All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1535: Fourth floor

This means that Han Chen has the power of the third-tier planetary body.

If he wanted to enter another layer, Han Chen knew that it was the fourth layer. Sure enough, as the mantra of the ancestor fell on him, Han Chen seemed to have an epiphany, and the vortex in his body immediately boiled. In a short moment, the vortex in that body immediately became seven or eight.

"It's still three!" Han Chen took a breath in his heart.

This means that Han Chen will feel very excited next, so that Han Chen will directly enter the fourth floor.

After entering the fourth level, Han Chen’s planetary body will have a new change, which is to change his body into a more mythical form, but this requires looking for some true **** bloodlines. For example, Han Chen now has Western angels in his body. The blood of the true god, so Han Chen can be transformed into a seraph, twelve-winged angel, etc.

But if Han Chen finds more blood of a true god, he can refining a new form of myth!

That is equivalent to giving Han Chen a second form of mythology, and his strength is quite abnormal!

So Han Chen was very excited!


At this moment, from the golden light before, the sky suddenly became as gloomy as the dark night, blowing like a demon wind from hell, blowing away all the clouds, and Shunjiang turned the mission platform into a bald patch. The sacred mountain is everywhere corroded by the cold wind.

This scene frightened everyone around them screaming!

They looked at the giant black hole outside in horror!

A huge amount of black gas quickly emerged from the huge black hole, and the black gas quickly spread to all the space, blocking it.

"Ah, this, is this the terrifying black hole man you are talking about?" The panicked Wu Wenliang stared at Han Chen, and then his fingernails were embedded in the flesh, he was obviously terrified.

Because that person's cultivation is even stronger than that of the Star Wheel Dao Ancestor.

Because Star Wheel Dao Ancestor cultivated harmony with light and dust, it will make his cultivation level appear more gentle.

But this person is very domineering, and even the divinity in his body appears extremely tyrannical, as if to swallow everything around him.

"Ah, it's a pity!" Han Chen sighed secretly in his heart, but didn't say a word, staring at the dark black hole man above his head with wet eyes. The eye canthus is cracking.

"The protection of the mountains was finally opened successfully!" Wu Wenliang saw a star light lit up on top of him, this is their protection of the mountains, "the stars of the formation!"

It can evolve the stars in the sky and become the guardian power of the guardian mountain. It is quite vast, and if it is used properly, it will have a power that cannot be underestimated.

Han Chen was not as optimistic as Wu Wenliang's. Han Chen had seen the power of the black hole man the last time, and that terrifying power would annihilate Han Chen by directly raising his head. Very scary.

And at this time, Han Chen couldn't rely on Flame Essence, Huang Mengmeng and others. Now he can only rely on Han Chen to fight alone.

So in this way, Han Chen's odds of winning have dropped a lot.

"No, what am I thinking? I can't even use a finger of the other party at this moment." Han Chen suddenly felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

Then Wu Wenliang had some hope in his heart, but he wouldn't be indifferent at this time, so he asked, "Han Chen, what are we going to do now? Are we going to kill like this?"

"Although I am desperate, I have to admit that any struggle we are doing now will not help. The historical evolution this time will still end with you all turned into ruins." Han Chen said in a low voice.

"You!" Wu Wenliang wanted to criticize, but the black hole man showed a jealous laugh, and with a big hand, a huge black hole was formed when he raised his hand, and the black hole instantly hit the mountain protection formation.

Suddenly, the guardian formation shook.

Obviously, the so-called guarding mountain formation is definitely not enough.

At this moment, everyone was looking at the star wheel ancestor and the twelve gold guards on the platform. They wanted to escape, but they still pin all their hopes on the star wheel ancestor and the twelve gold guards.

Han Chen also felt that the biggest variable was still in that old ancestor.

Han Chen, like everyone else, also hopes that the Star Wheel Ancestor Thunder will take action to instantly remove the black hole men outside and the black legions that are constantly emerging behind the black hole. Those who are the real masters of demons are burning with horror. Demon Flame, very scary!

However, in the next second, everyone was shocked.

I only saw that the man who was acting like a **** in their hearts and entrusted all their beliefs at this time said flatly and directly said, "Everyone is silent, I will now tell you the remaining mantra, the so-called court news Dao Xi is dead, how can you forget the teachings of our Wenquxing! We should not end our lives and give up the opportunity to hear the Dao."

For a while, everyone was shocked and unspeakable. At this time, the whole world was quiet and terrible. Only the strange smile of the black hole man outside, floating outside of everyone’s mind, was a very terrifying look anyway. Absurd drama.

Isn't this slaughtered? If you don't do any counterattack. Sit and wait? After the guarding of the mountains is opened, if we make preparations, won't we be caught off guard?

They wanted to question loudly, "Ancestor, are you taking us to death like this? Or is it the kind of waiting to die!"

But for a long time, they have believed in this ancestor so much. The ancestor is the ancestor. How can it let us die?

With such a long-term trust, everyone is attentive, focused, and overcome all difficulties. Even if death comes to their heads in the next second, they must not give up thinking now.

This scene is really incredible!

However, the happiest person here is of course Han Chen. When Han Chen heard the old ancestor's words, he suddenly had a guess in his heart.

But at this time, let alone forget the situation, this kind of thing surprised Han Chen very much.

"Wen Quxing..." Han Chen muttered, thinking that Wen Quxing was already reminding Han Chen.

But at this time, Han Chen must be fully engrossed, watch his nose and his heart, and listen to the ancestor's final teaching.

After calming down, the eight vortexes in Han Chen's body agitated once again, and as the mantra fell into Han Chen's body, a touch of surprise appeared on Han Chen's face!

The fourth layer, click!


Han Chen could see that the ten small vortexes in his body began to circle and immediately turned into a new large vortex.

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