All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1317: Chase

"Report the young patriarch, we didn't get the **** pill!" the person who came back said.

"The **** pill has been obtained by this kid. You will catch this kid for me. I will search for his soul and take the **** pill back!" Gu Luolan waved his sleeve, and thousands of weapons appeared on it.

Exuding a strong divinity, even the people beside him couldn't help but want to take a few steps away.

His young patriarch is really angry!

When everyone heard what the young patriarch said, they took out their magic weapons and madly attacked Han Chen. Han Chen faced the existence of the twelve mythological peaks at the same time, and did not dare to care about the gods in his hands. The axe was taken out and part of the attack was blocked.

Han Chen showed a calm look, which completely angered the ancient Luo clan. Several gods greeted Han Chen's body, and Han Chen had to turn around to resist.

Floating away again.

"Form a three-person team to surround Han Chen." Gurolan waved angrily, sealing the entire space.

"Tianyue locks the air!"

A divine light spurted from Gu Luolan's forehead, and a huge moon wheel faintly appeared behind it, which exudes endless brilliance!

The diffuse brilliance soon blocked the entire space.

"Yes again!" Han Chen's eyes flickered, what exactly is the origin of this ancient Luo clan, and why can he always open the Daewoo-class self-space ahead of time.

"What did you mean by that sentence?" Gu Luolan seemed very keen, and he could see it quickly from Han Chen's eyes.

"It's very simple," Han Chen showed a smile, "Gu Luo Yinghao also used such a trick."

"Huh, how can his dog-tailed ermine work compare to mine!"

While speaking, Gu Luolan completely opened up his mythological form. Under the blessing of the eternal realm, the mythological form appeared extraordinarily solid, and because of the expansion of this moonlight space, unparalleled power spread.

Han Chen showed a touch of helplessness.

The twelve black gold wings flickered out, and a nine-star chain appeared on it, and he held the God Killing Axe tightly in his hand!

This Gu Luolan in front of him is really not easy at all.

Right now Ao Bai had nothing to hide in the void, and Huang Mengmeng went directly into the divine pill furnace, and no one could help him.

Han Chen couldn't guarantee that he could defeat Gurolan, the opponent showed too much strength.

"Get out of the way! I have closed the void. It is impossible for anyone here to contact the Soul Token! If you don't want to die, just kill Han Chen with me! Otherwise, it will be resolved at the time. With Han Chen, don’t blame me after the fall!"

Na Gu Luolan suddenly spoke to the people around him, including the Han Chen team, even if Na Honghu Hongchang heard it.

The Han Chen team flew over angrily and stood behind Han Chen, showing their position.

Na Honghu Hongchang obviously didn't help each other.

Gu Luolan looked in his eyes.


With an order, the twenty-seven top-ranked peak powers of the mythical form surrounded Han Chen, showing amazing attack skills!

The huge divine power stirred a powerful magic weapon and slammed into the Han Chen team!

"Hu Jun, you lead the team and disperse with me!"

As soon as Han Chen said, he ran in one direction forcibly, breaking through the void, blocking the seven or eight top-ranking powerhouses, and flew out from it.

"Let Han Chen run, you will all concentrate your energy to kill the remaining people!" Gu Luolan was also unusually decisive.

As a result, Han Chen's dispersion strategy was immediately invalid, and Han Chen had to turn back, but at this time, because there was no help from Huang Mengmeng, Han Chen was very stuck in the fight.

There are too many people, and there is no space forcibly separating them, so Han Chen can't use his fists at all.

Although the opponent couldn't hurt Han Chen, the rest of Han Chen's team was already at stake.

Han Chen had to free his hands to help them.

Especially Wu Yuan, the fake jade pendant on Wu Yuan's body was attacked so that it was divinely disintegrated and basically useless.

His own divine power has also been exhausted, and when Han Chen arrived, he forcibly opened the top-tier and pinnacle powerhouses.

Hu Jun over there was also besieged by three strong men, it was in tatters!

The rest of the Han Chen team members are even more unbearable. There was a big gap between them and the Guluo clan, and the number of each other was several times that of their own.

Suddenly it's at stake!

The three people led by Hu Jun fell, and Zhao Feiwu only escaped, and Han Chen received it in the box.

The decline was obvious for a while.

Na Honghu Hongchang was also ready to move at this time, wanting to take the last chance to join the army of encircling Han Chen.

"Giving them the last blow, they dare to grab food!"

Gu Luolan's rules of heaven and earth fell down once again, and any skills that were unsuitable to Moonlight's divine nature reduced his ability.

Following the orders of Gu Luolan, more than 20 top-tier and peak powerhouses in mythological form inspire magical light toward Han Chen!

Colorful for a time!

Han Chen had to stand in front of everyone!

"Han Chen!" Hu Jun fell to the ground and looked at Han Chen in front of him. He was so helpless, he blamed them for their low cultivation level and couldn't help at all.

"Team Korea!" Although Jin Pangli and the others weren't beaten out of their bodies, their divinities were shining and they could not stop the opponent. Now that they saw Han Chen had to stand in front of them, they felt very uncomfortable.

I can't wait for everyone to learn Zhao Feiwu's abandonment of the flesh!

Wu Yuan was extremely uncomfortable.

Honghu and Hongchang didn't hesitate anymore, and rushed to Han Chen after knowing it. Although it was very small, it represented the attitude of both sides.

"Haha, you are finally dead! Return the **** pill you grabbed to us!" Gu Luolan showed a sneer.

That piece of white light burst, blasting that piece of space into pieces.

Gu Luolan didn't pay attention to the people anymore, but asked them to quickly search for the **** pill. She dared not revoke her Moonlight Space, for fear that some of them would escape.

After a while, everyone sent out came back to report.

"Report, we did not find the souls of those people!"

"What? Where's the storage bag?" Gu Luolan showed disbelief.

"Neither did you see it." Everyone looked at each other and replied.

At this moment, the space trembled suddenly, everyone raised their eyes and saw a colorful light flying towards them.

"Hurry up and open the shield!" Gu Luolan glanced at the colorful light, his eyes jumped!

The feeling of deja vu!

How could it be a colorful thunder robbery!

Everyone was able to release their shields, and the huge colorful light spread out from the middle, shattering the void.


A loud noise exploded from there.

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