All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1516: Test small grinding disc

But the concealment of divinity and the breath of reincarnation has a natural isolation effect.

So even if Han Chen made the whole space full of reincarnation here, no one would be able to feel it.

Han Chen naturally wouldn't be afraid.

The five clansmen heard that there was still such a good thing, and immediately ordered the clansmen to rush to get those things ready to go.

Han Chen saw those treasures in this way.

Sure enough, it was a pile of waste materials, judging from the preliminary shape above, it should be some waste materials generated when the mythological suit was refined.

It seems that these old guys are also afraid of breaking other magical materials, so this time they used low-level materials.

Han Chen also felt that there was no problem, so the five of them waited for a while, and Han Chen re-examined the small grinding plate.

The above rainbow Shijing flowed, clearly already activated.

And the main role is in Hong Shijing.

So Han Chen aroused the breath of reincarnation, and as soon as the breath of reincarnation entered the soul, it penetrated the small grinding disc, revealing surging power.

The fierce force enveloped the small grinding disc, exuding a strong breath of reincarnation, and the two clan elders were surprised by the comparison. They immediately felt the coldness of the whole body, and felt that their brains were frozen.

All of a sudden, the five of them pushed a few steps away one after another, and then they saw that Han Chen had raised that cultivation to the extreme.

The small grinding disc was placed on the ground from where it was originally, and at this moment it was flying into the air, hovering, and it was really amazing.

Thousands of rays of light fell from the circling place, and among the thousands of rainbows that fell, those rays of light fell on the pile of waste.


The five tribes always see wonderful things, and this kind of operation is what they dream of, and even dream of it.

Unexpectedly, under the leadership of his own master, it was really realized, which is shocking.

If one's own master came to be a refiner, would it not take a few months to surpass them?

They thought so in their hearts and deeply felt the sense of crisis.

If this is the case, then what else does the owner need them to do!

It seems that you have to research the things left by the chief patriarch severely now. If you don't raise your cultivation base and refining skills to a big level, you may be abandoned by Han Chen in the future.

The owner in front of them was too kind to them, and gave them refining materials, and also gave them a pill to improve their cultivation, and a pill to restore mana, so that they could practice with peace of mind.

Of course, it is not entirely unrewarded, but it is easy for the five of them to provide a certain number of artifact suits every year.

The five people were so thoughtful and looked at each other, and they all understood each other's thoughts. As a result, everyone was surprised and delighted.

Continue to look intently, watching Han Chen's operation intently.

All this is so shocking.

What a miracle!

No, isn't their master just one step away from becoming a Conferred God Realm?

In this way, the seeds of faith were once again deeply buried in their hearts, and they vowed that they would pay respect to Han Chen and let him improve his cultivation.

This may be unreasonable on the earth, but among these barbarians with totem beliefs, such a thing cannot be more common for them.

Usually they also worship the Totem God.

It's just that their totem is true god, how can Han Chen come so affordable.

The object of their previous totem beliefs was the dragon clan of the Dragon Court. They used the fire summoning technique to summon a real dragon, but the dragon was fake after all, not the real body, and the real dragon was just to help them resist. foreign enemy.

Now they don't need to defend against foreign enemies at all, and Han Chen directly entrusted them.

They only need to quietly upgrade their cultivation base and refine the skill, and the people of the tribe can live a happy and stable life, so they feel that Han Chen is not only their master, but also their god!

Han Chen has been concentrating on outputting the reincarnation breath through the sky channels. This way, the reincarnation breath is particularly pure. This is also the result of Han Chen's several attempts. It can make the small grinding discs run extremely smoothly and exudes. The colorful light is also very soft.

Obviously, after these stable and soft rays of light are emitted, it shines on the waste materials, which also plays a very good role in the conversion of waste materials.

In the shining of the colorful light, the waste materials gradually changed in color, from the original single black to the burnt color, and gradually revealed different colors, as if they were processed in layers. The waste materials gradually became different. All kinds of materials!

"Ah! It's done, it's done!"

"This is a miracle!"

At this time the five elders were so excited that they wanted to jump up, which was really surprising, and there was such an operation.

And now it appeared in front of them.

It's so exciting.

The five elders wanted to praise the gods at this time to express their unparalleled reverence at this time!

"Praise the gods! Praise the lord of the Huohui clan!" the five clan elders said sincerely.

Han Chen suddenly felt a little bit more in his heart. It was an inexplicable voice, especially when the other party made the sentence "Praise the gods, praise the Lord of the Huohui tribe", it became more and more obvious!

By the way, it is the title!

The title of the Lord of Huohui Clan is indeed more consistent with his relationship, and it can also point to Han Chen.

So all this is logical!

I didn't expect all this to become a reality.

This is something Han Chen did not expect.

Is this the basic disc of one's faith?

Han Chen felt a little complicated.

I think there are still many doubts. He doesn't have some methods to condense the Godhead, so he is very helpless.

Can only let such a situation happen.

He is also very helpless.

It seems that the most important thing now is to find a way to condense the Godhead.

Han Chen used several methods to strengthen the feeling in the dark. It seems that there are still many secrets in this.

Now that these secrets are in the hands of the Ten Dadaos, do you really have to wait until you enter the Yunfeng Dao to check these?

Han Chen felt helpless.

In such a contemptuous situation, the next two or three waste returns had certain problems, which led to the failure of the return.

In the eyes of the other five clan elders, it seemed a little frustrated.

Han Chen was taken aback for a while, and when he recovered, he saw that the five clan elders were a little unhappy.

Han Chen chuckled softly in his heart, then dismissed those people again, and then concentrated.

This succeeded the next two times.

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