All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1394: joint

The two of them still didn't feel any changes in their bodies, only found that the top of their heads turned black.

"The Universe Basin!"

Han Chen withdrew from the void, muttering words in his mouth, and fought out one by one, and then took out the last trophy, Qiankun Basin!

At that time, Han Chen also spent a lot of effort to escape the control of the Universe Basin, so the memory was very deep.

Taking it out in this way made Patriarch Gu Luo and Patriarch Feng Hai feel very sad.

"Han Chen, I have no grievances or grudges against you, why do you take action against the two of us!" Old Ancestor Gu Luo asked.

"Hmph, you have surrounded me two or three times." Han Chen sneered, and the Universe Basin in his hand pressed down more and more, buckling the two abruptly inside.

"Let's break open with great supernatural powers together, or the two of us will fall here sooner or later!" Old Ancestor Gu Luo said to Old Ancestor Feng Hai.

Suddenly, the golden warrior, sea god, and sea god's space were directly released, and the huge divinity impacted the universe basin, which seemed to be broken soon!

"Don't take action at this time, when will you wait!" Han Chen shouted sharply. He clearly felt that the control of the Universe Basin was greatly reduced, and he might be broken by the opponent at any time. Those were the powerhouses of the two eternal peaks!

"Come!" In an instant, a radius of ten kilometers was covered by the terrifying void domain.

"Well, we were in the midst of it! Han Chen actually joined the Hu family, and this time we are dead." Feng Hai's ancestor immediately turned pale.

When they said this sentence, they had already realized the seriousness of the problem, and this thing was irreparable.


After Tianyuan City was attacked, a large number of monks began to flee. The first to get the news is naturally the people from the city lord.

Before the young city lord Shangguan Yuhui had a lot of friction with Han Chen, in the end, he was defeated by Shangguan Yuhui.

After the defeat, he was determined to try his best to climb the peak, retreat with one heart, and no longer care about the disturbances outside.

Unexpectedly, today, Junior Brother informed him of the chaos in the city, and asked him to leave Tianyuan City with the treasures of the Gu Luo family and a group of old, weak and sick.

So he walked with a long convoy, disguised as a mortal, and at any rate did not attract the attention of the cultivators of the Hehuan League, and then he escaped the catastrophe.

After such a toss, Shangguan Yuhui felt even more depressed.

"That guy doesn't know if he died. Now my cultivation level has reached the half-step eternal state. It only takes a chance to break through the mythological form and enter the eternal state. After all, five years have passed, if that guy is still a myth. If you are a beginner, you must be dead."

He sighed, but he also knew the problem. Now that Tianyuan City is in chaos, it is difficult to survive.

Those in mythological form are nothing more than cannon fodder, and they cannot play any role in the frontal battlefield.

"What a pity."

He vomited indifferently in his heart.

The road is very peaceful.

Think about it, they were the first group to escape from Tianyuan City, and they were hidden among mortals, so naturally nobody would notice.

Shangguan Yuhui, who was meditating in the carriage, suddenly felt a wave of spiritual energy in front of him.

When the carriage was moving, it suddenly stopped. This would have no effect on Shangguan Yuhui. What really surprised him was that there were several people in front of him who were not weak in divine nature.

"Why are there five people whose divine nature fluctuates at the beginning of the eternal realm here?" Shangguan Yuhui was dumb and worried.

Thinking about whether to flee now, or to be fooled.

As a result, Shangguan Yuhui was even more afraid to release his mental power and shrank.

After a while, his car window was opened, and the leader of the old hunter appeared first. Although he was old, his body was very strong. People of this generation were very convinced of him, so they were willing to follow him out of the team.

Everyone respects him as Hong Ye.

Mortals like them would invite a **** to protect them, so there was a man wearing animal skins who followed this old man, his temples were bulging high, obviously he had cultivated extremely powerful techniques. .

However, his cultivation is only a title level, which is already very good for such a caravan.

But surrounded by five people outside, it was obviously not enough.

"Five gods, please see, these are our accompanying guests. Where is your rival of the Hehuan League?" said the old man Hong Ye, who is big and powerful.

"Hmph, let this person come out, relax the soul, let us search, and we will know, don't be long-winded here." Out of the field of vision, an extremely overbearing voice came, like a shrill voice like metal cutting .

As soon as Shangguan Yuhui heard this, he knew that it was not good, and immediately displayed the mythological form, took out the magical shield, turned it into a streamer, and ran away.

After the spiritual power was released, he immediately found a place to escape from behind.

At this time, he had already panicked.

"There is a kid here, his cultivation level is not low!" The shrill voice of cutting metal came over again.

"Boss, I will kill him." Another voice said tenderly.

"You can't, let's go on with the five of us. This may be a big fish. Did you notice what this kid is wearing just now? That is the guardian jade pendant of the Tianyuan City City Lord's Mansion." said the unpleasant voice like cutting metal.

Suddenly five streamers flew past, and the air was gorgeous. After a while, these five eternal realm elementary cultivators surrounded Shangguan Yuhui.

"Who are you!" Shangguan Yuhui had seen a big scene after all, and would not just kneel down and beg for mercy.

Around these five people are obviously distributed in different age groups, and the child who speaks is really a child, with pigtails in the sky and rolling his eyes.

In addition, the sharp-spoken man was a middle-aged man, followed by two people, one was older and the other was young.

"Who are we? Are you a little furry boy who has never been on the battlefield? You don't even know the rainbow team of our Hehuan League." said the immature voice.

"Hehe, do you want us to catch a big fish." The man in the lead said, "I hope this person has the treasure map of Tianyuan City. Let's do it together, kill him, and then take the treasure map!"

While speaking, the divine light of the five people turned into multicolored lights, dashing from all directions, and quickly fell on Shangguan Yuhui.

Shangguan Yuhui exploded a few magic weapons and still couldn't repel these people.

"Is it here?" Shangguan Yuhui's face was already covered with scars, his chest was pierced, and he was bleeding in large swaths.

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