All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1365: Spiritual imprint

"That artifact already has my spiritual imprint, it can't be taken away by them, don't worry about it. Even if it is taken away, I just need to activate my spiritual imprint, I immediately know that they took it. I am now The poison in his body is becoming more and more difficult to control. If I don't release it through that artifact, I may not be able to attack the Daewoo-class." The poisonous pill Dao man said.

The sound became smaller and smaller, until it disappeared.

The Tulong clan returned to the cave and lit a bonfire in front of the cave. The bonfire was shining on the two of them, and the two of them showed sinister expressions.

"Brother Tu Hong, whether we can eat this artifact in one fell swoop and find a chance to get revenge depends on us." One of the old men said, it was Tu Huang.

"Hmph, why be greedy, we will bring back the artifact for the leader, and then give it to the leader, and we will smash Tianyuan City in one fell swoop." Tu Hong said with disdain. He was a little unhappy with Tu Huang's sullen expression.

"In that case, let's hand it to the leader." Tu Huang, the thin man of Tulong, didn't say anything, but was thinking in his heart that the Tianyuan City was gone, and the importance of their Tulong clan was lost.

He had planned to make plans long ago, but now that his brother is ignorant, he can't make up his mind.

The two played two magical battles and fell into the bonfire. The bonfire was lifted into the sky. The two looked at each other, and then calmly walked into the bonfire.

It’s not far from the Huohui tribe’s land, so it only takes a bonfire to get there.

After the people of the Tulong clan walked in, the scene in front of them flickered, and soon the two of them passed through a void hole, and they saw a strange scene.

The Huo Hui clan is full of flames!

However, the cave was extremely quiet.

"Isn't this Huohui tribe known as a dwarf? Why don't they refining artifacts and changed it to a bonfire party?" said the Tulong clan man.

"I also think there is a problem. Let's go in and see what happened. According to the truth, the artifact should have been out for five days now." Tu Huang said.

The two of them walked in.

"Who!" At this time, a man walked out from the side. The man was full of bulges and looked at each other viciously.

"Here." The people of the Tulong clan immediately gave out the token in his hand, with a ligature on it.

The Huohui man shrank when he saw it, his face showed a trace of weirdness, but he didn't show it, "Let's go here."

As he said, the man led to a remote cave and signaled the two of them to stay calm and restless.

"I'll report to the clan elder." The man said.

"Huh, a clan elder is also worthy to greet me? Could it be that your Huohui clan has a new heart of rebellion?" Na Tuhong said.

"No, our patriarch already fits his body." The man who has been doing reception work for a long time was somewhat winked, so he explained, "For the specific situation, let the patriarch communicate with you."

The man said and left.

"What weird thing is happening, why don't we let us in their main hall?" said the earthy man.

"It's not easy for me to look inside." Tu Huang said, "When we came in, you saw that there were more guards than before, but why didn't they refine the artifact?"

"It must be that the artifact we need has come out, but they privately detained it." Tu Hong guessed maliciously.

"They didn't have a place to receive anymore and they did it, which means that they don't have the courage. But the situation here is different from usual. Could it be because after their patriarch fits together, all members are in silent mourning?" Tu Huang calmly Analysis Road.

"It's possible, then let's wait patiently for their people to come over." Tu Hong said.

"No, we also have to keep a hand to prepare." He said that Tu Huang hit a bonfire on the ground and waited for it to escape.

In this way, the two felt much at ease.

After a while, as expected, an old man from the Huohui tribe came in.

"Two ambassadors, please sit down." The old man was one of the five elders.

"It's easy to talk." The two were not polite, and sat down in the upper seat.

"What's your situation? You should be aware of our mission here. The leader in front is especially looking forward to the completion of the artifact. We are specially dispatched to get the artifact to ensure that there is nothing wrong. Moreover, the leader has sent another group of people before. You overseers, why don't you see them come out to see us?" Tu Huang said coldly.

"Reply to the ambassador, it’s not that we don’t want to hand over the artifact, but something went wrong after we fit together last time. The overseers of the Hehuan League, they have been killed by the wicked." The clan elder couldn’t hide it. , Then tell the truth.

"What! The five mythological thieves are still here in your cave!" Tu Hong said angrily.

"Don't be impulsive, listen to the clan elder to finish." Tu Huang cried out, and Tu Huang was even more embarrassed to say something.

"Yes, the five thieves are not easy, just the one who claims to be Han Chen, who directly overcome the thunder and robbery during the battle, entered the eternal state!"

"In the eternal state, what can you do?" Tu Hong glared.

"No, this thunder robbery is very strange, it turned out to be the legendary nine-color thunder robbery!" said the Huohui tribe.

"What, it turned out to be the legendary Nine Color Thunder Tribulation?" The two members of the Tulong clan were shocked.

"Yes, so and so, we killed all the overseers from the alliance. And after our chief patriarch fits in, no one can resist this nine-color thunder calamity." The clan elder's expression was sad.

"Hmph, even if he is advanced, he is only a mere eternal state. You are so worried. In what style, aren't you also the eternal state now? Besides, there are five people. Just besieged them?" Tu Xiao's face suddenly looked bad.

"We really haven't tried it. We are afraid that these five men will retaliate against us. We also want to take back the artifact. However, the other party is too strong, so even if we can kill them, we are afraid we The Huohui clan no longer exists. Fortunately, the Alliance sent two ambassadors here, and they can definitely bring these five people to justice!" The clan elder's face was blue and white, and finally he firmly stated himself. s plan.

"Where are these five people and what are they doing now? Five days have passed, why didn't you give any news to Hehuan League?" Tu Huang asked after thinking.

"It is true that these five people are extremely arrogant and bold. They have been healing and repairing in our cave for the past five days. We originally planned to..." the clan elder said carefully.

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