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Chapter 1338: Hu's attitude changed...

Chapter 1338 The Hu Family's Attitude Change

"What! Their aura is so powerful, they have the peak cultivation base of the late eternal stage. The cultivation base will not deceive!" Jin Pangli was also surprised inexplicably.

"Indeed, they can completely imitate the cultivation base and aura of the three ancestors. However, I just came over from an eternal mid-level powerhouse to search for the soul, only to find that all this is their strategy." Han Chen revealed a trace. Smile.

"What strategy?" Everyone was puzzled.

Only then did Han Chen tell the news that Soul Search had learned, "The three ancestors conspired to divide the Hu family. These three ancestors were only used to confuse the Hu family ancestors. The Hu family ancestors who used to contain the secret exit, and then three A real ancestor has completely washed the Hu family's clan land. Now the Hu family has rushed back, and later they will encounter an ambush from the three families."

"It's really insidious..." said the Hornet, and the others were silent.

"This Hu family..." Although everyone was a little gloating, in general, they still had a slight resentment towards this intriguing life.


Compared to Han Chen and their calmness, the Hu family is already noisy.

"This information is so true, there must be no fake." Hu Bai explained to Hu Jun.

"My wife and children..." Suddenly this desolate cry was heard all over the Hu family.

"Now that the three families are divided into Hu's family, what should I do!" Hu Bai frowned.

"Hmph, since they dare to attack us, we also rushed back to protect our clan and people!" The Hu family ancestor next to him showed deep pain and self-blame.

"Yes, kill back to the Hu family! Save my family!" For a while, murderous aura filled the entire Hu family formation.

"Then let's hurry up!" Hu Bai commanded.

With this momentum, even if the three families attacked their Hu family together, it would definitely not make their lives easier.

"Old ancestor..." Suddenly Hu Jun's exclamation came from behind. Hu Bai turned his head and glanced at the ancestor faint and dizzy, as if he was about to suffer from the pain.

"I'm going to retreat for a short while, and now everyone hurries back, I will stabilize my cultivation in the cave!" The ancestor left an incarnation and rushed into the cave.

Hu Bai and Hu Jun were so distraught that they retired.

"Hu Jun, you go and invite Han Chen. Although our Hu family is sorry for them, I believe they will not die at this time." Hu Bai said sadly. Once Han Chen was besieged by three families, they Hu family saw their death. Not saved.

Putting yourself in the situation, now that the Hu family is in trouble, Han Chen doesn't make a move, and it makes sense.

"I..." Hu Jun showed a daze on his face.

"This is the overall situation of life and death, what is there to worry about!" Hu Bai shouted.

Hu Jun was startled, secretly thinking that he was too stupid.

He said that it was too late, and he hurriedly set off. Suddenly Hu Bai drank Hu Jun behind him, took off a giant belt from his waist, and took it to Hu Jun.

"Father, this..." Hu Jun was shocked. This giant belt was obtained from the giants. It was made with the blood of the giants. It can inspire the blood of the giants and become a monstrous giant in eternity. The physical strength can also be raised to a new level by using the environment.

"We were really sorry for what we did before, Han Chen, if Han Chen can get rid of the previous suspicions, you will give him this belt in exchange for the Han Chen team's shot." Hu Bai said resolutely in his heart.

Hu Jun was not allowed to speak, and Hu Bai continued, "Let’s go ahead and follow along later."

"Yes!" Hu Jun flew over to Han Chen without saying a word.

Seeing Hu Jun flying away, Hu Bai felt a little more at ease. He only has this blood, I hope Han Chen can understand what Hu Bai means.

We must know that the Hu family was originally the last of the three families. Now how can the whole family compete with the three families?

Hu Bai still couldn't understand the meaning of the ancestor's insistence on leading the whole family to fight with the enemy.

Maybe don't have deep meaning?

Hu Bai can only do his best to protect his last bloodline.

Han Chen and the others had no opponents at this time, and they were very leisurely until the Hu Jun returned and yelled loudly, "The Korean team save our people!"

"Hu Jun, you still have a face to come, why didn't you help us just now?" The Hornet said viciously.

Stopped him in front early.

"Let him come over." Han Chen sighed, all that should have come.

"Aren't you in a hurry to follow your Hu Family Brigade? Don't rush to reincarnate?" Jin Pangli said sarcastically.

"What do you mean?" Hu Jun was indeed ashamed, but Jin Pangli's sarcasm completely angered Hu Jun.

Suddenly, I felt extremely wronged.

"Don't you know? Let me tell you, didn't you Hu family rush to the clan land? In fact, the three ancestors have already laid a net and killed you halfway. You are waiting to die." Jin Pang Lijiang said what he had just heard from Han Chen.

"What, if that's the case, why didn't you tell us earlier? My Hu family is over!" Why did Hu Jun take care of asking Han Chen at this time? He has to quickly inform Hu Bai and his own clan talent line and expose the three families. Conspiracy.

Hu Jun flew out in a hurry.

Suddenly the figure of Han Chen appeared in front of him.

"Team Korea, what do you mean? We, the Hu family, were really sorry for you just now, but you don't have to push our whole clan into the fire pit. I will do it to you when you are in this way!" Hu Jun was anxious. To the lives of more than a hundred people.

"Hey," Han Chen sighed, "You don't understand what your father means."

"What?" Hu Jun looked at the giant belt in his hand.

"Why doesn't your father know that he will go to death? Even if there is no halfway resistance, how can your Hu family deal with the other three?" Han Chen said after hesitating.

"Impossible. Hu Bai already knew that you were going to die, but your ancestors did not have clear instructions. Do you know why? Because their relatives are in the family land, if you don't go back, the team will fall apart sooner or later. . And Hu Bai knew it, but couldn't stop this tragedy from happening." Han Chen showed his compassion.

"But our family has Birth Soul Grass, and we can have the second eternal peak powerhouse!" Hu Jun shouted wildly.

"Haha, it's useless, even if you can really cultivate a second eternal peak powerhouse, it will already be decades later." Han Chen gave the other party a bucket of ice water.

Hu Jun was cold from head to tail. "What do you mean, the ancestor deliberately sent our people as bait in exchange for the time he needs?"

"You are very smart, and what your father really meant was to let me help him save the last trace of your Hu family's blood." Han Chen let out a sigh of relief and finally said what Hu Bai thought.

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