All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1398: Became

And that Daewoo's own space powerhouse can deal with the seven of them at the same time!

The strength is really strong.

Han Chen could feel that Yuehua woman was more than half stronger than Suture Monster.

"It seems that you have to deal with it carefully this time." Han Chen thought, Huang Mengmeng had been taken into the Stellar by Han Chen.

"Han Chen, be careful!" Wu Yuan finally used the guardian artifact given by Han Chen to block the attack of the moon shark after several hardships. This was distracted and said to Han Chen.

Han Chen secretly ordered the other people to look after Wu Yuan one or two, and completely focused on the woman in white in front of him.

The Stitch Monster over there handled it more easily. As the bloodthirsty giant collided with the Luna Shark, five or six Luna Sharks were attracted there.

"Is this a Daewoo-class powerhouse?" Shangguan Yuhui, who followed the white-clothed woman Yue Qingcheng to come here, couldn't help being very excited when seeing the white-clothed priest being alone, dealing with these nine people.

At this moment, Shangguan Yuhui saw Han Chen at a glance. This was when he saw the other's cultivation base, the whole person was dumbfounded!

The opponent is even more advanced than himself!

The other party turned out to be an elementary powerhouse in the Eternal Realm, and he was only a half-step Eternal Realm.

He also thought that he could surpass this person through the night and day cultivation for the past five years, and never thought that this person had reached the elementary stage of the eternal realm.

He clearly remembered that when Han Chen was only the first level of mythological form, he defeated himself at the top level of mythical form.

Now that the opponent is the elementary level of the Eternal Realm, it must be able to match the top-level powerhouse of the Eternal Realm.

Isn't this just dumping one's own level!

This gap is too frustrating.

Shangguan Yuhui was completely depressed, but fortunately, the priest had already taken action, and he had no need to face such a terrifying demon.

Looking at this beautiful woman in white, there was a feeling of air in my heart.

"Well, do you all have the consciousness of death?"

"Yuehua God Shark! Shark Feast!"

The slender fingers of the white-clothed woman gently twisted, revealing her fragrant shoulders, and with a wave of her arm, thousands of Yuehua floating, as if receiving an order, suddenly all gathered towards the Yuehua divine sharks.

Each Yuehua divine shark suddenly increased by a few points, and its face became hideous, showing its fierce fangs.

"Shark! Shark!"


As if it were a kind of language, the eighteen moonflower sharks around were summoned.

"It's not good, the other party is about to launch a general attack, we must guard it!" Jin Pangli commanded the others and said.

"We can't resist this at all, and I think those divine sharks are very weird. The flow of divine nature on my body is twice that of our usual. At this speed, our divine nature will soon wither away." Said depressed.

"Yes, we must save mana, don't add chaos to Han Chen, we must protect ourselves, our guardian magic weapons are all artifacts! Everyone must cheer!" Jin Pangli quickly ordered, and the rest are in Jin Pang. Under the command of the imminent danger, he finally calmed down.

"Such a weird Yuehua, do you have a way to crack it?" Han Chen said to Hu Shiqing.

"It's also the first time we have encountered such weird space rules. It really opened my eyes. What can I do." Hu Shiqing's face became more and more depressed. Why didn't he know that these moonlights could absorb the divinity of the human body. , Resulting in their divine flow rate is about twice the usual.

"Is there any way for your patriarch?" Han Chen frowned slightly.

"Our patriarch can't help it." Hu Shiqing shook his head and replied, instead, he dealt with the attacks of these eighteen moonflower divine sharks more and more carefully.

The Suture Monster forcibly opened his Daewoo own space, and was able to open up a space for himself and Hu Shiqing.

Suddenly, the suture monster gave a soft voice, so that their divinity drifting was not happy at all.

"Our patriarch found a way to use Daewoo's own space against the opponent's own space, so that we won't let our divinity be lost so quickly." Hu Shiqing was so excited to convey to Han Chen.

Han Chen was transforming into a giant and furiously resisting the moonflower shark. Hearing Hu Shiqing's excited voice, he instantly felt like he wanted to vomit blood.

Where is there a Daewoo-class powerhouse on my side? How can I build my own space? Isn't this funny?

Han Chen couldn't help but want to curse, the Moonflower God Shark's attack became more compact. After two or three rounds, Han Chen's arm was already sore.

Especially those Lunar Blossom Divine Sharks were on the verge of being fierce and not afraid of death, and they came in one after another.


Han Chen thought in his heart, if this goes on, his divinity will be absorbed sooner or later, and he has to think of something.

Han Chen thought so.

After a while, Han Chen said softly.

He found that his wings were also absorbing the divinity in the moonlight. Although it was very weak, it was because the gray wings absorbed automatically.

Han Chen found this problem with joy, and was immediately happy for a while. One must know that in such a Daewoo-class self-owned space, if one's own divinity continues to flow away, this is the most deadly.

Now Han Chen realized that his wings could absorb Yuehua on the opposite side, not to mention how happy and hungry he was.

In this way, Han Chen could also contain his opponent.

Wait, the other party may not react.

Han Chen slowly urged his wings. As expected, after the wings changed from passive absorption to active absorption, his divinity increased very quickly.

Comparing with my own divine brilliance, I found that the divine power came back and forth without losing too much.

"Now it's done! The next step is **** this priest!"

Han Chen thought quietly in his heart.

The Moonflower Divine Sharks of the other party, the single cultivation base has reached the peak state of the eternal realm. If the two attack together, then Han Chen can only barely cope with it. If the three attack together, Han Chen can only be passive. Got beaten up.

Moreover, in order to comply with Yuehua's space rules, the opponent deliberately slowed down the pace of the battle, so that they and the Stitching Monster wereted all their divinities before they shot, so that she could win very easily.

"Is this her strategy?"

Unfortunately, the other party was fantastic. Let alone how long the Suture Monster's Daewoo's own space can support, Han Chen alone has a pair of weird gray wings that can make up for the loss of divinity, so that the other's divinity will kill the rules and cannot be used.

After the other party summoned the 18 Moonflower Divine Sharks, they no longer Zhao Hua Yuehua Divine Shark. Obviously, if the number exceeds 18, the other party will also be restricted.

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