All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1393: Antivirus Elixir

Old Ancestor Gu Luo and Old Ancestor Feng Hai also saw the battle on that side, but at this time they already had the thought of retreat. As long as the priest came over, these people would not be able to eat.

They knew that the priests of this God's Domain would appear soon!

Han Chen already had an understanding of the general environment at this time. Seeing that Gu Luo ancestor and Feng Hai remained motionless, he knew that they were waiting for the priest to appear.

Han Chen couldn't help but frowned, because his body and Huang Mengmeng's reincarnation aura was so heavy that sooner or later he would be discovered by the priest.

At that time, he was arrested as if he had practiced the law of immortality, but the gain would not be worth the loss.

Therefore, Han Chen had to speed up his actions.

"Giant Belt!"

"Planet Divine Body!"

Han Chen did not hesitate to maximize his divinity, and secretly released a red light into the void!

"A giant blow!"

With the characteristics of the gray wings, Han Chen blocked the attack of the poisonous dragons and turned into giants constantly attacking the poisonous dragons in the purple clouds.

When the Poison Dragon Dao found that his poison did not respond to the opponent, his heart was already cold.

Deeply regret his recklessness.

But now that the ship is done, and the other party has indeed taken away his destiny armor lock, naturally he can't let Han Chen go.

Han Chen felt deeply pressured. The poison pill on this person was not known how much stronger than the clone.

Even if Han Chen defeated the poisonous dragon several times, there was still a large amount of venom surrounding him.

"It seems that I have to take out the goods at the bottom of the pressure box." Han Chen yelled. While on the flying boat, Han Chen passed Xueyan and learned how to control the spirit of the destiny armor lock. Now Han Chen urged. The Destiny Lock immediately released the divinity absorbed in the Daoist Huo Crow's cave in one go.

A huge golden light burst out in the very center of the destiny lock!

"Ah, this is my artifact!"

This artifact was originally a plan given by the leader of the Hehuan League. Seeing Han Chen's release, he immediately realized that it was his own life-saving artifact!

"With your divine power, even if it **** you up, the power released will not be enough to kill me!"

"I didn't expect that this artifact fell into your hands and turned into a tasteless existence!"

Yes, in the eyes of the powerhouses of the Hehuan League, Han Chen's divine content does not exceed the elementary level of the Eternal Realm, and even if he is released at once, he can never harm his body.

Therefore, he attacked the past unpreparedly, turned into a fierce poisonous dragon, and slammed into Han Chen's heart.


That day, the life armor lock, turned into golden light, without restriction, stimulated the divinity of the whole body to the eight chains. The chain made of the rare material Gengjin, with the surging divine power, crashed through the body of the poisonous dragon. !

"This, how is this possible?" Poison Dragon Dao showed an unbelievable expression. Just as he assessed by himself, he couldn't hurt his half-point chain at all, and he actually penetrated his body directly.

This iron fact made him feel like a blank sheet of paper.

He was once the lord of an alliance, possessing the power of life and death, half-step Daewoo-class powerhouse, just one step away from Daewoo-class powerhouse, how could he suddenly be killed by an eternal elementary person.

This is too ironic.

Han Chen was also shocked. He also prepared the Ice Soul Crystal. He never thought that all of this would come too soon, and this incredible scene appeared directly in front of him.

That strong man of Poison Dragon Road was killed by himself in this way?

The other ancestor Gu Luo and ancestor Feng Hai were also dumbfounded. What exactly is the golden light chain, it can kill people beyond the third level, which is too scary.

The means in Hu Shiqing's hands also froze, giving Tu Huang a chance to breathe. The Stitching Monster couldn't help but squinted, as if he was concerned about the changes here.

The Stitching Monster deeply doubted whether he had missed it.

Han Chen thought about it carefully, and finally discovered the problem. With his destiny armor lock, he used to follow him through the path of reincarnation and the mysterious wood carving stairs. At that time, he had absorbed the strong power, and Han Chen had not had time to complete it. freed.

You must know that it is very formidable, and the power beyond the Conferred God Realm is naturally terrifying.

The Poison Dragon Dao powerhouse did not know that Han Chen had accumulated incomparable strength before, and he was rather careless, so he was directly pierced by the armor of fate.

Suddenly, a man with a purple body flowed out of the mist of the Poison Dragon Road. The man frowned, but he quickly turned into a streamer and fled away.

Han Chen felt a pity immediately, otherwise he could kill the strong man in the Hehuan League.

Now everything is too late.

Han Chen didn't say much, he took away the things that the Poison Dragon Dao man had time to take away in the future.

In this way, only the missing shadow remains on the scene, and Han Chen has been guarding him.

The Stitching Monster seemed to feel that he underestimated Han Chen, so he didn't pester Huang Mengmeng and let Huang Mengmeng leave. Hu Shiqing didn't dare to act rashly.

The scene was very quiet for a while.

No one can do anything about it.

After the Hu Shiqing who was standing far away discussed with the Suture Monster, Hu Shiqing came forward to communicate with Han Chen, "Our two families have no sorrows and complaints. The ancestor Feng Hai and the ancestor Gu Luo are bound to be killed. It’s your death. How about taking the two of us together and taking the two. The income of Yuancheng this day is not as good as you and I each take one..."

"Yes." Han Chen replied without thinking about it, knowing that these two guys are really annoying, and they want to kill themselves again and again. Now that they have the opportunity, how can they not take revenge.

"Friend Daoist Han, you attacked and dragged the two of them. We use ethereal spirit to kill these two. Please help me." Hu Shiqing said, "Moreover, there must be a lot of treasures on the old thief Guro on the opposite side. They just ransacked them. Our Hu family."

"So that's good." Han Chen said with a smile.

Han Chen said through a message, and then the whole person immediately disappeared into the void, and the suture monster pretended to look around to see where it went.

Ancestor Gu Luo and Ancestor Feng Hai were also very entangled at this time. If they left at this time, then Tianyuan City would definitely be under the control of Hu Shiqing and the others.

But if he doesn't leave, he is definitely not their opponent.

"Why don't we unite with Han Chen. We are all weak at this time, and this person will definitely cooperate with us." Feng Hai ancestor suggested.

"Impossible." Old Ancestor Gu Luo said coldly.

"Why..." I didn't say this word, and then I felt a cold behind my back and my heart sank.

"Someone attacked!"

The ancestor Gu Luo reacted the fastest and directly sacrificed his strongest life-saving formation. A huge grinding disc was immediately formed behind him, which immediately covered both of them.

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