All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1519: peep

"Haha, if you use it as a bed, it will be fine." Han Chen interjected haha ​​at this time.

With that said, Wu Yuan remembered that Han Chen's tossing in the hotel a few days ago caused ripples in Wu Yuan's heart and her face was red.

But he nodded and agreed.

Han Chen and Wu Yuan walked up, and after lying down, the sarcophagus had a door to buckle down.

Because of her habitual thinking, Wu Yuan habitually clenched Han Chen's arm and looked very nervous. Han Chen couldn't help but laugh.

These people are about to reach the Conferred God Realm.

But he didn't make fun of him. Focus on the surroundings, but don't let anything uncontrollable appear.

Han Chen thought so, and then held his breath, the sarcophagus in front of him was only buttoned down, and the whiteness in front of him suddenly changed.

At this time, Han Chen discovered that there was a sky full of stars in front of them, and gurgling water appeared among the sky full of stars, which seemed very quiet. All the scenery here is endlessly changing, and it looks exceptionally quiet, as if it is an indisputable paradise. !

It's a pity that they can't feel the strong divinity of that place, otherwise, they can all choose.

But the scenery looks very beautiful.

"It's so beautiful." Wu Yuan stretched out her hand and wanted to touch something, but she quickly touched something strange, which caused her to withdraw her hand.

Where she stretched out her hand, she could only touch a piece of air and could not touch anything.

"These should be fantasy." Han Chen said with a smile. When I was about to stretch out my hand to point and point.

Suddenly I heard Xueyan reminding him, "Master, don't use your fingers to point and click. These places are all spatial indicators that exist in the stellar device, because the memory is too long, and I have forgotten these indicators. What did it point to, but I remember that the previous owner just lay here and manipulated it casually, and the stellar device flew out directly!"

"What, there is this kind of operation." Han Chen took back his finger in an anguish.

Since these are just spatial coordinates, Han Chen thought, "Can you remove the scenery here."

I was thinking that the place was unpredictable, and it quickly changed its color like a shadow. There was a magical place inside, with golden thunder ponds everywhere, and a strange group of palaces in the clouds.

The palace complex here is very magnificent, even thousands of times taller than the places in their area, tens of thousands of times.

Both Han Chen and Wu Yuan were amazed. When they wanted to continue browsing deeper, they suddenly saw a golden thunder pond swaying, and suddenly a golden tail appeared from the clouds, covered with golden scales!

"Then, is that a dragon?" Han Chen and Wu Yuan exclaimed.

But when they screamed, the golden scaly dragon tumbling up and standing, turned into a huge golden dragon tens of meters long, with a pair of huge light bulb eyes, staring at Han Chen's direction. , Made an angry dragon roar wave!

"Ah, it's broken, we have been discovered, the master quickly withdraws your spiritual power and closes the soul!"

Xue Yan was shocked suddenly, as if remembering something and quickly reminded him.

With such a reminder, Han Chen was clear in his heart, because he had already felt the surging power of the opponent's spirit attack, so huge.

Unfortunately, it was still a step slower, and Han Chen still felt a violent heart-piercing pain from his soul.

Han Chen wanted to roll around.

But no matter how Han Chen dodges, there is no way to avoid this overwhelming attack. In a short while, the huge roar power rushed over and immediately fell on Han Chen's soul. Han Chen was decisive in his heart and completely cut off that ray of soul. .

The golden dragon looked at Han Chen's position and hesitated for a while, as if thinking of something in his heart, he was suddenly furious, and under his anger, the golden thunders around him smashed the one behind him. The palace was shattered.

The officials in the palace were so scared that they all ran out. They were frightened and bowed down beside the golden dragon.

One after another sue for mercy.

"My emperor, why are you angry?" The officials said desperately.

"Huh! It's all the stupid things you did before. You let the Stellar machine fall to the outside world, which caused a small Daewoo-class powerhouse just now to dare to peep at me! You really **** it, don't you send someone to this soon? Coordinates, it's extremely to capture this life back!" The golden dragon uttered.

"What, that's the Heavenly Court, not our Longting place. The last time we went to catch Naqin, it almost triggered a battle between the royal courts, over there..." The courtier at the front frowned and said.

"Don't have anything but, if this matter is not handled well, I will let you live in the Asura Abyss for tens of thousands of years. If you don't become a dragon god, you are not allowed to return!" The golden dragon flicked its tail and left a message. , "Didn't you just let the sixth one pass? The sixth man is alert and can definitely complete this task."

"What! He is a dragon clan who kills innocent people indiscriminately. Now because of the mission last time, he tried to exterminate a race. He was closed on the edge of the Shura Abyss and was sentenced to ten thousand years. Now he is less than a hundred years old. Come out, isn't it..." The golden dragon has gone far without saying a few words too childish.

There are only a few ministers who cringe, look at me, and I look at you. The leading minister sighed and turned into a giant dragon and flew out. The direction he went was astonishingly the Asura Abyss.

The Asura Abyss is the darkest place among all the Dragon Courts, it is like a black hole in the universe, but here is the middle place where the double black holes circulate, it will be called the Asura Abyss.

In this Asura Abyss, as long as you are not paying attention, you will be broken by the two huge black holes, wiping out the flesh and soul.

Now that Shura's edge of the abyss is relatively safe.

The golden dragon fell, and before it took a step, there was a low roar from the Asura Abyss.

"You old Piv Gan Luo, what are you doing here!"

The voice was full of evil, and there was a trace of evil in it. It seemed very nondescript, and it made people want to avoid it after a glance.

The old dragon, called Gan Luo, froze for a moment, and then hobbled over, and saw the broken bones all over the floor. Those were dragons whose bodies had been crushed by Shura.

Gan Luo guessed so.

"You old man doesn't answer me, do you want me to kill you?" The arrogant voice came again, appearing more violent.

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