All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1397: Priest arrived

"Then let's finish the division quickly and retreat." Hu Shiqing suggested, and then turned to the suture monster and said, "Patriarch Hu, please help search for the soul. You must learn about the treasure from the mouth of the ancient ancestor. Place, otherwise the three of us won’t be enough."

"Yeah." The Stitching Monster didn't talk too much nonsense. He asked the bloodthirsty giant to bring the spirit of the ancient ancestor over, and then the Stitching Monster sank in and prepared to search for the soul inside. Who knew that the soul search was just started, that Gu Luo The ancestor's soul couldn't help trembling, and even expanded several times.

"not good!"

The suture monster hurriedly turned sideways, and in the end the spirit of the ancient ancestor blew himself up. Fortunately, Han Chen and Hu Shiqing were prepared, and this was not affected. After all, this was the spirit of an eternal top-level peak powerhouse!

"In that case, let's separate the storage bags..." Hu Shiqing and Stitching Monster looked at each other and finally said.

But this sentence was not finished, and the faces of the three of them turned green at the same time.

"No, this time the priests of the Gods Domain of Yuanzhang really came!"

The Stitcher roared.

When he roared, the sky changed color, leaving only a bright moon!

"This is also the realm of God!" Han Chen was shocked. This is Daewoo's own space. He didn't expect that the priest would actually come.

Han Chen had to spread out the twelve black gold wings and gray wings, and wrapped himself tightly. At the same time, Han Chen Ji made the Universe Basin, which was slightly able to resist the erosion of the power of the rules of his own space.

That suture monster has already opened up Daewoo's own space, and fiercely fought with that Yuehua space.

For a time it was even comparable.

"Unexpectedly, after many years, a Daewoo-class creature will be born in the edge of Tianyuan City! But the aura in your body is so mixed, it's a lot worse than our Heavenly Court Daewoo-class powerhouse."

At this time, the pure white dragon beast ran over the sky and moon. Although it didn't have the kind of dragon's breath, its pure white figure and cold appearance were very imposing.

Under the gaze of Han Chen, Suture Monster, Hu Shiqing and others, this person flew down.

"Are they two?" Han Chen was puzzled, and saw the white dragon beast flying down. Sitting on her body was a woman who couldn't use eyesight. This woman was really beautiful, and Sun Xue's face exploded. From Wu Yuan, there is more cold beauty of ice and snow.

Han Chen glanced at the person behind him, and he felt very familiar, but the light of this person was covered by the woman in front of him.

So Han Chen took a look and didn't look again.

After all, this person is just a mythical cultivation base.

"Hey, I didn't expect to smell an unpleasant aura in this place." The woman fell down and said with her eyes above her, her expression arrogant and indifferent.

After saying the inexplicable words in this round, he continued to ask, "You actually killed the city lord of Tianyuan City. You know that even if he is very useless, that is what our heavenly court recognizes. You kill our heavenly people privately like this, you can Are you ready to accept all punishments?"

"Huh, don't pretend to be fools here, you are not only Daewoo-class, I am also Daewoo-class, don't you think we can't defeat you." The suture monster is obviously not as difficult as Han Chen and others, while controlling Daewoo's own space, while urging The bloodthirsty giant looks for opportunities to fight back.

"Tsk tsk, stubborn! Another sinner who is also our heavenly court anyway, dare to cultivate the breath of reincarnation privately! It's really interesting, you won't be wronged if you die here." The woman in white is Yue Qingcheng.

She giggled, like the sound of a silver bell.

When she said this, she still looked at Han Chen, and said, "I never thought that you actually cultivated the breath of reincarnation into a concrete form. It is really interesting. Among the many sinners killed in the heavens, it is also I can rank high."

"Go! Yuehua God Shark!"

The moon blooms all over the sky, and a few fins floated in a galactic light. They floated up and down in the moonlight, absorbing the essence of the moon, making you exquisite.

"You hide under this basin of universe!" Han Chen said to the six people behind him. Jin Pangli, Wu Yuan and others all hid in cleverly. After all, they can't help much at this level of battle. Up.

The situation here is also very complicated.

Under Han Chen's prompt, they offered their defensive magic weapons one after another.

"This thing is ethereal!" Tu Huang looked at the fins swimming around in shock.

"It is said that this is immortal, just like the bloodthirsty giant. As long as the mana is enough, it can be reborn as many times as you want. Moreover, we stand in the other's Daewoo space, which will also limit A lot of."

Han Chen said to the others at this time, without turning around, staring at the Yuehua woman's movements intently.

The faces of Hu Shiqing and Stitching Monster on the other side are not pretty. As the other side said, although their Daewoo own space can be released, the maintenance time is definitely not as good as that of the other side.

So both of them are thinking about **** each other.

But only the Daewoo-class powerhouse knows how difficult it is to kill the Daewoo-level powerhouse.

They have space rules, can follow their space rules, and can tear the void and escape.

It's simply impossible to prevent.

"United?" Hu Shiqing transmitted to Han Chen.

"We have no choice, let's do it." Han Chen replied coldly. They had no time to hesitate. He stared at the Yuehua woman.

That priest Yue Qingcheng didn't have such good patience. As the corners of her mouth rose, the fins swimming around suddenly jumped into the air.


The dozen or so Yuehua sharks that jumped up made shark calls, turning into white moonlight and attacking everyone!

All nine of them were attacked to varying degrees.

Han Chen has already turned into a giant, a giant blow!

The huge fists slammed into those sharks fiercely. In the free space of Daewoo, Han Chen could clearly feel the constant consumption of his divinity.

"Ah, can these moonflowers absorb human divinity?" Han Chen could clearly feel that his divinity was lost more than twice as fast as usual.

If it is such a huh, wouldn't it be a bad scene?

"Really strong!"

Han Chen's fist slammed into one of the sharks, but it was only that the two sides retreated, and Han Chen could not kill the shark at all.

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