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Chapter 1396: Feng Hai ancestor disappeared

"What are you afraid of, haven't you seen that I have successfully promoted to the Daewoo level? What is there to be afraid of, it is also the Daewoo level! Who is afraid of whom?" Suture blame grinned.

"Yes, it is the same Daewoo-class, we may not have no chance of victory, and even if we give up today, even if we voluntarily give up, I think the priest will not let everyone go." Han Chen was afraid that these two people would suddenly Stop and quickly analyze the pros and cons.

"Hmph, I won't be threatened by you, but these two guys, I'm going to kill them today!" The suture monster did not respond to Han Chen, bit the tip of his tongue, and his hand fell, the bloodthirsty giant scored a point. For two, it turned into two, equally powerful bloodthirsty giants!

"What, you want to fight against the priest! You will know how to die later!" Old Ancestor Gu Luo roared viciously, and hurriedly retracted his hand to stop a bloodthirsty giant.

"Why is this bloodthirsty giant so difficult? Now there is a clone." The sea dragon summoned by the ancestor Feng Hai was instantly destroyed by the bloodthirsty giant divided into two.

His sea dragon is nothing but the existence of the pinnacle of the eternal realm, facing the ethereal Daewoo-class, he was naturally killed all at once.

There are also some unexpected situations.

Unwilling to show weakness, the ancestor Feng Hai took out a pitch-black scepter, bit the blood on the tip of his tongue, turned it into a black cloud, and summoned the thunder and lightning in the void.

"Baqi Thunder!"

This is the most precious magic weapon brought out of the deep sea by the ancestor Feng Hai when they completely withdrew from the sea clan.

Second grade artifact!

Driven by the half-step Daewoo-class ability, it seems even more powerful!

The material used in the legend of this treasure is the thunder-strike wood from the deepest part of the thunderstorm sea in the depths of the sea clan. It is finally refined and contains a trace of the thunder sea divine nature of the thunderstorm sea. The utility of thunder!

The whole body once again transformed into a sea god, blessing on the eight-divergence thunder.

The original dark cloud flashing thunder has doubled its power on the original basis!

The huge clouds tore apart here, pouring down from the dark clouds, huge lightning!


The huge thunder fell on the bloodthirsty giant, and he paused involuntarily.

Han Chen looked at the eight different thunderstorms, and for a while, he was a little envious. Such great artifacts must be extraordinary.

The lock with his destiny armor can't help much.

However, although the attack of Destiny Armor is very strong, the divinity injected is very exaggerated, and his main function is to prevent the explosion of divinity, so in terms of attack, there is no special convenience.

In this way, Han Chen under the cover of Qiankun Ding, at the same time, secretly sent a yellow light towards the void.

Direct Huang Mengmeng to shoot.

Huang Mengmeng is also the peak powerhouse of the Eternal Realm anyway, with a huge beast roar, transforming into a beast roar energy that tears the void, and hits Feng Hai ancestor fiercely.

In this way, the ancestor Feng Hai was in a hurry, and coupled with the pressure of the universe, the two people were covered. Under the impact of the bloodthirsty giant, taking advantage of the gap, the bloodthirsty giant bombarded the ancestor Feng Hai with a punch.

The ancestor Feng Hai turned into a streamer and hit the outside.

"No, this thief is very treacherous! He even flew out of my God's Domain along the way!" Suture Monster shouted.

The ancestor of Hu Shiqing and the Hu family hurried to intercept it. He never thought that the ancestor of Feng Hai was very shrewd, summoning a few treasures at the moment of flying backwards, blocking Hu Shiqing's side, and exploding the artifact crazy.

For a while, Hu Shiqing touched the dust of his nose.

In the end, under this slight delay, the person turned into blue smoke, tore the void and escaped.

Hu Shiqing and the Suture Monster were furious, and stood in front of the ancient Luo ancestor respectively, and madly dropped the magic weapons and methods in their hands toward that ancient Luo ancestor.

Within a few breaths, the ancestor Guluo couldn't hold it up, and he vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, and for a while, his breath was dying.

"Stop, if you are willing to let me go, I will say that all the treasures of our ancient Luo clan are dedicated to you!" Old Ancestor Gu Luo supported his body and said, one side of his body has been punched by the bloodthirsty giant , Directly broken.

"Hmph, your treasure hiding place, don't I know if I will search for your soul later? Don't be distracted by this little thing at this time!"

The Suture Monster was afraid that Old Ancestor Gu Luo's words would impress Han Chen, so he quickly blocked Old Ancestor Gu Luo's words with Soul Search.

"If I search for my soul, I will..."

It's a pity that the words haven't been finished yet, the giant controlled by the suture monster smashed this man into pieces in an instant. Suddenly, a ray of white light rushed out of it, but it didn't take long before it was controlled by the bloodthirsty giant of God's Domain.

Han Chen was scared for a while, this God Realm was too terrifying.

This is the power of the Daewoo class.

Even a half-step Daewoo-class spirit wanted to tear the virtual escape, but couldn't do it.

Han Chen would definitely not believe it if there were no obstacles.

"This guy is finally dead." Hu Shiqing said relaxedly.

"It's a pity, let the old ancestor Feng Hai run away," said the suture monster, looking at Han Chen from time to time, "how do you want to divide? Because the guy promised you has already escaped."

"Huh, what you promised me is still needed." Han Chen said indifferently. In fact, when these two people put on such a posture, the fool knew that this was a threat.

But Han Chen is not the one who will be threatened. Soon Huang Mengmeng stood behind Han Chen. Obviously they are in the same group.

In fact, Han Chen didn’t let go of Feng Hai’s ancestor. Feng Hai thought he had escaped from the sky, but he didn’t expect that Han Chen instructed Ao Bai to place one, and used the void elves to take Feng Hai ancestor directly into the void. Then Ao Bai gave him the final blow.

You should know that Ao Bai's single-wheeled spirit is already the top peak power of the eternal realm, and it is more than enough to deal with a weak Feng Hai ancestor.

"How about, are we going to kill this kid?" Hu Shiqing was vigilant, while secretly transmitting.

"Not yet, didn't you say that there will be a priest coming over, we still need this person's help, otherwise I just started it." The suture monster said in deep thought.

As a result, Hu Shiqing was not so hostile to Han Chen. Instead, he proactively stepped forward and said, "Since we have agreed, then we will hand over these treasures in accordance with the agreement. Our two families will be divided together. Then if If there is soul search and treasure information, we will share it equally. What do Fellow Daoist Han think?"

"Yes." Han Chen said calmly. How could he not know the thoughts of these two people, but he didn't rush to do it because he was afraid that the priest would come over suddenly.

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