All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1377: The most familiar stranger...

During the march, Han Chen felt that something was wrong more and more. The temperature inside changed and the breath of reincarnation became denser.

"Is it really related to reincarnation here?"

How could Han Chen know this.

When he reached the crossroads, Han Chen originally planned to chase down the red and blue creatures and then withdrew.

It's just that Han Chen at this crossroads seems to see everything here clearly, this is no longer the cold and wet corridor before.

But under the detection of his spiritual power, there are thousands of people here, who are being led by the deceased butterfly, walking to the left.

These people have strange faces, including humans, monks, beasts, monsters...

Han Chen could feel them with mental power, but it still made Han Chen feel a little strange.

But Han Chen couldn't judge where these strangeness were.

He was stunned for a few seconds, watching these transparent soul-like creatures penetrate Han Chen's body, they didn't seem to notice Han Chen's appearance at all.

"By the way, I know what's weird!"

Han Chen suddenly realized.

Now he is ready to verify it.

He quietly tore a hole in his five senses, and then Han Chen immediately noticed that a little furry thing poured in from the hole.

Han Chen didn't even react to his consciousness, his gray wings turned into streamers, the streamers interlaced, strangling the furry thing easily.

The little thing still couldn't escape being swallowed by Han Chen's wings.

Han Chen found that his wings had grown a little bit.

"It turns out that those things that I perceive by my spiritual power are actually Huo Mei!"

"No, maybe those Huohui people are called Huomei, but upon contact, these are more unique creatures of reincarnation. It's just that these creatures can exist not only in reincarnation, but also on and around the road to reincarnation."

Han Chen pondered, perhaps this could explain why "Huo Mei" appeared in Fenghua Fire Pool.

Knowing that the strange creatures I felt were reincarnation creatures, I couldn't help but feel relieved.

Han Chen continued to rely on this to open a small mouth, and then let the reincarnation creatures run in, and then was strangled by Han Chen, making his gray wings more solidified.

Han Chen didn't know how long he had been cultivating here. He knew that Han Chen's gray wings depended on this reincarnation creature, and when he couldn't become more solid, Han Chen knew he was going to retreat.

Continue to walk inside, moving in the direction where the red and blue creatures escape, because Han Chen can feel something different from it.

He can know with certainty that there must be something he wants in it.

When Han Chen walked inside, he saw another red and blue creature, but the red and blue creature was weaker.


Han Chen whispered.

Suddenly the flame essence of Han Chen's sleeping star became alive. Han Chen once again released the essence of flames.

After absorbing the flame giant, the flame essence at this time directly rose from the mythical form to the peak of the mythical form.

And at this time, the flame essence jumped up as if smelling the prey, and rushed towards the red and blue creature on the opposite side.

The red and blue creatures were originally very powerful, but when faced with the essence of flames, they were still a little fearful.

"Could it be that the bloodline is suppressed?" Han Chen pondered. He has always been in contact with the flame essence, so Han Chen is not afraid of the flame essence being lost.

The fourteen wings spread out and turned into streamers and rushed inside. Han Chen looked at what was in front of him, always feeling strangely familiar.

The display here makes Han Chen feel very comfortable, which is in line with Han Chen's habits.

Han Chen continued to walk inside, and suddenly enlightened in front of him. Rows of caves appeared, each with a different word written on it.

Xunlong Pavilion, Wei Caotang, Health Hall, Tibetan Scripture Pavilion...

Han Chen glanced at these familiar names at this time, and suddenly understood why he felt strange just now.

That is, the furnishings of everything in it are in line with the habits of Han Chen and the others!

And the situation of a group of people walking under the guidance of the Departed Butterfly, which was just felt with mental power, made Han Chen find the strange reason.

Among the hundreds of faces, there is not a single alien...

what on earth is this kind of happenings?

Han Chen was a little confused.

Obviously, this cave is definitely related to earth civilization.

And at the fork in the road just now, Han Chen didn't dare to probe around, because Han Chen's sixth sense told him that there must be something very powerful in it, so he didn't dare to walk around.

And I felt that this place was very dangerous, so I hurried to get here to get the Fire Crow Order and retreat.

It seems that the strength is still not enough.

Han Chen laughed at himself and stopped paying attention to those things just now, because there must be a huge secret hidden in it, but with his current cultivation base, it is not suitable for contact.

Looking at the layout here, Han Chen familiarly entered from Xunlong Pavilion. After entering, it was really wide and there was a small circular table in the middle. Obviously it used to be a place to prevent important artifacts, but it is now empty. Up.

Han Chen also saw that everything on the cabinet had been emptied.

"Does this master like to show off his collection?" Han Chen smiled.

Because every cabinet is covered with labels.

Yipin artifact, butterfly sword...

Third grade artifact, Shenlongding...


Nine-Rank artifact, Demon Armor!

Han Chen was shocked when he saw the last label.

You must know that the Demon God armor is only qualified to wear the Demon God's armor, and the corresponding cultivation base is the Conferred God Realm on the Heavenly Court!

It can be seen how powerful the original owner was.

"No, isn't this the cave house of Taoist Huo Crow? According to legend, he is just a half-step Daewoo. How can he collect the armor of the devil?" Han Chen was shocked.

But now there is only one tag, who knows if the other party has collected it? Is the collected complete product?

Or is there another adventure?

Han Chen didn't know.

However, there could not be a Fire Crow Order here, and it was all cleared. Han Chen stopped paying attention and walked into the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion next door.

The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is still very familiar from time to time. When on earth, it was used to store the secret books of martial arts.

After entering, I saw some jade slips, but when Han Chen touched these jade slips, they immediately turned into dust.

Han Chen suddenly felt sorry for it, it took so many years for Han Chen to silently turn into dust.

But there is no way, it seems that there is really nothing here, and I took a look at the rest of the tiny cottage and the health preservation hall. They either turned into dust for a long time or were emptied.

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