All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1520: Old Six

"Hmph, why are you so noisy, Xiao Quliang, I don't seem to see you at all, I just help your Majesty to pass a message to you, and I will leave after the message is passed, I don't even want to see you." Gan Luo really stopped taking a step forward, and took out a golden jade slip in his hand, as if he was about to read the contents of the jade slip and leave.

"Hey, my winner, there is no such thing. You don't want to see me, I want you to see when the eight-clawed golden dragon's mighty power!"

With the overbearing voice coming from the abyss, a huge black mist of tens of meters high immediately rose up. The black mist churned, and there was a scar all over his body immediately in the mist, but it still couldn't stop the golden light of the whole body.

In the golden light, there are circles of invisible and intangible huge power that can not be seen clearly, as if it can urge people to kneel.

Na Gan Luo flushed immediately and wanted to struggle, but he couldn't do it. As a result, he knelt down with a bang.

A huge humiliation suddenly appeared on his face.

"Haha, you old guys, just don’t understand me. You are not kneeling in front of your grandpa now!" The golden mottled dragon rose into the sky and turned into a ten thousand-foot golden dragon, covering the sky. Even the abyss can't seize a trace of his power!

"Hugh is rude!"

An empty explosion thunder appeared out of thin air, and it fell on the mottled golden dragon. The golden dragon immediately wilted and fell back into the abyss.

"Father, I'm not convinced!" The golden mottled dragon called Yingquliang roared rebelliously.

"If you don't agree, please go and get back what Ao Bai stole. It belongs to our winner, not from their Ao family!" The heavens continued to hear even more popping voices, making it called Yingqu Liang's men were all for a while.

"Ao Bai? Isn't that the man who was kicked out of Ao's house many years ago? He was the one who was good at the stellar device at the beginning, so he dared to steal the stellar device and escape to the heaven together. Later, we will Has the Ao family beheaded? Why is he still alive?” Ying Quliang showed a bloodthirsty excitement. He participated in that battle and killed a lot of Ao family members. From then on, only the Dragon Court remained. They are the winner.

"It's so nonsense to tell you to kill. The evil kind is still alive and it makes me feel annoyed. No matter what the cost, it doesn't matter if you kill it. You must get the stellar device back." The majestic voice disappeared immediately. Away.

"Give me things, I'll kill him and give it to his father first." Then Ying Quliang ordered Gan Luo to say.

Gan Luo respectfully put the golden jade slip into the opponent's hand and then left. Before leaving, Transmitter said, "This cross-border transfer will take one month to prepare. You can do it yourself. Don't overturn the boat in the gutter. "

"Oh, old Piff." The mottled golden dragon placed the golden jade slip on his forehead and confirmed it. After recollecting the other person's sentence, it seemed to be a curse.

Thinking about it, he turned over to the Asura Abyss, where he had his secret weapon...


Han Chen didn't know the space-time coordinates of his preview, which caused such a big situation, but even if he knew it, Han Chen just smiled lightly.

But now it was Han Chen who felt the huge pain in the sarcophagus, which was unbearable.

The teeth were all crushed, and it took a long day before Han Chen slowly recovered from the dizziness and severe pain, and his entire face was pale.

"This is too dangerous."

Han Chen and Wu Yuan finally survived the sarcophagus. Even the simple act of checking the coordinates of the starry sky almost caused them disaster.

I don't know what kind of existence the giant dragon really is. It seems that I have to ask about it later. The situation just now is so dangerous that I will have no intention of talking.

"This is still the first step. In the end, huge divine power will be consumed..." Xue Yan enthusiastically explained. Because of Han Chen's relationship, the seal in her body is gradually breaking, and now many new experiences have emerged. , So she needs some time to digest now.

"By the way, do you know what kind of golden dragon lives in a place full of thunder ponds?" Han Chen asked suddenly.

"Huh? Isn't that Longting?" Xue Yan was a little confused, because she was not in the cockpit where the void coordinate was observing, so she didn't know the specific situation, he only knew that Han Chen was almost in danger.

"Yes, we just saw Longting's coordinates in the void coordinates, and there are..." Han Chen almost shattered what he saw and was violently roared by the golden dragon. The matter of the soul is said.

"This matter is of great importance, let's go find Ao Bai together." Xue Yan said after hesitating.

"Okay." Han Chen also knew about this, it might be very big.

If they follow the above indicators, it is really possible that Han Chen and the others can pass through the boundary wall of Heavenly Court and go directly to the boundary wall of Longting Court.

I didn't expect that today, I walked into the cockpit by accident and saw Long Court, which was completely different from Heavenly Court.

But the golden dragon was too terrifying. Just a huge roar could already cause Han Chen's spirit to be lost.

This loud roar and the loud roar in the earrings don't want to go up and down, and it makes people feel scared to think about it.

The group of them quickly came to Ao Bai’s place. Ao Bai was madly recovering his cultivation base at this time, but Han Chen had never had a chance to find the thick and strange aura, so his cultivation base had been stagnant and killed the Daewoo-level elementary. There are also injuries to the body, and excessive training cannot be carried out.

"Friend Daoist Han, Madam, Xue Yan, why are you here?" Ao Bai ran out after receiving the sound transmission, and saw that there were three people at the door.

"The two of them hurried to the Stellar successfully just now, and they also checked the starry sky coordinates in the Stellar." Xue Yan helped introduce the situation.

"Did you really enter the stellar machine?" Ao Bai said excitedly, "I have tried before, and there is no way to pass through the line of sky. When you enter it, you will feel the whole body's divine chaos, as if to It’s like losing control."

"We did enter the stellar machine." Han Chen replied with a smile, "There will be some chaos in the divine nature, and that is also a natural thing, but when your cultivation level is completely restored, you can also enter. For the cultivation base, those who have reached the top level of Daewoo can enter smoothly."

"So you activated the Stellar?" Ao Bai asked in surprise.

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