All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1376: Weird

At this time, Han Chen saw the appearance of the fire charm. It was different from the red and blue creature David he encountered before. This time, the fire charm is a bit transparent, except that it is now exposed by Ao Bai’s mouth of real dragon blood. The prototype.

"This thing is terrible." Han Chen said, and saw Ao Bai throw this finger of Huomei into Han Chen's hand.

Han Chen was not mentally prepared. He was about to ask Ao Bai when he saw Ao Bai turned into a white light and slipped into Han Chen's stellar device.

Han Chen had to catch Huo Mei, and when he was thinking about how to deal with it, Han Chen's gray wings directly strangled the Huo Mei without control.

Huo Mei finally turned into a trace of divinity and fell into Han Chen's wings.

Han Chen was more curious about his gray wings at this time.

This can actually kill the fire charm of spiritual power and refine it into a trace of divine nature, which is really terrifying.

At this moment, Han Chen felt that his gray wings had absorbed that trace of divinity, and had become more solid.

"Is this an illusion?" Han Chen showed a strange look.

Han Chen then transmitted the sound to Ao Bai and explained the situation just now.

Friends Ao Dao directly said, "I am not very clear, you can find more Huo Mei to try."

"Oh, by the way, you are injured now, right? I might as well give you the Soul Birthweed. Anyway, there are as many as five Soul Birthweed." Han Chen said calmly.

"Thank you so much, my repair will definitely get twice the result with half the effort." Ao Bai couldn't help but feel happy.

Han Chen didn't care about Ao Bai's mentality at this time, and after giving the Soul Birth Grass to Ao Bai, he began to look for the situation of Huo Mei.

Han Chen couldn't help being stunned when he saw Huang Mengmeng's situation, and finally gave up the plan to use Huang Mengmeng as bait.

Huang Mengmeng is still very weak now.

Han Chen looked for Ban Zhuxiang again, and looked back to see Huang Mengmeng regaining consciousness.

"Would you like to go back to the stellar machine to rest?" Han Chen said when he saw Huang Mengmeng wake up from meditation.

"Good!" Huang Mengmeng said cleanly.

Han Chen is now even more afraid to open the five senses easily, using his mental power to explore the surroundings.

After Han Chen searched for Huo Mei to no avail, he had to follow the previously opened door and start to walk down.

Suddenly Han Chen felt black before his eyes!

A smashing piece of bats or crows drifted past Han Chen. Han Chen had directly rushed through, and suddenly saw the corpses all over the ground. His heart suddenly became tense, and he didn't dare to directly scream in front of him. The past creatures collide.

Han Chen opened the mythical form and walked past these creatures lightly.


The black creature group called out several times, then turned around and rushed towards Han Chen.

"Huh? It's still so difficult?"

Han Chen's heart was stunned, it seems that these things are not simple!

Han Chen didn't even dare to relax, spreading his fourteen wings and making dumplings for all the creatures that came.

Han Chen directly used gray wings for most of them, wiping out their souls and bodies.

Han Chen stretched out his wings and noticed that there were strange creatures inside, with sharp teeth and sharp mouths. The whole body was pitch black. There were wings on the back, and there were as many as six wings, with a little breath of reincarnation on the wings. .

"Is this a butterfly of death?"

Han Chen once saw a description in ancient books, very few.

Among them, this kind of butterfly from the past was mentioned.

This is a kind of creature that travels back and forth between reincarnation and the world, and it is said that it leads the dead souls to the cycle of rebirth.

Han Chen was shocked.

"I met the Butterfly of Rebirth here. Could it be that the road in front of me leads to the circuit of rebirth?"

Han Chen was dumbfounded, do you want to go on now?

It would be ridiculous if you really had to go through reincarnation.

And Han Chen didn't know whether there was reincarnation in this world.

If there is reincarnation, Han Chen doesn't seem to have seen people who died on Earth before resurrecting.

Han Chen's face was full of doubts, but now there was no one around him, and Huang Mengmeng fell into a coma.

Ao Bai was busy repairing his soul.

"Xueyan, do you believe in reincarnation?" Han Chen had to turn to Xueyan for help. The former owner of Xueyan should be quite powerful, and it may be possible to dabble in this matter.

"I don't remember very clearly, and there are even fewer memories of reincarnation. I'm sorry." Xue Yan said.

Han Chen was depressed for a while, there was nothing he could do. Go, it is impossible to get the Fire Crow Order.

Don't go, the gloomy here is really disturbing.

But in the end, Han Chen continued to move forward.

Anyway, even the Shura Hell Field has been visited, so how can I be afraid of this secret cave.

Han Chen found that some parts of this cave mansion were ordinary, and some parts were gorgeous.

It doesn't seem to be coordinated.

"What's the matter, how could such a situation happen here."

Han Chen tried his best to walk forward for a quarter of an hour, and saw two fork roads appeared in front of him. Looking at the fork road, Han Chen frowned.

After thinking for a while, Han Chen casually chose the right and passed.

At this time, Han Chen still had his five senses closed, and moving forward and touching were assisted by Han Chen's mental power.

Therefore, the judgment is not as fast as usual.

After Han Chen walked in to the right, the environment inside suddenly began to change drastically. The environment that was cold and humid before became an orange environment.

In this environment, everything seemed to be scorched.

The temperature here is closer to the Fenghua Fire Pond outside. Han Chen had to run the planetary body again.

After Han Chen encountered the Reborn Butterfly, he clearly felt the mysterious aura in it became more and more intense.

Therefore, there is no problem with Han Chen running the planetary body.

Continue to walk inside, suddenly a red and blue light flashed during Han Chen's mental power detection.

"not good!"

Han Chen didn't dare to be careless, opened the fourteen wings and maintained the best form.

But there is no way to use the giant's belt here, so you can't directly transform into a giant without affecting the cave.

Han Chen first covered his body with gray wings, and after the red and blue creatures flashed past, they couldn't leave a mark on the wings.

Han Chen was overjoyed.

It seems that the gray wings still have to limit the opponent.

Han Chen turned into a streamer and locked the red and blue creatures by virtue of mental power. The red and blue creatures also seemed to realize that they could not do anything to Han Chen, so they didn't fight Han Chen head-on, and kept running towards the depths of the tunnel.

Han Chen quickly followed, and then found that the other party was running desperately.

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