All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1513: Search soul

When everyone heard it, they felt that it made sense, and they stopped the encirclement one after another. You must know that chasing like this would only increase consumption.

It can't affect them at all.

Han Chen and others, who had fled early, also felt extremely grateful in their hearts. If they should continue to chase down, they are still in trouble.

Because their cultivation bases are only the eternal level, that is, Han Chen and Flame Essence are Daewoo-class cultivation bases.

Han Chen's face was dignified. After scanning around, he confirmed that no one was chasing him. Then he let out a sigh of relief and slowly adjusted his breath.

Swallowed his own recovery pill.

Only then did I remember that I had just received two storage bracelets from Daewoo-class powerhouses, and the space above them was twice as large as the storage bracelets collected before.

Things piled up like mountains inside!

Han Chen's eyes straightened.

However, some of these things are the Yunyang Pill of Daewoo-level, which is a pill that Daewoo-level cultivation must use to increase one's divine understanding.

After they are at the Daewoo level, they have to learn how to develop their beliefs so that they can finally stabilize their fundamentals.

And the more secret the basic disk, the greater the probability of survival.

After all, it comes from faith.

There are a lot of pills on the two storage bracelets for the eternal realm. It seems that they are the two elders who are in charge of distributing the pills.

This time it was made.

Seeing that the cultivation base of Jin Pangli and others are stuck in the Eternal Realm, and now that the other party has sent medicinal herbs and medicinal materials, Han Chen is confident that they can still support them to reach the top level of the Eternal Realm. The pill was worried.

When the two storage bracelets inside are combined, there are two thousand **** stones, which is another huge sum of money.

There was also a magical tool similar to a compass on them, which made Han Chen quite feel the magical tool, and varying degrees of divine fluctuations spread from it.

"What is this?" Han Chen asked himself.

"Oh, by the way, I can let the flame essence release the old man of Hunyuan Thunderbolt, he probably has a lot of secrets." Han Chen thought.

So Jin Pangli and others were asked to operate the flying boat and entered the cave by himself.

This cave house uses the mustard seeds, so there is a good space, but the abundance of land is not comparable to the stellar device.

Han Chen thought about it so he came to the cave and summoned the essence of flames. The essence of flames ate the flames, and now he is lazily about to fall asleep again.

"The essence of flames, take out the Hunyuan Thunderbolt, I have to deal with it myself, how about it?" Han Chen asked.

Flame Essence raised his sleepy eyes, did not dare to violate half a point, and took out the soul of the Hunyuan Thunderbolt.

The Hunyuan Thunderbolt fire was spit out by the essence of the flame, and the whole person was confused. It was obvious that in the belly of the essence of the flame, he had endured the huge threat that ordinary people could not bear.

"You stinky boy, do you want my life? Come on! With your Daewoo-level initial cultivation base, how could I lose to you boy, it must be my carelessness!" Huo didn't seem to be afraid of death at all, and he was a **** toward Han Chen.

"Unexpectedly, your life is hard and your mouth is hard." Han Chen smiled slightly.

His own cultivation base, the strength that was unfolded in an instant, was already comparable to the Daewoo-class top-level cultivation base, his planetary divine body cultivation was complete, and it was even more terrifying.

Now that empty cicada must kill, it is also his own ethereal secret skill.

The opponent can't survive a round in his own hands, it can be said that it is inevitable, rather than careless.

"Hmph, let you say that, do you still want to search for my soul? I immediately blew myself up!" The man also had a fiery temper and immediately turned into a huge swelling object.

Han Chen was shocked. He didn't expect the other party to be so stubborn. He immediately displayed the cultivation base in his hand, took out the God-killing Axe, and a golden light fell, and the person immediately became demented.

"You..." The man came out with a cry of exclamation, and found that he had become demented. There were a lot of fantasies in front of him. In the fantasies, various situations appeared, and he could not help but see the changes in human feelings.

Especially when I saw myself ascending to the seat of the palace lord of the Star Palace, becoming the lord of the palace, shouting from the front to the back, and no longer need to be drunk like a priest.

Han Chen was also shocked.

I didn't expect the Ice Soul Crystal on the God Killing Axe to have such an effect.

But this is also because Han Chen's soul has reached the astonishing Daewoo-class top level, which makes the opponent easily become demented.

Han Chen couldn't help but smack his tongue.

But at this time, it's not the time to be narcissistic, and quickly let yourself sink into the other's mind and peel off the other's memory to check.

The other party involved some important secrets, and there are still some restrictions.

These banned people are extremely clever, and their cultivation level has clearly reached the state of a false god. At this time, if Han Chen is really forced to do it, it will definitely cause this spirit to explode.

Han Chen let out a pity, and then browsed some general conditions.

I also know the ins and outs of my being encircled this time.

It turned out that when he entered the city gate, he was not noticed. The reason why I was noticed was that I was noticed when I was wandering in the street stall and when I bought the pair of earrings. Then, the Mazi-faced dwarf directly seduce and tested it. As a result, Han Chen was really moved. Step by step is defined as Hehuandao by the other party.

In other words, it is believed that Han Chen has cultivated the breath of reincarnation.

This is interesting.

Han Chen felt that it was necessary to be cautious and let Wu Yuan in.

Wu Yuan received the transmission, and when Han Chen pulled the ban, she came in, "What happened?"

Wu Yuan glanced at her muddy soul on the ground, so she walked up and asked.

"I just checked the memory of this person, and found that we were surrounded by the other's attention. It was actually a sophisticated design strategy. The earrings we bought at the beginning were one of their bait. You will show me the earrings now. Fan, let me see what's on it." Han Chen said with some uncertainty.

After all, the earrings really don't have any weird fluctuations. I don't know why they were used as one of the test items.

The pair of jade earrings once again appeared in Han Chen's hands. Han Chen waved his hand and his spiritual power entered the pair of earrings.

Just before entering, suddenly the brain spirit suffered a major sonic attack, and a loud roar came!


Let Han Chen, the Daewoo-class top-tier spirit, almost collapsed!

"This, what is this!"

Han Chen hurriedly quit, shocked. If it weren't for the last critical moment, Han Chen had given up the part of the infiltrated spirit power in time, Han Chen might have become a soul-dead body at this time.

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