All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1515: Hong Shijing

"Wait, don't I still have a small grinding wheel? I don't know if this thing is as magical as the person said."

However, this thing can't play the biggest role here in Han Chen, it still has to be handed over to the old Huohui tribe to play the biggest role.

It's a pity that none of those people can cultivate the breath of reincarnation. In the end, Han Chen will have to do it, or Huang Mengmeng will do it instead.

After thinking about it for a while, he entered the stellar device and walked to the territory of the Huohui tribe, the Huohui tribe's territory is still frantically creating a **** outfit.

However, they are not enough at the moment, and Han Chen feels that it is necessary to improve their cultivation and refinement skills.

As soon as he saw Han Chen coming, especially feeling the strength of Han Chen's Daewoo-class cultivation base, the five clansmen immediately threw themselves to the ground and shouted for the master.

"Okay, get up. Your cultivation is still at the elementary level of the eternal realm. It really slows down our refining equipment. You must pay more attention to the cultivation method. Well, I have a Hunyuan Thunderbolt here. The stick can inspire a hundred percent of the original flame, which has doubled the effect. You can use it."

Han Chen stepped onto the seat, and then took out the Hunyuan Thunderbolt Stick from the storage ring, and the materials for the storage ring, and gave it to the five people.

As soon as the five people saw that there were still those medicines for improving their cultivation base, they were overjoyed. Knowing that the medicine was given to them last time, their cultivation base was improved by a large amount, passing directly through the top level of the mythical form. Let the five of them become the eternal realm, suddenly surpassing their original patriarch.

And the pure fire attribute divinity from the Hunyuan Thunderbolt Stick and Fire Phoenix Clock made their hearts shocked and joyful.

"I can easily refine these medicines now, so you don't need to thank me. Make good use of these artifacts. Let them play their due role, then I will be very happy."

Han Chen smiled. The eternal realm pill above were all refined by Han Chen, and for a second-tier **** pill master like Han Chen, there was no problem.

But in the next step, Han Chen planned to refine the Daewoo-class pill, so that Han Chen could directly advance to the third-tier **** pill master.

The refined third-grade **** pill, especially the ice clear pill, is directly used to assist the flame essence to absorb the fire.

It happened to use the materials purchased last time, Mi Ying grass and Shen Yan grass.

In this way, the effect of the flame essence in absorbing fire is greatly improved.

Suddenly the five tribesmen bowed and said, "Master, do you still have this kind of stone!"

The five of them looked excited.

"I didn't open a large source stone mine. How could I have so many, it is just the stone I bought casually." Han Chen showed a wry smile on his face.

That big source stone was the first thing I bought from the dwarf race before. It contained the power of the source, which could improve the rank of the artifact to a certain extent, so these five race elders were so excited.

However, this thing can not be found, this is also to use the dwarf race to get him to the bait, and the blood is paid, so that he can pick up a leak.

Han Chen exchanged his life in disguise.

When Han Chen said so, the five old men immediately showed a heartbroken expression.

Han Chen was even more speechless.

"Okay, put those things aside, and I have one more important thing to discuss with you." With that, Han Chen took out the small grinding plate from his hand, and when he took it out, the five old men once again Dumbfounded.

"What! That is Hong Shijing!"

"I didn't expect such a simple artifact in the world!"

"Where is it simple, how exquisite it is, the upper layer of materials, and even the absolutely scarce king's Hong Shijing!"

For a time, the five old men immediately quarreled.

Han Chen took a look, and didn't expect such a result. There must be a big family behind the pocky dwarves, otherwise how could such a huge artifact empire be built.

If you wait to tell them the function of this divine tool, I'm afraid they will definitely have to fry the pot. You must know that the function is really too bad.

"Well, everyone is quiet, you still don't know how to use this thing, and what is it?" Han Chen said with a smile.

"Yes, I would like to ask the master for instructions," said one of them.

"I don't know the specific name of this thing. It is said that it is an imitation of a certain kind of artifact. The rainbow crystal is used on it, but it is a very expensive material, but its function is also very against the sky." Han Chen said lightly. , Paused.

Continued to add, "His role is to restore the treasure or artifact to its original material appearance, with a success rate of about 50%."

"What! Restore!"

"This is too bad! There is also such an artifact, this is simply the treasure that the refiner dreams of!"

We must know that the more rare artifacts, the higher the grade artifacts, the more rare the materials used, but this kind of high-grade artifacts have a poor success rate. Very often, there is a lot of fertilizer, which causes a huge amount. waste.

Even high-rank refiners can't solve this problem, so now that there is such a small grinding wheel, it is simply to make them like refiners crazy trial and error. It has increased the success rate by 50% in disguise, and it must be possible to increase two or three levels.

The effect is directly against the sky!

That said, people are really stunned.

The five elders immediately put the treasure in the middle, and the five people gathered around and kept bowing.

Han Chen was stunned. Did these people directly regard the treasure as the Patriarch?

"Ahem," Han Chen coughed and said, "You don't know how to do it yet."

"Yes, please master's advice." The man said.

"This thing can only be driven by people who have cultivated the breath of reincarnation." Han Chen tried to make his voice flat.

Those five old guys went crazy immediately, and said to Han Chen, "It's a god-given divine treasure to the master! In this way, we can borrow the power of the master, so we can add a few more levels of cultivation!"

Hearing what they said, Han Chen didn't refute it. Han Chen originally did it.

"Then you guys quickly take out some scraps, let me manipulate it to see if the desired result can be achieved." Han Chen smiled, now that he has made up his mind, he naturally wants this treasure to play its due role.

As for whether this treasure is a reincarnation celestial treasure, there is no need to tell them. They only have a refining device in their eyes, and they are now among Han Chen's stellar devices, although the stellar devices have been damaged and cannot sail far.

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