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Chapter 1392: This kid is weird

"Hmph, the little mythical form is also worthy to speak in front of me! Take it to death!"

After the Stitching Monster determined that the other party would not unite with the two, he immediately adjusted the bloodthirsty giant back into a giant, and rushed towards the seven.

"No way, I'll do a big trick!"

Jin Pangli's entire face was green!

They were originally hiding in the void, but they didn't expect to be recognized by the other party. At this time, they were even more flustered. They said to Han Chen, "Team Korea, let the void elves take us away."

"The void elves are only in mythological form. They are suppressed by the opposing space force and cannot escape at all." Han Chen took a bowl of cold water down, making Jin Pangli, who was still arrogant just now, face like ashes. Said such harsh words.

"Ah, what shall we do!"

"The soldiers will fill in the water and soil!"

Han Chen let out a low cry, and the twelve black gold wings flickered behind him. At the same time, the gray wings also stretched out to prevent damage.

"Giant Belt!"

Han Chen once again transformed into a giant!

"Why, you are also a member of the Hu family?" Suture asked puzzledly.

"No, this person just stole our giant belt." Hu Shiqing's eyes disappeared.

"Hmph! Then kill, dare to steal our secret technique." The suture monster urged, the bloodthirsty giant once again turned into a streamer, entered the void, and dropped a giant blow from the void.

"A giant blow!"

At this time, Han Chen's physical body doubled, reaching a half-step Daewoo-level attack directly!

When Han Chen collided with the bloodthirsty giant viciously, Han Chen couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

The giant's attack power is too fierce.

"Good guy!"

Han Chen secretly said in his heart.

Crazy rotation of the planet **** body! Only then was able to resist the opponent's attack, and at the same time urged his gray wings to strangle the bloodthirsty giant.


The bloodthirsty giant weakened a bit under the attack of this moment. At the same time, Han Chen could feel a trace of divinity in his body being absorbed by him.

Turned into thousands of rays of light fell on the body.

Han Chen was quite moved.

There was light flowing through his body, and instead of weakening, he strengthened by one or two points.

"This kid is weird!"

The Stitching Monster immediately noticed the weirdness of Han Chen's body, and he was also shocked, and secretly vowed to kill this person completely, otherwise how could it end.

So the Stitch Monster once again urged the bloodthirsty giant to directly penetrate Han Chen's heart.

Han Chen knew that this guy was not something he could handle, and immediately let Huang Mengmeng come out.

"Let me out if you knew it."

As soon as Huang Mengmeng came out, she transformed into a daughter's body. At the same time, the yellow rays of light all over her body burst out, bursting out a ray of light directly penetrating the enemy.

The bloodthirsty giant was completely wiped out before he even groaned.

"Well, I have said that I am very good, don't you believe it!" Huang Mengmeng said proudly.

The scene was very embarrassing for a while.

How could Han Chen suddenly have such a powerful helper.

The giant that Han Chen turned into just now is comparable to the bloodthirsty giant, and now there is an extra Huang Mengmeng with a higher cultivation base.

To say, shock, Hu Shiqing is definitely the most shocking.

He clearly remembered that Han Chen, who was still vying for the spot in the ring, was just a mythological form. Now more than five years later, he has become the same half-step Daewoo powerhouse like himself, although it was achieved with the help of a giant belt. But it is also very powerful.

There is also that beast pet, whose appearance has long been transformed, and the cultivation base has reached the terrifying half-step Dayu powerhouse.

In other words, what he saw now turned out to be two and a half step Daewoo powerhouses.

Just now, he thought about taking down Old Ancestor Gu Luo and Old Ancestor Feng Hai, and Tianyuan City would let him run wild.

Unexpectedly, the other party is even more vigorous.

"There's another character with a headache." Hu Shiqing sighed, lowering his head.

Although the Stitching Monster is domineering, but at this time it is also aware of the seriousness of the problem. The fight with the opponent just now has consumed most of the mana. This kid in front of him is so weird, I am afraid that it will take some effort to completely kill this person. At that time, Gu Luo and Feng Hai will be allowed to grow bigger, and the Hu family may suffer in the end. So the Suture Monster is in a dilemma.

The ancestor Gu Luo and the ancestor Feng Hai were also dumbfounded. They never expected to see an acquaintance under such circumstances, even though this acquaintance was hunted down by them.

But the opponent has grown to the same strength as them, how can they be underestimated.

And for Han Chen's cultivation speed, they only felt envy and hatred.

"You, you two actually stole my artifact!"

Just when everyone was shocked and quietly analyzed, suddenly the strong man of Poison Dragon Road suddenly became angry and turned into thousands of poisonous mists and attacked Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng.

"Everyone releases the artifact." Han Chen yelled.

"Don't let us do it together and kill Han Chen, how about?" Hu Shiqing looked at the suture monster and suggested.

"That's great." After weighing the stitching monster, he immediately agreed.

If the person who is really poisonous Dragon Dao stupidly killed the two Han Chen, then in the end the overall situation will return to the control of the two of them, naturally very happy.

As he was talking, the Stitching Monster did not hesitate to summon the bloodthirsty giant again. After summoning this time, he flew towards Han Chen without saying a word.

"Huang Mengmeng, help me resist this bloodthirsty giant!" Han Chen said.

Han Chen turned into a streamer and rushed into the purple cloud. This poisonous pill Dao expert tried to kill this again and again, but now he can't let this person go.

Seeing the situation, Hu Shiqing didn't hesitate to rush over to give Han Chen a black hand, but was stopped by Tu Huang.

"I didn't expect you to be united with that stinky boy Han Chen." Hu Shiqing said strangely.

"What's incomprehensible about this? He defeated me. He is a strong man, so I will recognize him as the master." Tu Huang seemed relaxed, but in fact said very helplessly.

"He is just an Eternal Realm Elementary Level, and your two brothers are both Eternal Realm Intermediate Level, how can you not beat him?" Hu Shiqing said in shock.

"Hehe, you want to inquire about my master's secret through me? How could I tell you! Anyway, I will say that he is far from what you seem to be so simple!" Although Tu Huang resisted the opponent's attack with an intermediate level in the eternal realm, but Still not letting down the wind.

Because they have quite a lot of secret techniques of the Tulong clan.

He quickly summoned the dragon body. After the dragon body was transformed, he possessed a powerful body. Even if Hu Shiqing wanted to defeat it, it would take some time.

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