All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1339: Priest adult

Chapter 1339: Lord Priest

Pity the parents of the world.

After Han Chen finished speaking, no one said anything. This is a sad story, but also a tragic story.

An ancestor who betrayed the whole clan, and a father who betrayed the whole clan.

Both of them have the consciousness to sacrifice for the whole people, but the whole people have no right to choose whether to sacrifice.

Hu Jun burst into tears, and his heart was mixed.

Bitterness, sorrow, anger, ridicule, self-pity.

He has never wanted power for a moment like he is today.

After a long time, Hu Jun suddenly knelt on his knees, raised his eyes, looked at Han Chen and said, "I, Hu Jun, must not watch all the Hu family members go to death! I hope that the Korean team will catch up with the Hu family's team with me. , And then save as many as you can! Except for this giant belt, I am willing to sell me as a slave and serve you all my life!"

"How do you know if I am capable of helping you? I have to face the ancestors of the three families!" Han Chen sighed a long time later.

"Since the Korean team can slaughter the three mid-eternal elders so easily, they must be able to compete with that eternal top-tier peak power!" Hu Jun nodded and said.

"Brother Hu, get up quickly. Since you believe me, how could I fail you, but I accept your father's task to save your life. Now you have to go to the battlefield by yourself, and I can only protect you if I can. Fate. After all, facing the three top-tier peak powers of the Eternal Realm, I may not be sure. Let alone become my servant."

Han Chen raised his hand and helped Hu Jun up. Hu Jun was only at the top of his mythological form, and naturally he could not resist Han Chen's divinity.

"That's OK, thank you very much." Hu Jun had to stand up, tears in his eyes finally welled up.

Han Chen and the others did not laugh, Han Chen took out the flying boat and let everyone sit on it.

Although Han Chen has a stellar device, it is faster, but how can Han Chen easily take out such a cross-border treasure.

The flying boat turned into a streamer and left such a ruin place.


On the only way to the Hu family, monks with yellow, blue and white clothes lie in wait on both sides of the body.

There is a hidden cave behind this monk, blocking the mental exploration, and outsiders don't know what is being discussed inside.

In this hidden cave, the white-robed old man sitting at the top was the old ancestor Gu Luo Fanxuan.

Sitting on the left and right are Hong Xuantian, the ancestor of the Hong family, and Feng Haixiaotian, the ancestor of Feng Hai.

The three of them have already divided all the materials and magic weapons collected from the Hu family land just now. At this time, they are intensively planning to wipe out the Hu family members.

"They will definitely pass here." The Hong family ancestor added.

"Huh, it's uncomfortable to see the smug look of the Hu family." Feng Hai Xiaotian said.

Just after speaking, a white light flew in from outside.

"What's the matter?" everyone asked anxiously.

"It's a priest! It is said that we will visit Tianyuan City in a few days." There was a difference on the face of Old Ancestor Gu Luo.

"How could the priest suddenly come to our Tianyuan City? The Yuzhang God Realm is so big, is the priest very leisurely?" The Hong Family ancestor said weirdly.

"Hmph, what do you know, don't arrogantly judge the priest, the priest is responsible for monitoring the God's Domain of Yuanchang, and there is at least a chance that the words you just said will be heard by the priest." Old Ancestor Gu Luo said nervously.

At this time, the other two men said nothing more.

"This time the priest came here, I'm afraid it's because of the issue of tribute. The divine stones and divine essence pills in our Tianyuan City are decreasing year by year. It is estimated that the above has already been intolerable. However, there is a certain chance that it is due to the battle between the Hehuan League and the God Realm League. The Hehuan League is also about to move recently. After we sorted out the Hu family's affairs, we quickly paid the Hu family's annual tribute. This way, the priest will not clean us innocently."

The ancestors of the ancient Luo are all the best analysis.

The rest of the people also recognized the ancestor's analysis and promised to hand in some of the resources they competed for from the Hu family.

The three of them continued to plot, and suddenly a white light flew in. Old Ancestor Gu Luo crushed the white light and pondered for a while before he said, "Come on! As long as this battle is won, then Tianyuan City will belong to the three of us! "

"Okay, let's go!" Gu Luo ancestor gave an order, and the other two ancestors rushed to lead their respective clans to ambush on both sides.

Within a few breaths, a monk wearing a big red dress appeared in front of him, and he knew it was from the Hu family.

When the Hu family members hurriedly marched over, Old Ancestor Gu Luo shouted, "Do it!"

In an instant, magic weapons or light from the sky flew around, falling on the body of the Hu family member and exploding several flowers.

"Enemy attack!"

"We are in ambush!" The Hu family was in a panic for a while.

Hu Bai was the first to resist the first magic weapon attack of the monk in front of him, and he had time to turn around and observe the surrounding situation.

I found that there were enemies on both sides of my team!

My heart was suddenly very sad, I only hope that the ancestors at this time can come forward to turn the tide.

But when Hu Bai sent the message to the ancestors of the Hu family, he didn't get the slightest response.

"Is the ancestor at a critical juncture in retreat?" Hu Bai's face was extremely ugly, and the cave mansion showed no sign of opening.

"The whole team was scattered, and every ten people were in a group, and they did their best to resist the attack. The ancestor quickly left the barrier and led everyone to kill the Hui people!"

Following Hu Bai's command, the remaining 80 or so clansmen formed a certain degree of resistance, but the opponent's firepower was too fierce.

And their three ancestors haven't done anything yet, but the Hu family's clansmen are already crushed.

Hu Bai's face was bloody, his hair was scorched, and he was immediately stretched when he commanded the defeated soldiers.

When Hu Bai looked up, he saw the three ancestors flying above them together.

"Hu Bai, where is your ancestor!" asked the leading ancestor of Gu Luo.

"Hmph, our ancestors are preparing a big killer move, waiting for you to go to the snare." Hu Bai said stubbornly, even if he died, he would not tell them that the ancestors are still in retreat.

"Oh, it's really interesting to hide in Xuantian Cave Mansion," Gu Luo ancestor suddenly raised his voice and roared, "Hu Family Patriarch Tortoise, hide in Xuantian Cave Mansion as a tortoise!"

"Look at us not to break your turtle shell!" As he said, the ancestor Feng Hai set off a huge wave, forming eight dragons, with great momentum, the vortex floating above the eight-headed sea dragon, swallowing a lot of sea water. .

The terrible shock wave rushed away fiercely, the Hu family team.

The storage bracelet in Hu Bai's hand didn't listen to the call at all, and flew directly in front of Old Ancestor Gu Luo. Old Ancestor Gu Luo didn't even look at it.

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