All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1308: Cyan and Yellow

It can be seen how angry Feng Hailingxun was after being picked from Tao Guo!

Those two huge divine lights pierced through the flesh of the two abruptly!

Feng Hailingxun wanted to laugh wildly, but he felt something was wrong, because the scene of Han Chen just now suddenly appeared before his eyes.

At this time, no matter how stupid he was, he knew who stole Dao Guo!

But it was the moment of loss of consciousness, Qing Guang and Huang Guang opened their bows left and right, pulling Feng Hai Ling Xun's left and right hands, and quickly absorbed him into a human being!

The cyan light figure flashed, and an axe smashed it down, completely skeining this person's spirit.

The yellow light stood still, his face bulging, and seemed very satisfied with the result.

I saw that white light flashed out of Feng Hailing's body and flew out immediately.

But it didn't take long to fly out before being swallowed by a big white mouth in the void.

For a moment, everyone looked at each other.

When the light of blue light and yellow light dissipated, everyone could see who these two people were.

Isn't it Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng?

I only heard Huang Mengmeng say, "You shameless!"

"What shame? Isn't it a helper? Don't you?" Han Chen said angrily. Just now when Han Chen and Feng Hailing were preparing to fight, they suddenly heard Huang Mengmeng's recovery, and Han Chen quickly communicated with Huang Mengmeng.

Han Chen looked like a wooden chicken just now, but Han Chen was using mental power to communicate with Huang Mengmeng.

Did not care about that Feng Hailing Xun.

Behind it is Huang Mengmeng who has just advanced to the top level of mythological form, and needs a lot of energy to supplement to stabilize his cultivation.

That's why this happens.

Han Chen admired Huang Mengmeng very much, and he immediately raised a level by simply retreating.

This looks too awesome.

"I..." Huang Mengmeng did not want to talk to Han Chen.

Han Chen everyone was overjoyed, and they sent messages to Han Chen, asking for safety.

The two of Honghu and Hongchang bowed to Han Chen.

Then quickly walked away.

"What's the matter with these two people?" Wu Yuan asked puzzledly.

"Now we have a team of nine people here, and the other party has only two people. The other party no longer has the conditions to cooperate with us. But just now, Honghu has copied their jade slip map to Hu Jun." Han Chen said Just explained.

When Wu Yuan heard this, she suddenly realized.

Then everyone went back on the road and walked a hundred steps before they got out of this restricted place.

As soon as they fell to the ground, they found an alchemy room here.

Everyone's heart moved, isn't it because there are many people in the alchemy room that are about to release the pill.

All of them ran separately, searching for opportunities.

However, everything here seems to have been searched out. After a circle, everyone walked out with their faces across.

"It seems that someone has already made the first step." Hu Jun said frustratedly.

"In that case, let's move on." Han Chen said.

Everyone set off again, this time when they stepped into this place, they suddenly discovered that there was a strange spiritual force that penetrated Han Chen.

Han Chen only felt that he had returned to the days when he was on earth, and once again saw those childhood friends, the earthly team, and Li Long.

However, everyone in the worldly teams died miserably, and no one even cleaned up their bones. Han Chen was shocked to see.

It made Han Chen very uncomfortable and blamed himself.

Suddenly, Han Chen angrily killed all the enemies in the world. At this time, he looked around and could no longer see a relative or a friend. Wu Yuan had also died in battle.

Han Chen felt lonely like never before.

In the end, Han Chen raised the god-killing axe that had accompanied him all his life and moved it to his head!

Suddenly Ao Bai's voice sounded in Han Chen's heart!

The powerful spiritual power seemed to directly tear Han Chen apart.

Han Chen woke up from the pain!

He looked around and was confused for a while, then said with a sigh, it turned out to be an illusion.

Although Han Chen is now a middle-level existence in the form of mythology, and his spiritual strength is not bad, every time he encounters Han Chen's soft place, Han Chen still cannot extricate himself.

That soft place is everything that happens on earth.

That is the thing that makes Han Chen feel distressed the most.

Han Chen quickly pressed down this feeling, and then found that his teammates had fallen into their own illusions.

Especially Wu Yuan, who is holding her head in pain now, she is still shouting incessantly, it seems that her mouth should be called Han Chen's name.

Han Chen looked distressed for a while, so he used Ao Bai Church's Heart-Clearing Curse to smash into Wu Yuan's head together.

Soon Wu Yuan replied, and Wu Yuan, who was sober, hugged Han Chen.

Han Chen did not speak either.

It took a long time for Han Chen to unlock everyone's environment one by one.

Everyone was sweating profusely after waking up.

"It seems that this is a fascinating formation, how come I haven't seen the records of the clansmen before." Hu Jun said with some self-blame, and some fear.

"It doesn't matter, the secret realm inside has been experienced for ten thousand years, and it will definitely change." Jin Pangli comforted.

With the connection of spiritual power in the mist, everyone sensed, and then the nine set out again.

Suddenly a giant cauldron that reached the sky suddenly appeared in front of them!

"This! It's the **** pill!"

Hu Jun screamed!

After all, this alchemy hall is the most important place in the Taicang hall. How could there be no treasures?

At this time, Han Chen found that there were other people beside the giant tripod, and reminded everyone, "Be careful, there are still people."

When he got closer, Han Chen saw that there were already a dozen people meditating next to the giant cauldron.

"Aren't these all the members of the ancient Luo clan in the complete formation?" Hu Jun exclaimed in surprise.

"The two Gu Luolan and Gu Luo Yinghao who took the lead are the young masters of this generation!" Hu Jun added.

After Hu Jun's introduction, everyone knew how powerful this team was. There were two eternal realms in charge, and twenty-eight mythological peaks exist!

At least two of them can stimulate their own cultivation base at any time to attract Seven Colored Thunder!

"These people are too strong." Jin Pangli was a little timid.

"When will Amao and Agou come in to this Taicang Palace?" Suddenly the man of the Guluo clan named Guluo Yinghao said with a tireless expression.

"It may be some lucky trash fish." The person next to him said with a secret smile.

"Miscellaneous fish must have the consciousness of miscellaneous fish, why are you strolling around here?" The ancient Luo hero smiled.

"Which miscellaneous fish are you scolding!" The hornets were hot-blooded Fang Gang, simply irritated by the opponent.

Hu Jun stopped the wasp, and then received Han Chen's instruction, he walked a few steps forward and said, "Are you waiting for the pill to be released? What pill is inside?"

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