All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1364: Poison elixir

For this, Han Chen has no opinion.

In a short while, I came to the cave, and after I walked in, I saw the four great elders.

The four of them were still thinking about besieging Han Chen, but they were trapped to death by Nine Color Thunder Tribulation.

Now that he saw Han Chen's strength, he was already convinced.

"Friend Daoist Han, please take a seat here." said one of the old men. Pointed to the seat above the hall next to it.

If Han Chen didn't guess wrong, this position should be where their old patriarch usually sits.

Han Chen took this seat calmly.

"Friend Dao Han, I have learned about your origins from your teammates. According to the truth, you are from the Gods' Domain League and we are from the Hehuan League. We should be incompatible, but we really can't beat you." The old man said with a smile. .

"Well, what about the artifacts in your bare eggs?" Han Chen asked directly, instead of playing with them.

"Friend Daoist Han, why are you so enthusiastic about that artifact?" The old man smiled bitterly.

"Why, you don't want to hand it over?" Han Chen showed a strong aura. The first stage of the eternal realm possessed the ability to match the latter, which naturally made others extremely uncomfortable.

"No, no, how dare we." The old man hurriedly said with a smile, "In fact, we also want to hand over this artifact, but this artifact has been in the bare egg and can't really be nurtured. It's not that we don't want to give it to you and force it out. If you do, it will only destroy the divinity of the artifact!"

"Oh? Then you take me to have a look." Han Chen said calmly.

"Lord Si lead the way." The old man said, and a slightly younger clan elder stood up from his seat, "Please follow me."

Han Chen walked out of this big cave.

"Elder, we really want to hand it over, isn't it impossible to explain to the leader?" Another old man said.

"Oh, now this demon, how can we afford to provoke it, it's better for us to change a place to live in the future. This person has the blood of a giant, and sooner or later we will branch and kill our dwarf blood. We still have to do it as soon as possible. Only move out of here." The old man sighed.

The great patriarch finally fit in, and he didn't expect that it would cause such a catastrophe.


In the outskirts of Tianyuan City, Hehuan League Corps Dongfu.

Although the legions of the Hehuan League were organized in a hurry, their marching formations were still intact.

They are divided into ninety-nine and eighty-one legions, and their arrangement is arranged in the way of the gossip array, and the main position of the leader of the Hehuan League is placed on the gossip black yin and yang fish.

Stars all around surrounded the big legion like a moon.

The lord's mansion is an antique space magic weapon, spread out on the flat land, and soon formed a palace.

The three words Hehuanmeng are written on it.

Wandering outside the Hehuan League palace are two men in long robes. Their cultivation bases are wandering in the mid-eternal state.

Their hair is fiery red.

One of the slightly older men said, "Why doesn't the leader make a move? The one in the city can't wait."

"It is said that an artifact of the leader has not yet been refined, and has been waiting for the powerful artifact to arrive." Another man in a long robe, a breeze blew over, blowing his red hair.

Like a flame.

"I'm afraid that there are many nights and dreams, which will delay the revenge of our Tulong clan. I must go in and persuade the leader. This is a rare opportunity." The old man said.

"In that case, Brother Tu Huang, I will follow you in." The man called the old man.

"Tu Hong is really loyal, then let's go in together." said the old man called Tu Huang.

A joy on his face.

"Well, we were originally the only seedlings of the Tulong clan, so we should be like this." The man called Tuhong said with his hands.

When the two walked in, they couldn't help but want to take a step back. The eight people inside, all of them in the late stage of the eternal stage, made them both kneel down uncontrollably.

There was a man sitting on the ice crystal throne in the middle of the hall. This man was enveloped in a black air, and some fishy smell could be heard from the black air.

It smells like some kind of special poison.

According to the legend, this person used the poison pill to transform his gods into eternity. Now he is trying to use the poison pill to be promoted to Dayu rank. His strength is very strange. No one outside knows the true cultivation strength of the leader.

"Close friends of the Tulong clan, please get up, both of you." From the group of poisons, it seemed a little strange.

"Thank you, leader!" said the two of the Tulong clan.

The other seven people around looked at the two of them a bit, especially when they used their mental power to detect the strength of the other's cultivation base, they turned their heads and stopped looking at them.

"Fellow Tulong Daoist, finally abandoned the secret and turned to the bright, and cooperated with our Hehuan League. I will try my best to meet any questions this time. If you are not satisfied, you can complain to me and I will help you solve them." Said.

"As expected, the leader of the alliance is like a god. In fact, we are also worried about the territory of the Hehuan League, but now we obviously have the Tianyuan City, but now we have to stop here." Tu Huang of the Tulong clan said, "We are blunt and have no way of knowing. Perception. Please answer one or two more."

"Don't worry, I have another artifact that is about to come out of the mountain. With the help of this artifact, we can take down Tianyuan City in a battle and defeat those cowards."

The old man in the Poison Pill Road said.

"Isn't our secret weapon the one from Yuancheng that day?" The two of the Tulong clan pursued them.

"Hmph, he can certainly be turned into an important chess piece, but if this person turns against the water, it will be the worst for our Hehuan League." The poisonous pill said.

"Our Tulong clan hopes that his lord will rise up the mountain early and wipe out the three remaining ancestors in Tianyuan City!" said the two of the Tulong clan.

"We will deal with it as soon as possible. Since the two Tulong clan's strong demands, I will arrange for them to inspect the place where we refining the artifact, and quickly take out our artifact. When the new artifact arrives, we can definitely meet the inside and outside. Take down Tianyuan City in one fell swoop, thus opening up our Hehuan League wild tribe into the human base camp of the Heavenly God Realm Alliance!"

"For our Hehuan League!"

"I am willing to take my orders!" said two men from the Tulong clan.

"Yes, we have a teleportation formation here, we can send two people over!" said the man in the poison pill.

"No, we have a teleportation secret technique." The earthlong clan man said lightly.

After discussing the details of the handover, the two of them set off.

The Poison Pill Dao man's eyes were blurred for a moment, and a shadow came out of it, just listening to the shadow. "So you're not afraid that these two Tulong tribes will directly take away our artifact?"

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