under the suppression of the thunder robbery, he already felt the power of divinity.

"Han Chen, I am fighting for immortality today to be unable to enter the eternal realm. I will slaughter you here and kill a natural enemy for our Feng Hai family! You can no longer grow! Although you are very strong now, you are strong. Can you survive the catastrophe? Haha!"


Feng Hailing was right in the middle of the thundercloud, and the seven-colored thunder robbery was behind him. His smile at this moment was as weird as it was weird.

The half of his body that had been maimed, in the bath of Thunder Tribulation, began to repair as if returning to light.

Han Chen's gaze was slightly taken aback, and then he showed a weird smile.

"Look, Han Chen is going to be unlucky this time!" Hong Chang said, his face couldn't express anxiousness. If anyone here is the least willing to see Feng Hailing succeed in the robbery, then it must be the two brothers of Honghu and Hongchang. .

But looking at this situation, I'm afraid that Feng Hailingxun might really succeed.

"Han Chen, you must stop this Feng Hailing Xun!" Hong Hu showed a bit of book business.

"Han Chen, let's run, if we really can't fight, we can run away!"

"Yeah, we don't have to follow the guy to death. We have to avoid the other side's edge temporarily, and know how to advance and retreat!"

"We are coming to Japan for a long time, but this person may die directly in the thunder robbery. It is not worth it to fight him now! It increases our risk of falling."

Hu Jun saw that Han Chen was about to enter the inner hall to find the Birth Soul Flower, but now the gauze trash is fighting with a person who regards death as home!

"Han Chen, we still have more important tasks. Don't give up on ourselves here!" Hu Jun said more and more anxiously.

If this is the case, wouldn't it be a big loss.

"You must survive..." Wu Yuan said quietly.

"How about it, didn't you hear that your relatives and friends are urging you to run away? Run away, cowardly man!"


This Feng Hailingxun laughed wildly, the divinity aroused more and more in his hands, although the suppressing power of the prohibition was still there, it did not affect Feng Hailingxun at all.

"Since you are so stupid, then I will fulfill you and make you happy, clearly!"

Feng Hailing Xun walked towards Han Chen with the Seven Color Thunder Tribulation behind him!

Wherever it went!

Even if the Taicang Palace has restrictions, it cannot be completely resisted!

Among the first restrictions, some have already begun to be bombarded by the Seven-Colored Thunder Tribulation and turned into fragments.

"Han Chen!" Jin Pangli and Sun Xue of the Han Chen team screamed in their hearts!

It will die like this! Korean team!

But Han Chen didn't seem to wake up, his face was dull and his head was low.

It seems that he has completely lost the ability to think in the face of such a huge pressure.

"Take it to death!" Feng Hailing Xun erupted with all his own divinity, and his mythological form directly reached the peak. Under the bath of seven-color thunder tribulation, the eternal realm of King Kong was not bad!

The whole body exudes shining light.

In his hand he took out a magic weapon that looked like a treasure mirror, with a strong divinity flowing on it, and a huge divine light was inspired from the treasure mirror.

It turned into a strong light and galloped away towards Han Chen!


"Then, so many divine lights...this, this is a divine tool!" At this time, when he shouted out from Director Hu.

All the members of Han Chen's team were stunned!

Began to mourn for Han's silence!

Han Chen, run away!

Finally dying... Feng Hailing let out a cry. In this way, he can find a place to cross the Tribulation with peace of mind and achieve the eternal state, and then go back and kill the chickens one by one!

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