All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1347: Hu family treasure

"If this is the case, then I promise you. Let's go." Han Chen not only praised Hu Jun for his ability to bend and bend.

The most important thing at the moment is to have the strength that can match the ancestors of the four major families, and other techniques such as keeping secrets are secondary.

Han Chen considered for a while to continue searching for other people, or go to the Hu family land. But in the end, Han Chen chose to go to the Hu family land. Wu Yuan had Sun Xue, Jin Pangli and others over there. The main problem is that Han Chen didn't dare to search for them without news.

Han Chen took out the flying boat at the moment, and the three of them took the flying boat together.

Hu Jun continued to meditate and rest, and Han Chen also prepared to go to Ding to rest for a while.

Suddenly, there was a movement in his heart, and the hornet was awake and let the hornet out. The hornet overflowed, and Hu Jun could not continue to meditate at the moment.

"Director Hu, you just ran here without saying a word, and I'll give you a break. If you break off, you'll be separated from Wu Yuan's sister-in-law. Now Han Chen is very anxious." Said.

Hu Mingmei heard the Hortou bee calling his sister-in-law and Han Chen was anxious, only to realize that Han Chen had already had a Taoist companion at such a young age. She was in a panic and her face flushed.

"I was wrong this time, and it hurt everyone." Hu Jun was very guilty in his heart and quickly apologized. Did not notice Hu Mingmei's change.

"You don't need to apologize. You can work hard to find out the news about your sister-in-law and give it to me and the Korean team." The Hornet is not an unreasonable person.

Especially when Hu Mingmei blushed at her, she thought that the other person had a good impression of herself.

I felt very happy immediately.

Han Chen smiled and said nothing.

All the way into the Hu family land smoothly, the sacred mountains here all fell from the void, the mountain gate was shattered, and the mountain protection formation had long since turned into nothingness.

There were corpses all over the ground, most of them belonged to the Hu family, and everyone was silent in agreement.

The reason why there are so few people here, even the Hu family land has been captured, and even the people stationed there are very few, and the cultivation base is below the eternal state, Han Chen has solved the problem.

It seems that the Hehuan League is aggressive, which puts pressure on the remaining three families.

Under the guidance of Hu Jun, went straight to the treasure place of Hu family land.

"Since it's in the hidden treasure place, it would have been raided long ago." The Hornet said in a daze.

"No, here is the treasure of our Hu family, which ordinary people can't find. It is not our painter's Duobaozhai." Hu Jun explained.

Looking at the people around, Hu Jun and Hu Mingmei didn't want to say a word.

Not long after I saw the shabby body, a sign floated over and it said Hu Laidian.

"This is the cave house where our ancestors practiced. The place below the cave house is close to the center of the earth, which is the place where our Hu family's treasure is hidden." Hu Jun sighed and started his hand where he found this brand.

Since the passage has been destroyed, they can only rely on the earth escape technique of each person to walk underneath.

As a result, the speed is much slower.

The four quickly sank to the edge of the center of the earth.

Suddenly, Ao Bai reminded Han Chen in Han Chen's heart to pay attention to hiding.

"There is a situation." Han Chen suddenly said to the three.

"No, I can't feel it." Hu Jun blurted out, but his heart moved. Could it be that Han Chen's mental power is much stronger than himself?

After that, Hu Jun stopped insisting and gave priority to Han Chen.

So Han Chen asked the Void Elves to hide the four of them in the void.

Following the flight of the void, Han Chen and the other four saw a cave near the center of the earth, which was full of chaotic fire attributes.

They suddenly saw two people walking out of the flames, obviously using the flame summoning technique of the earth dragon clan.

The two who came out wore black robes and looked like members of the Tulong clan.

They walked a few steps and stopped, seeming to be transmitting to someone, and then confirmed the direction again.

Walking out of this passage, the front suddenly opened up and saw a large palace building.

Han Chen couldn't help asking, "Why is there such a big palace under your Hu family?"

Hu Jun couldn't answer either. He had never been here before. It was only when his father, Hu Bai, was dying that he told him the secret place of the treasure.

"Team Korea, do these two people resemble the Tulong clan we met?" The Hornet asked curiously.

"Yes, and they will use the iconic fire summoning technique. Obviously their Tulong clan can't be wrong. But the cultivation base of these two people is the middle-level eternal realm. It is slightly different from the Tulong clan we know. The same. I remember that the patriarch of their Tulong clan is only in the late stage of the mythological form." Han Chen communicated with Hornets.

But Han Chen didn't figure out the situation.

Not to mention Hu Jun and Hu Mingmei.

The four once again noticed that the two of the Tulong clan entered the main hall, and they bent over towards the high seat of the main hall.

At this time, Han Chen and the others noticed that there were still people on the main hall!

They followed their gazes, suddenly dumbfounded.

I saw a man in a big red robe sitting proudly on the seat of the dark main hall, and the man looked at the two of them eagerly.

"See the ambassador!" said the two Tulong clan.

"When will the lord come over? He has promised to let our Hu family be the first of the four big families!" said the man on the seat of the main hall.

"There is no problem. As long as the leader kills all the other three ancestors, and your Hu family obtains the birth soul grass, as long as your patriarch recovers, won't you become the new Tianyuan City City Lord?" The dragon people replied neither humble nor humble.

"Huh! Although I got the soul grass and gave it to our patriarch, he is still very unstable. I still need to use the power of your Hehuan Alliance. You should attack the city as soon as possible. I and you should join in and out. This city It doesn't take ten days to attack it." The man in the main hall seat shook his red robe.

"After it's done, don't forget to promise to find one million monks for our Hehuan League to test new poison for our Hehuan League." Two Tulong people laughed.

"Since I promised you, I will definitely do it. Hu will never break my promise. At the same time, I am also a person who will never give up until I reach my goal. I hope you will cooperate with you." The red-robed man said rebelliously.

"That is necessary, but I heard that in order to rescue your patriarch in the first place, you have abandoned the remaining clansmen as bait." The Tulong male said.

"Huh, do you want to die? Don't care about my affairs. I am all gambled to win the first family in Tianyuan City. Although the Hehuan League prohibits killing, I will not be soft." The red robe man was angry. roll.

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