All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1316: Shen Dan is released

This time Han Chen only got a **** pill, and he was quite helpless, after all, there were a total of 28 people here.

However, because of Gu Luolan's action to intercept the **** pill, three of the people who dealt with the eternal realm puppets were broken, and they also paid a heavy price.

For a time the scene was a little quiet.

No one spoke.

At this time, Han Chen retreated from the void, and the whole scene was boiling.

"Team Han!" everyone in Team Han Chen couldn't help cheering.

The appearance of Han Chen only showed one problem, that is, the deputy captain of the ancient Luo clan was dead!

At this time Han Chen's team was naturally surprised!

Even the eyes of Honghu and Hongchang flashed with a trace of jealousy, which was quite unpleasant. The reason why they chose Han Chen to cooperate is because Han Chen is weak now, but they did not expect that Han Chen could kill Gu. Luo Yinghao!

The opponent's strength is obviously much higher than what it currently shows, which is a blessing or a curse for the two brothers.

Everyone of the Gu Luo clan was glaring at Han Chen. They couldn't feel the breath of the Gu Luo hero just now. They were obviously beheaded by Han Chen.

So Han Chen became their biggest enemy.

"Give me peace, we will deal with this matter later, the most important thing at the moment is to keep the remaining four **** pills." Gu Luolan yelled.

Gu Luolan was very helpless. He didn't expect that this Han Chen turned out to be a pig and eat a tiger, so he could cross the border and kill the hero.

In this way, the strongest ancient Luo clan immediately weakened, and they did not dare to attack Han Chen casually.

On the one hand, the **** pill is about to be released, and on the other hand, the strength of Han Chen is really hard to guess.

Can't treat Han Chen simply as an eternal realm powerhouse.

As a result, Han Chen's team is still in a weak position, and now it is directly stronger. Looking at Han Chen's appearance, he will never let go of this **** pill.

I don't know if the three disappeared gods have something to do with Han Chen.

But if he is Han Chen and has a chance to compete for the **** pill, he will definitely compete, and he must hide and compete at the most critical time.

But Han Chen suddenly appeared, and it was not in line with some guesses. I don't know what Han Chen was thinking.

The breath of everyone converged.

But the eyes they looked at Han Chen wanted to kill Han Chen.

When Han Chen saw that the other party didn't make a move, he couldn't find an excuse to make a move.

Han Chen thought, Gu Luolan went directly to grab the pill. He hid in the dark and couldn't make a move. It would be better to show up directly, stop Gu Luolan, and let Huang Mengmeng secretly take the pill. Relax.

Everyone sighed.

"Team Korea, are we really going to fight for the **** pill?" Jin Pangli conveyed to Han Chen.

"Don't you want it?" Han Chen said suddenly.

"Ah, my Korean team! Mighty!" Jin Pangli shouted.

In addition, Sun Xue also asked whether to compete for the **** pill.

Han Chen simply gave everyone a message, telling them to be ready to fight for the **** pill.

Han Chen had already drunk the Ten Thousand Years Spirit Liquid in the void, so the state was full, and now he was just meditating.

After about an incense stick time, the Nine Dragon Ancient Ding vibrated again, spewing out a lot of glow, and four ancient dragons raised their heads, preparing to spray out the Shen Dan in their mouths.

The Han Chen team and the Guluo clan are all ready to do it.

Gu Luolan didn't move much, just looking at Han Chen.

Han Chen gave a wry smile, and it was true that Gu Luolan had become extremely cautious since the death of the hero.

Of course Han Chen knew what it meant, and he didn't do anything, just staring at Gurolan.

Gu Luolan arranged his subordinates, and Han Chen arranged Huang Mengmeng, Ao Bai and others.

Only Mo Xiaoyan's devilish energy was too heavy, and Han Chen didn't dare to expose, the rest of the things that could be used were already arranged.

It's up to them next.


During the confrontation, the four dragons spewed four colorful glows at the same time.

"The pill thief is dead!"

At the same time, the people of the Guluo clan turned into four streamers to catch up, and Han Chen team also rushed towards one of the gods.

Afterwards, four eternal puppets moved under the ancient cauldron, rushing over aggressively.

Han Chen looked at the scene in front of him without moving his expression.

The first that the four eternal realm puppets attacked was the Guluo people nearby. They got too close and had to step forward to deal with the four puppets.

Looking at the chaotic scene around Gu Luolan, especially the remaining ten people beaten up by the four puppets, he became more anxious.

If he shot himself, Han Chen would definitely follow him.

"Doesn't fellow Daoist want the **** pill? Why didn't I see you make a move?" Han Chen asked knowingly.

"Why didn't I see you make a move? After all, your subordinates are just some low-level mythological forms. They are likely to be sacrificed in the battle." Gu Luolan rarely said so much.

It really gave Han Chen face.

"Hehe, they have their own chance." Han Chen replied calmly, anyway, it is not Han Chen who is anxious now.

Suddenly four or five streamers flew back to Gurolan.

"How?" Gu Luolan asked, only paying attention to Han Chen just now, and not paying too much attention to the battle for the gods over there.

"Please punish us, the captain!" All five of them were silent.

"What? What happened?" Gu Luolan became furious.

"All three of our divine pills were taken away by the strange creatures in the void, and the strange creatures attacked us behind the scenes while we were not paying attention!" The five said in a vague voice.

"What, there are other creatures?" Gu Luolan was silent. He paid too much attention to Han Chen just now to relax his detection of the void.

"I don't know, he all passed through the void directly." Everyone replied.


Gu Luolan stared at Han Chen, "It seems you did a good thing!"

"What if it's me, what if it's not me." Han Chen was not afraid.

"Hmph, with a friendly and big hand, let your subordinates be used as bait to attract our attention, and then let the old ghost behind you, take advantage of our Gu Luo clan's slack time, engage in sneak attacks, and let you get three at once. God pill!"

Gu Luolan became more and more angry with his words, the ice sculpture face that remained unchanged for thousands of years, at this time also showed a strong anger.

"You can't say that, because I didn't only get three, I got four." Han Chen said madly.

"What?" Gu Luolan screamed!

The people who looked at their side ran back hurriedly, looking at their faces, it is probably not.

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