All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1382: Get out

This is too weird.

After walking out of the Dongfu, Han Chen returned to Fenghua Fire Pond, feeling like a lifetime of nine deaths.

Looking at the fiery red light ball in his hand, a trace of fortune appeared on his face.

When he opened his eyes for the last time, Han Chen knew that the energy of the wood carving was definitely more terrifying than the Conferred God Realm.

I don't know how it exists.

Looking back now, the other party was able to enjoy the worship of thousands of humans before the Samsara Styx. What a great existence this is.

Everything here is very much like earth civilization. Moreover, those reincarnated, wooden faces are basically human beings.

But even if it is very similar to the earth civilization, Han Chen can still feel the extraordinary.

"Could it be that the myths in earth civilization are real?"

Han Chen was suddenly shocked by his assumption.

If you know those myths and legends, if they really exist, then the earth civilization that you have encountered in your dreams can be explained.

Thousands of years, or even millions of years ago, when Pangu opened up the world, there was indeed a super-perverted earth civilization. Even the Fengshen Realm had a super civilization era of hundreds of thousands of people.

It's just that the earth civilization has been completely destroyed.

And in the reincarnation encountered today, Han Chen didn't feel that kind of wild and eternal atmosphere.

Regarding this, Han Chen has been unable to figure it out.

It's like, today this is very petty, just like other people's copycats.

According to the legend of earth civilization, if this person is the Yama King of the underworld, then his temple should not be so simple. If there is no king style, it is impossible to be the Yama King.

"If the earth civilization has disappeared and it is imitated by others, what are the people behind this layout deducing?"

When Han Chen thought of this, he suddenly sweated.

Cold from head to toe.

He shook his head fiercely, and threw such a terrifying guess out of his head.

Looking at the fiery red light ball in his hand, after Han Chen probed it slightly, the light on the outside spread out and he saw a token burning with flames.

"Fire Crow Order!"

This fire crow made the whole body pitch black, burning flames anytime and anywhere, from above it could sense the divinity of the flame, very violent.

Han Chen knew that he could sense from him a strength no weaker than the peak of the eternal realm.

This can already replace the seven fireworks fan.

But what made Han Chen depressed was that he did not see the remains of Taoist Huo Crow, or the deity.

"Is this not the place where Dao Huo Dao died?" Han Chen thought in his heart, "It seems that Dao Huo Dao really just disappeared, not the real path."

And there was a path to the underworld in the cave, which surprised Han Chen a lot.

It seems that there must be a lot of secrets buried in it.

Han Chen thought so, if he really wants to detect, he doesn't think he needs to wait until there is a chance to come.

This is too dangerous.

Han Chen thought so, walked out of the core pool, met the elders waiting on the edge, and the dog-legged Tuhuang.

"Let me just say, how could our master Yingming Shenwu fall inside? This is a joke!" Tu Huang was immediately elated when he saw Han Chen.

Han Chen knew that Tu Huang had a spiritual connection with him, how could he not know that he was still alive.

Now it's just flattering and pretending to be surprised.

Han Chen said with a smile, "Let's go."

Suddenly a white light flew towards Tu Huang.

Tu Huang quickly squeezed it, and this look was the message from the Hehuan League. Obviously Hehuan League didn't know that Tu Huang had already turned to Han Chen.

With embarrassment on his face, looking at Han Chen, he seemed to be seeking advice.

"Listen. I just want to know what's going on on the front line." Han Chen said calmly.

Tu Huang listened to the message with a smile.

Then frowned and said to Han Chen, "Our Hehuan League has already fought very anxiously with the Tianyuan City of the Gods Domain Alliance, and asked when we can send the Destiny Armor back."

Han Chen pondered and then said, "Is the previous battle very anxious? Isn't it levelled by the priest?"

"Ah? Priest? Will the priest also intervene in this matter?" Tu Huang's face immediately turned khaki.

"Yes, I heard from the ancestors of the Hong family that priests will come to inspect within ten days. First come and see if the difference is only ten days." Han Chen said calmly.

"Then how are we doing, we are still in the Hehuan League." Tu Huang and the five-ethnic elders suddenly turned into pig liver colors.

"Oh, your Hehuan League position, don't you just quit it?" Han Chen asked puzzledly.

"No, our Hehuan League actually wears a mask, and then we can communicate with the Hehuan League. Our breath has been recorded on the platform of the Hehuan League. If the priest really wants to check the aura here, you can still feel it. Arrived." Tu Huang said quietly.

"By the way, what is the function of your Hehuan League? All of us in God's Domain Alliance are connected through the watch." Han Chen said.

"Our Hehuan League actually achieves communication by wearing masks. These masks have some small magic circles on them, which can be used for information transactions, remote communication, etc. through the platform, with a certain amount of sacred stone, and remote item transmission. But it’s very expensive. The starting price for transferring items is a sacred stone, so many members of the Hehuan League don’t use this feature."

"Is your Hehuan League the current leader of the league? Why does your Hehuan League want to do something with our Tianyuan City?" Han Chen asked again.

Han Chen discovered that there were many problems between the Gods Domain Alliance itself and the Hehuan Alliance.

So I want to ask clearly.

"The Hehuan League is very big, not the current Hehuan League. Our Tulong clan originally swayed back and forth between the Hehuan League and God's Domain Alliance, so we know a lot."

"This Hehuan Alliance is very large and has many sub-allies. The current leader of the Poison Pill Road is just the person in charge of the Yuzhuang God's Domain, and this is not actually the base camp of our Yuzang God's Domain, so we It can only be regarded as a pioneering tribe here. The specific reason for the fight is the conflict between wild civilization and mythical civilization."

The Tuhuang clan said in a whisper.

"Oh? Wild civilization and mythical civilization?" Han Chen seemed to have discovered the key words.

"Yes, in fact, there are many civilizations in the ancient battlefields. Most of our wild civilizations are made up of tribes in the wild, and most of mythical civilizations are formed by humans and monsters. You can also understand it as , We are aboriginals, and your mythical civilization is an intruder to us. This Tianyuan City is a wedge of your mythical civilization in the wild tribes, and our wild civilization has to uproot it. Essentially, it is all about competing for resources." Tu Huang said .

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