All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1512: Hunyuan Thunderbolt Stick

"Naughty animal!"

The young man shouted in a low voice, mobilizing his own divinity to the maximum, the void runes began to fluctuate, and the surrounding space gradually became distorted.

Outside this space are Han Chen, Flame Essence and the young man.


"Thunderbolt! Come out with Hunyuan stick!"

As the young man murmured, the thunderbolt and Hunyuan sticks all over the sky showed up, covering the sky.

"When I am in this space, I have unlimited use of the Thunderbolt, and I will have inexhaustible Hunyuan sticks! I will burn you all clean!"

The young man commanded the surging thunderbolt, and rushed towards the flame essence that was also a spiritual villain.

After the flame essence is released, he will beg for mercy. This is the strongest class he has cultivated over the years.


Thinking of this, the young man couldn't help cheering.


Han Chen snorted, letting the essence of the flame behind him fly out into streamers. The essence of the flame has already been full of energy ripples, and he has plunged himself into it.

The essence of the flame sprayed out as firelight, and the streamer flickered, directly penetrating the circle of the person's thunderbolt fire, and swallowing the most core firelight in one mouth, with a very enjoyable expression.

"Then, that is the core of my flame!"

The young man suddenly ate the flies, and the surrounding heat had no effect on the essence of the flame at all. It also ignored the thunderbolt fires at all, and only swallowed the core of the flame!

Now, this creature has become refined, okay?

And looking at the appearance of the other party, it seems like a child has eaten something particularly delicious, and he has been there forever, looking so unhappy.

But in his mind, that is blood!

"It's not time to solve it." Han Chen whispered. He was taken away from 90% of his cultivation base just now. Now he is supporting the next level of divinity, and is constantly fighting for time to reply. It's troublesome when someone is coming.

So Han Chen let the essence of the flame fight quickly.

Han Chen never thought of the dedication of the flame essence to the thunderbolt.

The flame essence received Han Chen's call, and immediately turned into a strong light, flew out, passed through the thunderbolts, and quickly came to the man.

"You, you can't do this to me, my dad is the core of Heaven!" The young man exclaimed.

The essence of the flame passed by, burning the man into a flame, looking extraordinarily cool.

Before that sentence was finished, his body was burned to pieces by the essence of the flame.

The villain who ran out of his body wanted to tear the void to escape, but was swallowed by the essence of the flames in his stomach.

The young man didn't expect that this flame essence had already swallowed the nineteenth existence of the fire list.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been so wronged.

"Wow, this is too powerful!"

"Is it also the essence of flames just now? This is too powerful! What is it really looking at my eyes!"

"Yes, the outside existence is too much, it's really a killer move!"

"I think the most powerful thing is the Daewoo-class self-owned space of our Korean team just now. Although it only existed for a moment, it exposed a fresh life!"

Jin Pangli, Wu Yuan and others who followed Han Chen admired, especially that Tuhuang, which is simply a fighter among the fighter jets, only heard that Tuhuang said, "I also think it’s the master, it’s just like lightning. Between the flints, the opponent couldn't even open up the Daewoo-class own space, and the soul was killed directly when trying to escape. The speed and destructive power are visible, and it is also more terrifying!

After such a conversation, the rest of the people were afraid to take the trouble. It was true that Tu Huang's description had many loopholes.

Han Chen had to cough and said, "We are still in danger, we must evacuate as soon as possible, otherwise there will be no one to protect our safety."

"Not bad!" the person next to it added, "Let's clean up and leave now."

Han Chen and Wu Yuan smiled bitterly at each other, and after they finally killed the two, a group of six quickly retreated to this place.

Since the death of Daewoo-class monks has already appeared here, they will definitely let them increase their manpower to search.

Heavenly Court is not just a few Daewoo-class deacon elders, if you meet a certain Taoist, then you may even have to confess your life here. Even when he encountered a strong man in the Conferred God Realm, Han Chen had nothing but escape.

The Conferred God Realm with a solid foundation cannot be killed at all.

It was dead, and it didn't take long to be resurrected amid the prayers of the people of God. It was really terrifying.

If the **** of Styx had no foundation, why would he die.

But once again facing the **** of Styx, Han Chen estimated that he could only escape.

The last time I was able to kill the Styx God, it was because of the sudden appearance of the Ancestral Beast that made the Styx God die so quickly.

It was not caused by Han Chen's power at all.

So Han Chen was more careful this time.

Thinking of this, Han Chen quickened his pace, and everyone used the void elves to shuttle again.

The other six people who came to encircle were shocked and beyond words when they saw the scene of the battle.

"In the report, didn't it say that their highest cultivation base was just the peak of the eternal realm? Why did we suddenly kill all our Daewoo-class deacon elders?" said one of the men who seemed to take the lead, his waist card, The sky sign, waving in the wind, is obviously a priest in the heaven.

This time they gathered so many priests, it was also because this time the upper level absolutely completely killed those Hehuan Dao who cultivated the breath of reincarnation.

Moreover, their intelligence was behind, which directly led to the death of the two Daewoo-class deacon elders.

"The other party was able to kill two deacon elders in such a short time, and there is also Hunyuan Pilihuo elder! It seems that the strength of the other party should be at the level of a false god!" Another old man touched his beard and said.

"What!" When the others heard it, they burst completely.

Are they surrounded by seven or eight people turned out to be a powerful Conferred God Realm powerhouse?

This is too outrageous, right?

They were a little grateful at first, fortunate that they didn't meet such a person, otherwise the person lying on the ground would be theirs.

"Anyway, we must stop tracking to avoid manpower loss. At the same time, report to the upper echelon and ask them to dispatch the Palace Master of the Star Palace quickly, otherwise we priests will be killed sooner or later." The man who took the lead looked at Looking at Han Chen, he took a deep look, as if he had made up his mind.

So he said to everyone.

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