All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1315: Siege

These mythological forms are either divine beasts or heroic souls, but they are all extremely powerful.

Then the five people walked over and surrounded the Han Chen team members. Even the Honghu and Hongchang both looked at them secretly, for fear that Han Chen's team would be directly destroyed at this time.

"All calm down." Hu Jun stopped his team members and walked ahead.

These people are all top-tier peak powers in mythological form, where are you Han Chen?

We can only run away later.

"Oh, you are the only one left in your Hu family? The first batch of people who came in before were all destroyed by our ancient Luo clan." The woman with a tattoo of a strange animal on her face was unkind. Smiled.

"Humph." Hu Jun didn't answer.

"Anyway, I'm going to die, so talk to him." A woman next to her urged, secretly looking at Gu Luolan.

"Okay! Get together!"

The five women showed their strongest forms, gathering the power of their bodies into their magic weapons or artifacts, and huge energy fluctuations radiated out, so powerful that Wu Yuan, who was in the mythological form, was shaken away.


The five shouted in unison.

At this moment, the Nine Dragon Ancient Ding in the sky exudes colorful glow, and the three-headed ancient dragon trembles, spitting out three glows.

Xiaguang escaped extremely fast, and ran to more than ten kilometers away in a few seconds.

"Don't do it, get all those Dayu Pills back to me quickly, otherwise we will delay the major event and the priest will condemn us, and we can't afford it!" Gu Luolan said suddenly.

The look is solemn.

Everyone didn't dare to defy, and stopped their movements one after another, began to pay attention to the direction of the escape of the gods, and suddenly turned into streamers and went out.

"The pill thief is dead!"

Suddenly there was a loud shout from under the Jiulong Ancient Ding, and the ancient dust fell to the ground one after another, and the three stone sculptures that were originally here slowly revealed their vicissitudes of life!

"Three eternal puppets!"

Everyone took a breath.

Especially the people of Han Chen's team feel even more incredible.

On the contrary, the Guluo clan seemed to have known this thing for a long time, and the rest of the people had set up a formation under Gu Luolan's lead, waiting for the three eternal puppets to attack.


"So fast!"

The puppet of the eternal realm turned into a streamer, and quickly chased in the direction where the three gods flew, and halfway through the joint attack of Gu Luolan and others.

However, ordinary magic weapons could not even leave a mark on them. Only when the light of the artifact was hit, would it leave a trace.

In the end, Gu Luolan and others surrounded them, and finally stopped the three eternal puppets.

The other five strong men of the mythological form of the ancient Luo clan chased after the three gods!

"Successful!" said one of the ancient Luo people.

The other two teams suddenly uttered a very weird voice, "How can this **** pill pass through the void? The connection between us is gone."

"What's the shuttle void? There must be other powerful players here. You should pay attention to it next!" Gu Luolan himself emits a faint blue light, in front of the three eternal realm puppets, it seems that it is easy to do, and there is not too much. panic.

The five people looked ashamed, and then returned to the crowd with a Dayu Pill, and quickly put the Shen Pill away in a special container.

Suddenly the three eternal puppets gave up chasing and quickly retreated in.

The Guluo clan and others also gave up blocking under Gu Luolan's command.

The five people fell to the ground with ashamed faces, then looked at Gurolan.

"After the five of you go out, go to the clan elder to receive the punishment yourself." Gu Luolan didn't say much.

"Yes!" the five said without complaining.

"The next thing is even more critical. There will be three ways to come out later, you guys are careful." Gu Luolan began to meditate after speaking.

The others became more solemn, watching their noses and hearts.

Everyone in the Han Chen team felt that this time they were lucky not to die because the Gu Ding at the Kowloon junction saved their lives.

Some people have retreated.

The two of Honghu and Hongchang didn't seem to value this divine pill at all, they just waited quietly.

"Where did you say this **** pill went?" Jin Pangli whispered.

"Don't tell me? Shuttle through the void and escaped." Hu Jun said without turning his head. Hu Jun was very nervous. Just now, he was the top-ranked powerhouse of five sturdy mythological forms.

It is impossible to say not to be afraid.

"I don't believe it." Jin Pangli muttered to himself, but at this time everyone's mind was still on Han Chen.

Han Chen is safe and they are truly safe.

"The Korean team, you must be lucky." Everyone in the Han Chen team thought so.

Wu Yuan, who knew Han Chen a little bit, knew in her heart that the so-called two gods pill shuttled away in the void, and most of them were caused by Han Chen.

So Wu Yuan was relieved when she saw the vision just now.

In this way, Han Chen is stable this time.

Wu Yuan only thought that Han Chen was forced to act helplessly, so it seemed that Han Chen had planned for a long time and wanted to fight for this Dayu Pill.

Thinking of it, I felt relieved again.

Han Chen naturally didn't know that they were thinking like this. The two **** pills were also taken away by Han Chen. Anyway, Huang Mengmeng's Void talent is so powerful, it would be too violent to use it.

Han Chen looked at the two Dayu Pills in his hand. There were two or three lines on them. They were very extraordinary. When they held them in his hands, those divinities kept emitting. Had it not been for void isolation, Han Chen would have no way to collect them. With this **** pill.

Suddenly Han Chen had an idea, so he packed the jade box with the **** pill, and then put the **** pill in the ancient cauldron.

The divinity of the **** pill was immediately covered by the cooking immortal cauldron.

Sure enough!

Han Chen finally knew why Gu Luo Yinghao would collect such a somewhat useless artifact, it turned out to be used to hold the **** pill.

Now that there was no such worries, Han Chen held his breath in mind.

Han Chen can also see the situation just now. The three puppets of the eternal realm cannot be defeated by Han Chen alone, so Han Chen should let the strong of the ancient Luo clan take the lead.

As I was thinking, I suddenly saw the Jiulong Ancient Ding flicker again, producing three rays of glow.

Three gods pill spurted out of the sunlight!

God pill shuttles away!

Han Chen immediately let Huang Mengmeng make a move!

Huang Mengmeng shot one of the **** pills, never thought that Gu Luolan suddenly shot there and controlled that **** pill in his hands.

Huang Mengmeng missed a hit and had to chase another one before he succeeded.

Because Huang Mengmeng traveled through the void, and Gu Luolan couldn't travel through the void, so she was a step slower than Huang Mengmeng.

But the last **** pill had been taken away by the ancient Luo people.

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