All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1534: Wen Quxing

But Han Chen has an extra heart. If the core of the formation is related to the monkey, then someone must have given the monkey an order.

But the problem is that in Han Chen's memory, the last time he entered this sacred place on earth, when the black hole man entered, the sacred mountain was broken and disintegrated, the clouds evaporated into air, and he had never seen the mountain protection formation.

Even in such a crisis state, it is impossible not to open the dignified formation. The person who guards the mountain protection formation will immediately activate the mountain protection formation when they see someone attacking.

Could it be that the guardian formation, the person who gave orders to these monkeys, is a traitor?

Han Chen was shocked when he thought about it.

It seems that the crisis of this earth sacred place is basically internal and external troubles, no wonder it will eventually be beaten into ruins.

I don't know what the ancestor is deducing.

Han Chen thought for a while, but didn't stop. According to that Wenqu star student Sun Wu Wenliang's search, it was seven or eight points accurate.

All of a sudden Han Chen caught seven monkeys, and only one could not be found.

"What's the matter? Why can't I find the last one?" Han Chen asked.

"Don't ask me, I don't know anymore. Because the last party was not mentioned in the book at all. That rebellion was wiped out before the seventh, and they just went to the seven monkeys. At that time, they were wiped out." Wu Wenliang said angrily.

"Well, don't worry, don't worry. Since there are no books, we can still reason about it." Han Chen smiled slightly.

After recalling the seven directions just now, Han Chen turned into streamer and ran directly to the southwest.

"Hey, wait for me." Then Wu Wenliang said breathlessly, "How do you count so fast? Are you so sure? We are now in the northeast, a long distance from the southwest, almost To span an entire earth holy land, do you know how big the earth holy land is? That is the largest sub-continent near us!"

"Haha, is this still ok? Look at drawing the position." Han Chen didn't stop at all, still galloping.

As expected, according to Han Chen's statement, the man constructed the direction in his mind, and then was surprised to find that it turned out to be a gossip direction!

"Kan Liu Si!" That Wu Wenliang had read the Book of Changes to some extent, so he knew the so-called gossip technique.

"It seems that you are really a human being on earth." Wu Wenliang sighed. This time he followed Han Chen in complete silence and flew past. "By the way, since you said it is the second time to come in to us, in order to avoid the next time. The trouble, see if there is a good way? Or I will tell you my special hobbies, or the bad things I have done, the next time you say it, I will probably believe it."

"Is it okay to tell you what is about to happen like this time?" Han Chen smiled.

"It seems I'm too stupid." Wu Wenliang said in a low voice.

Han Chen ignored Wu Wenliang behind him, and ran all the way, and he saw the monkey hiding under the dry well.

However, Han Chen’s Daewoo-class cultivation base’s spirit power is not bragging. When Han Chen displayed the avatar of thousands of shadows, Han Chen suddenly said to Wu Wenliang, “I will open this mountain protection formation now, what will happen to me? I dare not predict, you have to be mentally prepared."

"Furthermore, the preaching by the ancestor is about to reach the time when the black hole man appeared. It is only a quarter of an hour from the time I counted last time. So we have to try our best to delay the attack. In addition, I have to ask you. The thing is, who on earth is the black hole man, have you ever heard of it?"

Han Chen asked Lianzhu, apparently time is very tight.

Under the circumstances that Han Chen said so, Wu Wenliang naturally did not dare to delay and said, "According to the black hole man you described, I shouldn't know him. Next time you know me, we will quickly open the mountain protection formation. After that, you must ask me to find Wenquxing. My master has a good knowledge and knowledge, and he will definitely not forget it! He must know this character!"

Han Chen nodded, but was never happy, because Han Chen, judging from the attitude of the ancestor of the star wheel toward him, it was obvious that the ancestor also knew that a disaster was imminent.

But he can't do too many things that deviate from historical development. Otherwise, if he tells Han Chen what to do, won't everything be fine?

As a result, Wenquxing, one of the Twelve Golden Wuwei, is afraid that he may not be able to tell Han Chen all the content.

"By the way, who is in charge of the mountain protection formation?" Han Chen asked suddenly, purely unintentionally.

"Of course it's Wu Quxing..." After Wu Wenliang finished speaking, he seemed to have a sudden realization, and said suddenly, "No, Wu Quxing is going to close life and death."

"Originally it belonged to Wu Quxing because he was shutting down his life and death. Only on such an important day would he occasionally send a clone. But he wouldn't be in charge of the mountain guardian formation. So now it is in the hands of my master Wen Quxing." Wen Liang said of course.

"What, your master!" Han Chen stunned, which means that all the traitors in front of him may be the Wenquxing.

In this way, Han Chen was shocked.

But at this time there is not much time, and Han Chen can't explain so much to Wu Wenliang. Even if it is explained now, it is of no use to explain it. It is estimated that this plot cannot wait that far.

Han Chen calculated it in his mind, and finally quickly used the shadow clone to easily grab the monkey. He directly ignored the surprised eyes of the people around him, tore the void, and pulled Wu Wenliang directly to the platform where he preached. .

The star wheel ancestor on the cloud platform happened to talk about the part that Han Chen couldn't stop because of a sudden attack last time.

"Come!" Han Chen looked at the sky.

"What's coming?" Wu Wenliang had just heard the part that was more suitable for his cultivation, so drunk, he forgot what he wanted to say before.

Han Chen didn't speak much, and knew in his heart that he had no chance to find a way, so he had to listen carefully.

After this explanation, Han Chen began to connect the last disconnected place from the countless fragments. When he talked about emotions, Han Chen felt that every word the ancestor said was in Han Chen's body. The whirlpool in this Taoist admonition rushed in and hit the whirlpool above Han Chen's Dantian.

The remaining three large vortexes began to split again.

Each time, ten small vortices are split first, and then the small vortices surround the core, and finally become a large vortex.

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