All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1395: Cold woman

"Do it!" The five shouted in a low voice, rushing up to kill Shangguan Yuhui as if playing with a pet.

Shangguan Yuhui was immediately surrounded by colorful lights.

"Hurry up and find the storage bracelet, we will get the big treasure in a while!" The five said excitedly.

"Then first come, first served." The kid with the pigtails rushed in with a hippy smile, and less than a second, the kid screamed, and then it turned into a firework and exploded.

"Here, what happened inside?" The remaining four people spoke uncomfortably.

"No matter what happens, there seems to be an extra life form inside. Could it be that a mysterious strong man has come?" said the leader.

They were about to escape, and then they were horrified to find that countless sharks rushed out around them, and these sharks were coming over specially covering their heads.

"Ah, what are these things? We are the elementary level of the eternal realm, why can't we get rid of it! It's too difficult, these sharks will even go through the void!"

"No, this, this is ethereal!"

This was the last conscious reaction of the four of them, and then they were killed.

The colorful light flashed away, and Shangguan Yuhui dragged his broken body, looking at the back of a woman in white in disbelief that appeared in front of him. It was so elegant, and she was riding on a white fluffy dragon. She is extremely slender, without a trace of fat on her body. The back opened, revealing a perfect waist.

The waist card with the word of God on his waist seemed to be absent, looming with the wind.

He couldn't detect with mental power now, because his meridians had been broken all over his body, but he killed the five people when he saw that the opponent didn't even move. Obviously, his cultivation had already surpassed the elementary level of the eternal realm.

"Hey, kid, who are you in Gu Luo Fanxuan?" the white-clothed woman asked without looking back.

"I, I, vomit," Shangguan Yuhui was so weak that he couldn't reply at all, and he vomited a mouthful of blood.

Suddenly a white light rushed into Shangguan Yuhui's mouth. Shangguan Yuhui only felt a warm current flowing in, flowing all over his body, filling his body with strength, and the stagnant meridians became active and bloody.

Shangguan Yuhui knew that his condition must be much better now.

Not to mention how happy he was, he immediately knelt down and said, "Thank you, God! I am the Young City Lord on the bright side of Tianyuan City, and Gu Luo Fanxuan is my ancestor."

"Hehe, it seems that you didn't save the wrong person. I saved you only after seeing the city lord card on your waist." The woman sitting on top of the polydragon said, turning her head sideways.

"Ah..." Shangguan Yuhui was stunned, that peerless profile can definitely kill 99% of the beauties in the world, so Shangguan Yuhui couldn't turn his eyes away.

"Look again, I dug your eyes. If it wasn't for the face of the old man in Gu Luo Fanxuan, I would spare your life." The beautiful woman said.

"Yes! Excuse me, is God an official?" Shangguan Yuhui hurriedly retreated and said.

"Yes, your cultivation level is also restored, let's go on the road together. I feel that Tianyuan City is quite unstable, I just came here to inspect, and I have a task." The beautiful woman , Is the God Realm of Yuan Zang, Yue Qingcheng.

Yue Qingcheng originally came to find the last priest who disappeared. When the previous priest once again escorted the mysterious thing, the mysterious disappearance, that is, ten thousand years ago.

It is said that that mysterious thing is very related, so Heavenly Court is asking a mysterious fortune-teller to divination where the previous priest disappeared. I never thought that the mysterious fortune-teller had been in retreat for thousands of years, that is, last month. After leaving the customs, he immediately helped Heavenly Court fortunetelling.

The news that I got was in this Yuzhang God Realm.

Yue Qingcheng had to rush over without stopping.

So I sent a message to Gu Luo Fanxuan and the others, saying that the news of her coming today, I originally hoped that Tianyuan City could help investigate it.

Along the way, she originally wanted to come directly, but later went to somewhere in the God Realm of Yuzhang, took away ten thousand years of medicinal herbs, met a fierce beast, delayed a little, and hurried over.

Halfway through, he didn't expect to meet the descendants of this acquaintance, and then he would rescue him, otherwise he would have already rushed to Tianyuan City.

"When I came out, Tianyuan City was said to have been broken by the Hehuan League. I hope that the priest will hold justice!" Shangguan Yuhui said next to him. But his eyes never dared to look at her, he always felt that a magical force would draw him in.

"Huh, when I was in the Heavenly Court, I knew that you are constantly fighting in the Divine Realm, Hehuan League, and Hehuan League. This alliance is really not worrying. Although our Heavenly Court did not explicitly attack the development of alliances, but this Hehuan League The alliance uses poison for experimentation, and even cultivates the secretive aura, and other forbidden techniques are indeed the scum of our heavenly court. Since your Tianyuan City has been at war with the Hehuan Alliance, I will help you clean up the Hehuan Alliance." The woman said calmly.

"The Hehuan League is really hateful, it killed our Tianyuan City directly." Shangguan Yuhui said.

"Originally, I made your Tianyuan City to be stable, but now it's already in this situation, so just kill it all." The woman said, and stopped talking.

Shangguan Yuhui originally wanted the woman to teleport over directly. After all, the priest was also a Daewoo-class powerhouse, so he could do it with a single thought.

But looking at the appearance of the woman who is meditating and practicing, she also knows that there must be something more important to do.

Now there is not much delay in flying like this. So he followed with confidence.


Outside Tianyuan City, Han Chen used Qiankun Ding to encircle the ancient Luo ancestor and Feng Hai ancestor. Seeing that the two were about to break free, the agreed suture monster finally shot and completely surrounded the two.

Old Ancestor Gu Luo and Old Ancestor Feng Hai trembled, but in the end Old Ancestor Gu Luo finally woke up and said, "This time we are dead!"

The two were fighting hard against the ethereal spirit of the bloodthirsty giant.

"Don't you know that the priest is coming today?" The ancestor Feng Hai threatened, but said it in a nearly pleading tone, so that there was no momentum at all.

"What?" The ancestor of the Hu family was shocked.

Lord priest? Will the priest of Heavenly Court really come today? That's a Daewoo-class powerhouse!

If the priest came here today, wouldn't it be that one's own side was about to die, after all, the priest would kill and kill decisive people.

"Is the priest coming here today?" the suture monster asked cautiously.

"I don't know, but the Guluo clan is in charge of the City Lord's Mansion. If they say they are coming, they will probably come." Hu Shiqing said with a frown on his face.

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