All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1514: Giant from outside the domain...

It was terrible.

What is the huge roar in it!

Why is there such a terrifying voice, and finally, why does this thing appear in the hands of a monk with a title level?

What kind of conspiracy is this?

Han Chen couldn't guess for a moment.

Han Chen thought about when some of them were discussing the frontline sky, wait, did I miss something!

"Han Chen, what happened?" Wu Yuan was stunned when she saw Han Chen, and then her whole body trembled in shock, and now she was even more confused by the scorching appearance.

"This thing may have been contaminated by something outside the territory." Han Chen was startled, and once again went deep into the mind of the haunting Hunyuan Thunderbolt Monk, and found that the inexhaustible news was related to the memory of the restriction.

I couldn't help feeling cold, this thing turned out to be so weird.

Han Chen remembered what those people were talking about on the street where they were discussing about extraterritorial pollution, which made Han Chen feel cold from the bottom of his heart.

He quickly awakened Mo Xiaoyan and gave it to Mo Xiaoyan.

Mo Xiaoyan glanced at the object with a helpless look. He originally wanted to detect it with the spirit, but was stopped by Han Chen and told the story again.

In this way, Mo Xiaoyan swept away from the past decadence, and got a twelve-point spirit. After a short glance, she did find a lot of secrets in it, so she asked, "How did you get this thing?"

"We bought it with a sacred stone in the hands of a casual repairman." Han Chen answered honestly.

"This thing is obviously not something of our Demon Realm, but I have also heard that this thing is extremely dangerous on our side, and I never thought it would appear in your hands. I don't know if you are the son of heaven, or you are terribly unlucky. However, you should keep this thing properly. The secrets involved can be very big. If you don't believe it, you can ask the Xuanwu." The demon Xiaoyan Jiejie said.

"By the way, why does your kid's cultivation level seem to skyrocket again." Mo Xiaoyan asked again. Only then did he notice that Han Chen's cultivation base had reached the terrifying Daewoo-level elementary level, and that he possessed a powerful spirit in that cultivation base, which was even more incredible.

And Han Chen has cultivated a planetary divine body technique that can exaggerate his cultivation level by several stages. By this time, Han Chen's comprehensive strength has reached the astonishing Daewoo-level top level.

It's a pity that the cultivation base is still a bit short.

"It's just a fluke." Han Chen smiled, still remembering that ordinary earring and what the roar was.

"Why are you? When I inherit the cultivation base of the Destroyer God, I can also become stronger than you. If I inherit the Godhead by luck and steal the basic faith of the Destroyer God, then I am basically a seal. Divine Realm!"

That Mo Xiaoyan said cheerfully.

"Do you want to tell me the method of condensing the godhead is to steal the godhead?" Han Chen was a little speechless.

That Mo Xiaoyan tricked herself into taking the Destroyer God, it turned out to be to steal the Godhead. The ultimate goal of this guy finally revealed.

But Mo Xiaoyan cheated herself too hard, which made Han Chen feel unwilling.

"Stealing the Godhead also requires skill." Mo Xiaoyan replied irritably. At the same time, there was some guilty conscience. He just said in a hurry, "About that earring, you can ask Xuanwu."

After speaking, the demon Xiaoyan went back to sleep on the flower of the demon world.

Han Chen had no choice but to awaken Huang Mengmeng again. Huang Mengmeng had slept for a long time. His cultivation had reached the peak of the Daewoo-level elementary level, and he was about to advance this period of time.

This son's cultivation talent is also very against the sky.

"Why do you ask me to get up? I'm about to advance soon." Huang Mengmeng said irritably.

"That's it. I have an earring. Check it out..." Han Chen repeated what he said to Mo Xiaoyan just now.

Huang Mengmeng was a little lax at the beginning, but when he heard it at the end, he suddenly became serious. There is indeed a lot to do in this, so he also raised the spirit of twelve points.

"I don’t have any specific information about this thing. But I always feel a vague feeling that I can perceive. If you say that even your soul may fall, I’m naturally not a problem. Now I dare not go anymore. I have explored. Maybe after I upgrade my cultivation base, I unlock more memories and may know. But it gives me a vague feeling that this thing will definitely be useful. You kid, I’m afraid the fate is not shallow. The priests must be I don't know what this thing really does."

Huang Mengmeng was also very cautious, and did not invest in the soul again to search, but after a few glances nearby, he did not continue to invest.

As a result, Han Chen synthesized all kinds of news, and there must be many things that need to be understood by himself.

But at this time there was no other way, only a special prohibition was used to give it eighteen times and threw it into the depths of the stellar device.

With a wave of his hand, the essence of the flame swallowed the soul.

Han Chen also found an exciting piece of news in the opponent's soul, that is, the opponent's Hunyuan Thunderbolt Fire was not cultivated by him himself, but from a ten thousand year old fire phoenix sitting down.

If the flame is still early to allow the flame essence to evolve, then it must also be a kind of sacred fire on the fire list.

So Han Chen was so surprised.

The place where the Ten Thousand Years Fire Phoenix sat on the ground should be near the Great Rift Valley called Luofeng Valley where they went south.

"Let you find the treasure again." Han Chen smiled and said calmly while looking at the essence of flames.

Han Chen has received so much news now, which is not bad. The old guy also left a few good divine artifacts with fire attributes, all of which were not bad.

Especially the Fire Phoenix Clock, the Fire Phoenix Clock is even more surprising, where the flames are intense, it seems particularly violent.

Obviously, he was suddenly attacked by the essence of flame before, so he didn't have time to take it out for sacrifice.

It made Han Chen smile.

Han Chen also found the Hunyuan Thunderbolt stick to be novel. It was able to hit all kinds of flames on it, and it was stimulated by the Hunyuan Thunderbolt stick method, which could usually inspire 100% of the flame's original strength.

Therefore, this Hunyuan Thunderbolt Stick is also a good exercise method. At this time, Han Chen does not lack the exercise method, and this thing is a bit of a taste for himself, so he put it on hold for the time being.

His own black light secret technique sharp shot, evolved from the battle of a snake-haired woman, and was enough to serve as the main attack method.

Although possessing powerful enough power, there is still a lot of gap compared with the empty cicada kills.

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