All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1404: Wake up with the essence of flame

This ice flame lotus fire is really amazing.

No, the flames on this fire list are all amazing.

It seems that we will have to collect more of these flames in the future, and let the essence of the flames be absorbed at that time.

Han Chen thought like this in his heart, that blood evil body was immediately cleaned up by the flame essence.

"What? My **** body!"

Yue Qingcheng spurted out a mouthful of blood, but it was made with her essence and blood that could be killed so easily, it was too terrifying.

"What, what happened over there?" The suture monster spotted the problem with sharp eyes. When he looked at the flame essence, he felt a powerful wave of power, which was even comparable to his own.

"Then Han Chen actually repelled the attack of the priest again." Hu Shiqing was also panting, and there was a huge hole in his body, which was accidentally pierced by the silver light from the mithril ball just now.

"I'm afraid it's not just repelling. After this time, I'm afraid that no one in Tianyuan City will be able to attack Han Chen." The suture monster said with a sigh, although I don't know the specific cultivation level of the flame, because Han Chen It was just released.

In addition, in other people's Daewoo-class own space, his spiritual exploration is also limited, so he is not very accurate.

I just knew that the flame even made myself scared for an instant.

"What, he Han Chen is just a small eternal state, even you dare not..." Hu Shiqing was stunned.

"He is not an eternal state, he still has a lot of secrets." While the Stitching Monster confronted the Mithril Orb whose attack power was gradually declining, he analyzed it and said, "When have you seen an eternal state face a great universe? Who can fight for more than a stick of incense? It's ridiculous. You don't think of him as an eternal state. Above strength, he can already sit on an equal footing with me."

"Oh..." Hu Shiqing looked at Han Chen with faint eyes, full of envy and jealousy.


Yue Qingcheng suddenly whispered.

"Why do you have a familiar fluctuation in your body?" Yue Qingcheng didn't change her expression. In the fight just now, she accidentally felt a trace of divine fluctuation in Han Chen's storage ring, which made her very concerned.

"Do you really want to know?" Han Chen thought about it again and knew it. What she said should be the sky card, which Han Chen obtained from the storage bracelet of the corpse in the secret realm.

"Huh, pretending to be a ghost. You clearly have our heavenly atmosphere, who are you?" Yue Qingcheng asked coldly. It seems that this issue is critical.

"Hmph, just hit if you want, what's the matter here."

"No, do you have my waist card on you!" With that, Yue Qingcheng took out his priest's token.

It was a sign with the word "Sky" on it, and it was like Yue Qingcheng's divine nature, exuding moonlight. It looks very delicate.

Han Chen had long known that the other party was talking about the Tianzi card, but was not so surprised.

On the contrary, there was a person next to him who exclaimed again and again. Han Chen and Yue Qingcheng looked at them distractedly, only to realize that the Hu family had a strange situation.

The suture monster was holding his head at this moment, trying to restrain something, but couldn't restrain it at all, and furiously said, "Return my body! Return my token!"

After roaring this inexplicable word, the suture monster ignored Hu Shiqing's life and death, turned into a streamer and rushed towards Han Chen.


Hu Shiqing's face turned green, the pressure of the mithril ball directly pressed on Hu Shiqing's body, and the spatial force of that moon Qingcheng immediately acted on Hu Shiqing's body. Under the attack, Hu Shiqing immediately vomited blood for several liters.

Had it not been for Hu Shiqing at the last moment to take out the magic weapon to save his life and stand in front of him as a huge shield, I am afraid Hu Shiqing would have been annihilated in this space.

Han Chen's face was shocked. Why did this suture monster suddenly change his face? Isn't he the patriarch of the Hu family? No matter how he didn't agree with him, he attacked his ally, and even ignored it, killing Hu Shiqing directly.

For a while, Han Chen and Yue Qingcheng looked dumbfounded.

On the contrary, Yue Qingcheng seemed to have thought of something. She looked at the suture monster and suddenly said, "The universe opens, the heavens rise, and the eternity is vast, only the emperor exists!"

Sure enough, the Stitching Monster stopped its crazy movements, and kept murmuring. "The universe opens, the heavens rise, and the eternity is vast, only the emperor of heaven survives!"

"You really are a deserted ancient!" Yue Qingcheng exclaimed!

Huanggu is a priest in the Heavenly Court who is in charge of the God’s Realm. This priest escorted an important item and disappeared in his God’s realm. At that time, the entire Heavenly Court was shocked and sent many people to search for it, but no results. .

This time, through the divination priest, I found some clues about this ancient priest. I didn't expect that I would meet this ancient priest, but the state of this ancient priest seemed very bad.

This stitching monster didn't seem to have a trace of ancient aura at all.

Even the Tian Zi cards she brought didn't feel any sense.

But after he chanted the beginning of the oath of the Heavenly Court priest, that Huanggu would have such a big reaction.

So she was pretty sure that even if this suture monster was not a priestly ancient, it must have a certain relationship with the priestly ancient.

Ancient? Who is Huanggu? Han Chen had some doubts at first, but after some thinking, he roughly understood the ins and outs of the whole thing.

This suture monster is not only the fusion of the four great patriarchs, it is very likely that there are five divine souls, and this fifth divine soul is naturally the ancient priest.

Back then, it was very likely that the priest Huanggu went to explore the secret realm. For unknown reasons, it directly caused the physical awakening of the ancestor Xuanwu. After the physical awakening, the body of the ancient priest was suppressed. At that time, I took the opportunity to merge into their souls. It is now the suture monster.

The old ancestor of the Hu family had obtained the soulgrass for a while, apparently allowing the ancestor of the Hu family to occupy the dominant position for a while, and now, under the news of the sky brand and the voice transmission of the woman of the month, the spirit of the ridiculous ancient priest was awakened.

Thinking about it this way, the so-called search for the purpose of the birth of the soul of the Hu family is not so pure.

Assuming that the spirit of the ancient priest could influence the decision-making of the other four heads of the clan, then the so-called search for the so-called soulweed is just another cover.

His real purpose should be to let people go to the secret realm and rescue the suppressed body.

Thinking of this, Han Chen felt that it was very responsible, and I am afraid that the four major families were all played by him.

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