All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1383: mask

Han Chen never thought that there were so many mysteries.

Your own God's Domain Alliance is only a small part of the myth civilization.

And it seems that the Alliance of Gods Domain can also exchange some messages and items through the watch.

It seems we will make good use of this platform in the future.

"In this case, Tuhuang, please give me a message in your Hehuan League about searching for the restricted area of ​​life." Han Chen said after hesitating.

"What, life forbidden zone, master, what are you doing there? That is a place known as the Jedi of Life, there is no return." Tu Huang was completely shocked.

"You don't need to care about my affairs, just help me find out. Where is so much nonsense?" Han Chen said angrily.

"Yes, the master is wise and Shenwu. I am very impressed." Tu Huang finally took out a helmet-like mask.

"Do you call this a mask?" Han Chen was surprised.

"Yes, this is our unique mask. As soon as I put it on, it can change my breath. Look." Tu Huang said, putting on his mask, and its bones and breath are in Korea. A big change appeared before Chen.

The original thin old man has now turned into a man of nearly two meters.

Han Chen couldn't help but be surprised. Had it not been for the soul contract, Han Chen wouldn't know that the man in front of him was Tu Huang.

Seeing Han Chen admiring it so much, Tu Huang couldn't help but get up.

"Hurry up and send the news for me, don't scream in front of me." Han Chen said angrily.

"Yes, boss." Tu Huang converged, and then posted the task of finding the life restricted area on the channel.

The task reward is that as long as there is news, one **** stone will be rewarded, and ten **** stones will be rewarded if the message is confirmed.

Suddenly Tu Huang frowned again.

"What's the matter?" Han Chen asked.

"Someone sent me a message just now," Tu Huang said, "This person is a person next to the leader. He said that the leader is very angry. If he doesn't hand over the armor of the fate, the leader will personally take the two brothers. "

"Huh? It seems that this destiny lock is very important to him." Han Chen pondered, and then said, "Could it be that this Poison Pill Dao leader is about to explode in divine nature?"

"Ah, there is such a possibility. Because the old man has stayed at the peak of the eternal realm for a long time, he will naturally be very happy to find such a safe Third-Rank artifact." Tu Huang replied.

"But that's not the point, right? Does the leader mean that he has already dispatched a clone to set off?" The five clansman asked hurriedly.

"Yes, this news is one day ago." Tu Huang said discouragedly.

"Since I dare to come, I will let him stay." Han Chen said calmly.

"But his clone also has the strength of seven points of the body, and the strength is comparable to the top-level cultivation base of the eternal realm. No one of us here can handle him." Tu Huang's face was full of bitterness.

"Let's make an agreement. It's better to find a special place. Let's go and see what happens. When the other party arrives, give him a surprise." Han Chen smiled.

"Hey, master, are you preparing to advance again? Your cultivation has reached the peak of the eternal stage, right?" Tu Huang said.

"Not so fast." Han Chen was indifferent. In fact, Han Chen's body now has reached the eternal intermediate level. Using the giant's belt, he can match the top level of the eternal realm.

If this is to be said, it may scare people to death.

As Han Chen was talking, suddenly the sky turned black, and a large colored cloud floated over, seven-color thunder tribulation!

"Why is the Seven Color Thunder Tribulation again? Who is crossing the Tribulation? Is it the boss, are you advanced again?" Tu Huang said with a weird face.

"It's not me." Han Chen said calmly.

The flame essence, who was resting in Han Chen's star machine, suddenly woke up.

Han Chen summoned the essence of flame, the essence of flame was sleepy, and the aura on his body didn't seem to be particularly stable.

"Are you guys crossing the Tribulation? Your cultivation is already at the elementary level of the Eternal Realm, how could you be crossing the Tribulation?" Han Chen's face was uncertain, "Your mythological form advanced should be the Seven Color Thunder Tribulation. Could it be that you didn't add anything in the cave just now?"

"Hey." Flame Essence couldn't speak yet, but as Han Chen spoke, another nine-color thunder robbery floated.

"Wow, is this also the boss' pet? Why is his breath so unstable? Is it going to be the top eternal stage?" Tu Huang was dumbfounded. What is this situation, why is it so strange? The sight.

Two Thunder Tribulation came at once.

"He is called Flame Essence, this guy is too greedy, otherwise it wouldn't be like this." Han Chen said calmly.

"Does this mean that I can advance if I eat too much?" Tu Huang was dumb, envious to death.

"Forget it." Han Chen was also dumb, whether it was Huang Mengmeng or Flame Essence, both of them were freaks.

"By the way, the boss is also the pinnacle of the eternal realm. Why are pets bigger than my cultivation base..." Tu Huang thought sourly in his heart.

When Han Chen saw the pleading eyes of the essence of flame, he knew that this kid couldn't get through the double thunder tribulation.

Therefore, Han Chen planned to help the opponent resist the thunder, by the way, to test what level his physical body reached.

As he said, the essence of the flame turned into a streamer and rushed into the Seven-Colored Thunder Tribulation, and Han Chen turned into a streamer to welcome the Nine-Colored Thunder Tribulation.

"Ah, master, be careful! Although you are brave and martial arts, you still have to take care of your body..." Tu Huang was talking, and he saw Han Chen directly on top of the Nine Color Thunder Tribulation without opening anything...


I only saw the owner of my house hit the huge thunder pillar with punches and punches!

"Master, you must be careful..."

Without saying these words, the Nine Colors Thunder Tribulation was beaten by Han Chen by a fraction.

"This physical body..." Han Chen groaned. The current physical body directly facing the Nine-Colored Thunder Tribulation is completely worthwhile, showing how powerful this physical body is.

"Master, is he starting to worry about not being able to withstand this thunder tribulation." Tu Huang began to worry about his master. Could the master be so motionless now that he was injured by the thunder tribulation?

At this time, it is time to show my loyal minister, I must rush to protect my master!

Even in the face of the Nine Color Thunder Tribulation!

Also do not hesitate!

Tu Huang turned into streamer and rushed in...

When he rushed to the general, he saw his master, took out a black big cauldron, and stopped the nine-colored thunder robbery.

For a while, all the eyes of Tuhuang fell off.

"This is too fierce!"

Others will hide as far as they are afraid of the Nine-Colored Thunder Tribulation. Who knows that the owner will directly compress the Nine-Colored Thunder Tribulation with a large cauldron.

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