All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1348: Betrayal of the Earth Dragon

"Understand, Lord Mengshi, we are just sick and pity you." The two of the Tulong clan sighed again.

"Oh, how do you say?" the man in the red robe asked.

"Five years ago, our Tulong tribe encountered a man from Tianyuan City surnamed Han, who abolished all the high-level cultivation bases of our Tulong tribe, and stole our Tulong clan's secret treasures, so that our Tulong tribe was almost destroyed. This made us completely fall to the Hehuan League." The two Tulong clan gritted their teeth.

Hearing this, Han Chen showed a weird expression, just as the Hornet also looked up at Han Chen, and the two smiled bitterly at each other.

However, judging from the content of the three people's conversations, the man in the red robe was the ancestor of the Hu family. Looking at Hu Jun, his eyes were already red at this time.

Especially to say that the Hu family members are insignificant, which is even more infuriating.

"It seems that something extraordinary has happened here. The ancestors of the Hu family have colluded with the Hehuan League," said the Hornet.

"Well, yes, but looking at their conversation, they didn't know that the priest of Heavenly Court had come down to inspect. If something happened, I'm afraid the priest would not let it go." Han Chen said after hesitated. .

"Hey, I really didn't expect our Hu family ancestors to become like this." Hu Jun and Hu Mingmei's faces were blue and white.

"These are not important now, the most important thing is to prevent the Hehuan League from swallowing the Tianyuan City of the Gods Domain Alliance within ten days! Otherwise, the high-level blame will be blamed, and all of your four big families will bear the blame." Han Chen said with a smile.

Then Han Chen turned his head and asked Hu Jun, "Are you righteously exterminating your relatives, or are you agreeing with each other, or even hiding them?"

Hu Jun was silent. Obviously unwilling to answer this question.

If you helped your ancestor, it would be against your own wishes. It's really a dilemma.

Han Chen didn't say a word, this kind of time must be waiting for him to think about it.

There was some silence for a while and no one spoke.

In the hall, they are still discussing the details of internal and external cooperation.

Suddenly the two Tulong clan asked, "I heard that your Hu family is a branch of the ancient giant clan. I don't know if there is news about the giant clan?"

"Aren't you still a vassal branch of the Dragon Clan? Is there news from the Dragon Clan?" Hu Shiqing, the ancestor of the Hu family, sneered.

"Haha, we passed." The two Tulong clan beat a haha ​​and continued, "Since you are in charge of the Guards, you should know these two casual repairs, right?"

The people talking about the Tulong clan turned out a portrait out of thin air.

The portrait looks like Han Chen and Jin Pangli.

"The cultivation of these two people is just a mythical form. How can I remember it? But this appearance called Han Chen has some influence..." Hu Shiqing, the ancestor of the Hu family, fell into memory, and suddenly he added, "I remember. Now, this Han Chen went into the secret realm with people from the four major families, and found the Soul Birthweed for our Hu family. Could it be this person who destroyed the high level of your Tulong clan?"

"Yes, you have a good relationship with him?" The Tulong clan said with a slight change of expression.

"It's just a transaction." Hu Shiqing replied coldly.

"Hmph, as long as there is news from this person, our Tulong clan is willing to teach you the fire summoning technique!" The two of the Tulong clan said after discussing it.

"What, are you willing to exchange it with summon flames?" Hu Shiqing was visibly stunned.

You must know that the fire summoning technique of the Tulong clan is a true spirit summoning technique, which is the same as their giant technique, and it has a certain chance to communicate with the true spirit.

This shows the high value of these secret techniques.

"How about, do you have any news?" said the Tulong clan.

"Hey, this person is not just your Tulong clan looking for, right?" Hu Shiqing knew the secret of Summoning Flame, how could he not know the value at this time.

Just a Han Chen would never do this.

"Hmph, it’s okay to tell you that our Hehuan League at the border was destroyed by Han Chen, and one of the Demon Lords was stolen. You know that if we let the outsiders know that our Hehuan League dared to hit the Demon’s attention, the next time The clan cross-border battle is very likely to be targeted." The Tulong clan replied after thinking about it.

"Tsk tsk, Hehuan League is really not afraid of death. But your Hehuan League is inextricably related to the Demon Race, so why conceal it at this time." Hu Shiqing chuckled, but did not continue to answer.

"Hmph, don't forget, you have to rely on our Hehuan League to rule Tianyuan City!" The two were obviously dissatisfied with Hu Shiqing's answer.

"To tell you the truth, Han Chen was indeed with our Hu family before, but he was already annihilated by the three families with my stupid clansmen! You know, the ancestors of the three major families all appeared at that time!" Hu Shiqing Jiejie The strange smile, I don't know if it is hiding the craziness in his mind.

He was the one who used the tribe as bait to seek the resuscitation of the patriarch.

"Our Hu family will rule Tianyuan City sooner or later!" Hu Shiqing said firmly in his heart again.

"In that case, the two of us should also go back to our lives first." The Tulong clan left.

Hu Shiqing sat on the huge throne for a while, then turned into black smoke and disappeared.

"Let's go out, find the secret treasure and leave." The hornet said impatiently.

"Hold on." Han Chen stopped the three of them.

They looked intently, and sure enough, there was another black shadow that had returned to the huge throne, and only heard the black shadow whispering, "I just clearly felt a human aura. Could it be that I felt wrong? I, Hu Shiqing, had been in the eternal state for so long, and for the first time I felt wrong."

After being here for another half an hour, Hu Shiqing finally turned into green smoke and left.

The three of them all gave a thumbs up looking at Han Chen.

"By the way, since your ancestor is here, all those secret treasures must have been taken away?" Han Chen suddenly said to Hu Jun.

"I guess not. Because the Hu family land and Duobaozhai have been exposed, the secret area here is already considered the safest place, plus all the people who knew the Hu family have fallen. After thinking about it, the ancestor has determined that no one will know about this secret area anymore. Moreover, he plans to re-rule Tianyuan City. These are his possessions. He shouldn't have invited everything away at this time." Hu Shiqing calmly I thought about it and said.

"In that case, let's explore it. Hu Shiqing should be busy secretly contacting the traitors in Tianyuan City." Han Chen said with a smile.

According to Hu Jun's analysis, it is estimated that the contents of this secret area will only increase.

After all, only this place is suitable for treasure hiding.

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