All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1405: Ancient priest

"Ah, I'm a deserted ancient! I'm a priest of the heavens!" The Suture Monster was stimulated by Yue Qingcheng, and his soul was completely awakened. He was disheveled and looked at Han Chen with a beast-like gaze, "Return my body! Return my token. !"

What the hell? How does this person know that I have his body and token on me? Han Chen confirmed the seal inside the storage bracelet again. After confirming that it was not damaged, Han Chen could only guess that it was the induction of the soul and the flesh.

In a short time, two Daewoo-class besieged Han Chen situation.

"Team Han!" Jin Pangli and the others watched Han Chen being surrounded, but they couldn't participate in the battle at their level at all. It would only be a disservice to enter, so they could only watch.

"Han Chen, you must hold on." Wu Yuan might have rushed in if she hadn't been stopped by Sun Xue, and they couldn't understand why the suture blame suddenly turned her gun to attack.

I just think Han Chen is too difficult.

Han Chen knew that the current situation was very dangerous. After getting the help of the flame essence to kill the blood fiend, Han Chen's destiny armor finally ushered in a strong wave. Han Chen was even more decisive and immediately locked the destiny armor. Go out!

"It's done!"


"Fate Armor Lock!"

So Han Chen asked the Void Elf to collect the essence of the flame into the void, and at the same time refine the lock of the Destiny Armor that exudes a black light into the air.

Following Han Chen's low voice, Life Armor Lock floated towards that Moon Qingcheng as if it had identified the enemy.

"Huh, little bugs, don't want to take me down!"

Nayue Qingcheng didn't believe it, he couldn't even take down an elementary stinky eternal realm, and summoned Xingyue Palace, letting Xingyue Palace move towards that day's life armor lock to resist.

This Xingyue Holy City is a third-grade artifact.

She doesn't believe that Han Chen, a beginner of the eternal realm, will also have a third-class artifact on his body. Isn't that third-class artifact a bad street?

This is the biggest secret of her Yue Qingcheng.

The Stitching Monster was not to be outdone either. He seemed to believe that Han Chen had his own body and token, and summoned a bloodthirsty giant to attack Han Chen.

But when he was about to attack Han Chen, a flame suddenly floated from that Han Chen. The flame flashed, and the bloodthirsty giant immediately turned into a flame giant, and soon disappeared into the void.

"Daewoo-class powerhouse..." the suture monster whispered, once again summoning bloodthirsty giants, summoning two giants at once, and the two giants turned into blood and rushed into the flames.

After the flame essence killed the bloodthirsty giant, it turned into a biological form. Seeing that two bloodthirsty giants rushed over, they immediately opened their own Daewoo-class space, turning the entire space into a hellfire field, even A few vague soul figures can be seen shuttled back and forth from the hellfire field.

The vague figure dashed toward the bloodthirsty giant without fear of death.

The battle between the flame essence and the suture monster immediately turned into a crazy confrontation between the two giants in their own space.

Han Chen looked at the Fate Armor Lock that day with all his attention, and took a distracted look at the flame essence of Daewoo-class private space, and then he knew the reason, even if the ice lotus fire was a simulated situation on the road of reincarnation. Condensed into its own space.

Then there is the breath of reincarnation.

"What, this is the breath of reincarnation!"

Sure enough, after the flame essence shot, that Yue Qingcheng didn't care about Han Chen's fate, and his jaw dropped in surprise.

"You unsophisticated people, banning the bodies of priests and stealing tokens, and now you are still practicing the breath of reincarnation! You are dying this time!"

Yue Qingcheng coldly pronounced the sentence, so leisurely, he was obviously confident in his third-grade divine tool Xingyue Holy City.

That day, the life armor lock and the Xingyue Holy City slammed together, and the two powerful forces collided with each other. The huge divine essence wave completely split the space here. After the space crack came out, the surrounding trees All the tiles were absorbed.

It seemed extremely chaotic inside, and thousands of moonlights flowed into the void.

"Destiny armor lock! Lock!"

Han Chen yelled, a Fajue fell on the fate armor lock that day, the fate armor lock was compacted, and the eight flying chains immediately hovered over the Xingyue Holy City, tightly locking the Xingyue Holy City. power.

As a result, the power of Xingyue Holy City was once again crazily absorbed by the lock of fate.


Yue Qingcheng did not expect that the opponent's destiny lock could be so overbearing and would absorb the divine nature. For a time, frost was applied to his face, and several magic decisions were transformed in his hand, controlling the Xingyue Holy City to escape the attack, releasing the silver The light couldn't hurt the destiny armor lock at all.

The powerful force exploded once again, shaking the space there violently.


Han Chen fell down with a decisive spell, and the lock of heaven fate trapped Xingyue Holy City and slammed into that Moon Qingcheng.

Seeing that Yue Qingcheng couldn't control Xingyue Holy City, she hurriedly steered her own space to avoid the space crack.

Han Chen Fajue urged, absorbing a large amount of divine fate armor, and violently unfolded his minions, turning them into eight sharp javelins, piercing the void and attacking that Moon Qingcheng.

Yue Qingcheng couldn't avoid it, so she could only use the power of her whole body to resist it, and eight javelins slammed into Yue Qingcheng's body.

Eight cracks appeared in the space of her whole body, the cracks burst open, and the whole body was swallowed by the void.

"No! She wants to run away!" Han Chen yelled. If Yue Qingcheng escaped, there would definitely be an entire heavenly court chasing Han Chen after him, so Han Chen could not let the other party escape anyway.

Han Chen was about to shuttle into the void, but the Star-Moon Holy City controlled by no master began to attack Han Chen again.

Han Chen had to deal with the Xingyue Holy City first, and several magic tricks fell on it, and finally the Xingyue Holy City was put away.

I took a look at the battle between the Flame Essence and the Suture Monster, and saw that the Flame Essence was suppressing the Suture Monster to death, so without any hesitation, the Void Elf teleported itself into the void.

Han Chen knew that if the opponent was hit by the Destiny Lock, he would definitely be restricted by the Destiny Lock, and it was impossible to travel through the void for a long time.

In addition, the void elves also have void tracking capabilities, and Han Chen naturally quickly caught up with Yue Qingcheng.

But Han Chen still saw a figure next to him, which surprised Han Chen.

I saw the man say, "Why did you come so late that you almost let this chick run away."

Han Chen looked at Huang Mengmeng and didn't know what to say. You are not a chick yourself.

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