All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1307: Eternal Realm Advanced

Then he succeeded!

Become a veritable young patriarch!

Finally became a new generation of patriarchs, led everyone, and won the other three of the four major families!

Thinking about it, Feng Hailing couldn't help shaking.

This is so exciting.

He stared at the light stubbornly, and he had to observe it seriously, not to miss any moment when Han Chen was killed.

After all, this Han Chen is one of the strongest opponents he has encountered, ranking third.

The other two are the leading male and female of the ancient Luo clan.

It is incredible.


That divine light directly penetrated Han Chen's body!

"Ah, Han Chen!" Everyone was shocked and sad.

"Haha, die, you are finally dead! This place is still my Feng Hailingxun's world after all!" Feng Hailingxun laughed arrogantly!

"Why, you seem to be very happy!" Suddenly a very plain greeting came from the void.

"Who? Whose voice are you?"

"No, you can't be Han Chen, Han Chen has been killed by me! It has been directly destroyed by my divine tool Shuiyue Dongtian! You are not him? You are another person from hell, right, you It must be someone from the region, his soul after death, so I won't be afraid of you!"

"Haha, come on, let's kill one by one, and kill one by one."

Feng Hailingxun seemed to be mad, and roared into the air.

The others were all dumbfounded. Although they were very sad because of Han Chen's death, they still felt very happy because Feng Hailing was crazy.

Finally figured out a bad breath!

But when they were rejoicing, something more stunned happened.

I saw a cyan figure flashing out of the seven-color thunder catastrophe, and they were shuttled among the thunder catastrophe.

In this cyan light, there is also a yellow light!

The two of them crossed occasionally and separated fiercely from time to time!

But the light of the seven-color thunder tribulation is constantly decreasing!

"Are you the ghosts of Han Chen? How else would you come back and devour my seven-color thunder tribulation! Without thunder tribulation, how can I spend the eternal state!"

That Feng Hailing Xun's eyes showed a little dullness.

What he himself said, he immediately didn't believe it, how could there be human beings that could survive the seven-color thunder robbery.

I have never heard of ghosts in the Seven-Colored Thunder Tribulation!

"Hey, didn't you hear what I said? This is my thunder tribulation! I want to cross the tribulation! Without thunder tribulation, I would not be able to become the real eternal state! Hey, you stop, or I will kill you La!"

Feng Hailing was completely crazy, when did he ever see such a rampant thunder robbery.

"Shut up!" Suddenly there was such a voice from the two rays of light.

"Hey, this sound is a bit familiar." Everyone in the Han Chen team suddenly felt that Han Chen would not die so easily.

And there was the voice of a distant teammate among them.

"You, you are not ghosts at all, you are cultivators!" Feng Hailing said furiously.

I didn't expect two people here to steal their eternal realm achievements!

"Destroy the fruit of humanity, a thousand cuts!"

Feng Hailing Xun rushed in immediately, wanting to compete for the Seven Color Thunder Tribulation!

"Is this person jumping in to get lightning strikes?" Everyone in Han Chen's team is a bit magical. Is this definitely an eternal thunder disaster?

Today, so many things don't follow the routine.

They felt Han Chen's breath just now, so they determined that Han Chen was still alive.

It's just that the yellow light, who it is, they haven't thought of it for a while.

"Go away, get the thunder! Neither of us have enough thunder calamity!" The cyan light and the yellow light slap Feng Hailing together.

Taking this eternal realm physical powerhouse Feng Hailing Xun directly attacked a step back.

Stumbled to the ground.

Feng Hailing Xun looked at the sky dumbfounded.

This is still not my own thunder robbery.

What is it called, recruit thunder!

I need to be struck by lightning, okay?

These people are too much!

No, how can't these two unknown creatures steal the fruit!

Flew into the air again.

"You're so annoying!" Qing Guang and Huang Guang hit Feng Hailing Xun again, and Feng Hailing Xun fell to the ground and spit out blood.

"I haven't said enough, why are you still stealing me?" A rebuke came from the seven-color thunder robbery.

"Didn't you also secretly refine the Thunder Orbs in my Seven-Colored Thunder Tribulation? Why are you paying me back now?"

"Oh, when you crossed the Tribulation, when did I refine the Thunder Orbs! That was when an advanced and middle-level child crossed the Tribulation later, refined it!"

"I don't care. Of these four thunder tribulations, you have benefited the most, so why don't you give me a little more now."

"How can you talk like that? Anyway, I still have master and servant friendship with you..."

As the weird conversation between the two people came out, everyone smiled, and they probably guessed who it was.

Only Feng Hailingxun was directly dumbfounded.

That Honghu Hongchang was also dumbfounded. Although he didn't know what happened, the result was good for them.

So they enjoy watching the show.

As soon as Feng Hailing was about to rush forward, he saw that the seven-color thunder tribulation he had found with all his hardship had become the size of a grain of rice in the fight between the two rays of light.

There is no use value anymore.

"Look, I only refined a half-thunder bead, and in the end it was only a half-finished product!" The Qingguang said cursingly.

"You are so embarrassed to say me? Look at what the **** I have become. Why don't you understand me? I can't eat enough!"

"Can you blame me for this? Blame the man who crossed the Tribulation, the talent is too stupid, there are so few Thunder Tribulation, so short, so small!"

The two rays of light are still entangled.

"You guys, give it to me, get out!" Feng Hailing snarled angrily. He felt that the direct promotion had ended, only the physical body had entered the eternal state, and the spiritual power remained at the peak of the mythical form.

This fruit was picked abruptly by others, and the other party was still a lot dissatisfied!

"I'm going to kill you!" Feng Hailing Xun soared into the sky with his powerful eternal body!

"Look, we are both very angry, but the two of us will face each other and we will definitely suffer. How about we beat this person to death and let out our anger?" Suddenly, a person proposed to say when two rays of light entangled.

"Then it depends on who kills him first, whoever wins!"

The other ray of light immediately agreed.

Feng Hailing Xun, who was so angry that he was about to lose his sanity, heard the dialogue between the two creatures, and did not take it into consideration. He directly rushed to face the two of them, it was two to Shuiyuedongtian!


It was a bit more violent than before.

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