All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1538: Hundreds of thousands of years old...

Han Chen was also amazed at first sight.

"I've also gone through hard training, okay?" Han Chen said angrily. Then he cast his eyes to the other side.

"How about, are you in love with me?" Huang Mengmeng showed a pair of sly eyes.

"Ah, what are your eyes? You are an old monster who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years. I am a beautiful young man less than a thousand years old. How can I be worthy of you?" Han Chen said angrily.

"Hmph, you brat! You are the old monster." Huang Mengmeng gave Han Chen a roll of eyes, turned his back, and refused to show Han Chen.

"Okay, okay, I have something to find you this time I came here, I want to ask you for a bit of true blood this time." Han Chen didn't want to be verbose, so he went straight to the subject.

"What, do you want the blood of the true god? Do you want to die? Ah? Don't you know how important the blood of the true **** is to us?" Huang Mengmeng said angrily.

"I do know that this thing is precious, or can you exchange it with you if you want something?" Han Chen replied with a smile.

"Yes." Huang Mengmeng smiled back, "If you want your life, will you give it?"

Han Chen was speechless for a while and had to give up helplessly. Suddenly Han Chen thought of another thing and said, "Do you have any reincarnation techniques here?"

"Oh, boy, you've got the hang of it, you know that my old lady has good things here." Huang Mengmeng immediately put on the look of Lao Tzu.

"Haha." Han Chen smiled.

"Forget it, it's okay. But you have to think clearly, as long as you practice the reincarnation technique, the reincarnation aura in your body will never return to the previous state." Huang Mengmeng reminded.

"Don't be afraid." Han Chen said after hesitating.

"Well, since you have such perseverance, then I will teach you the secret method of "Reincarnation Heaven Heart". I hope you will practice hard and don't fall into the reputation of being a teacher..." Huang Mengmeng realized that Han Chen's eyes were wrong, so hurry up Reply to normal emphasis.

"Ahem, okay, this is the jade slip, take it." Huang Mengmeng took out the jade slip to Han Chen. I saw Han Chen walking out of the cave with joy.

But at this moment, Huang Mengmeng realized that he seemed to be a routine. Then Han Chen obviously said a condition that he couldn't agree to. Now he came to a key exercise, but he forgot to mention the condition and gave it to him.

"Smelly boy, wait for the old lady!" Huang Mengmeng said viciously, turning his head and burying it in hard work.

Han Chen heard this sentence clearly, smiled bitterly, and quickly withdrew, not afraid that Huang Mengmeng would catch up. After all, how could his daughter's family regret this little thing.

Han Chen walked back to his cave. At this moment, he heard the shouts of Wu Yuan and others, and Han Chen turned into a streamer and rushed out of the star.

Seeing the crooked melons and jujubes around, with a big wave of his hand, thousands of divine swords flew out of Han Chen's gourd, hovering around, killing all those giant beasts.

Wu Yuan, Sun Xue and others looked at Han Chen with admiration, pride, and even more gratification. After all, the person they adore is so powerful, just like a god.

Incredibly powerful.

The terrifying beasts that Zhao Feiwu, Jin Pangli, and Tu Huang saw that they could not defeat at all, turned into some kind of cock-like existences when Han Chen turned his hands, and immediately turned into chickens and dogs, and disappeared in smoke. Dissipated nearby.

"What are you still trying to do? Hurry up and get the magic core of the beast." Han Chen said angrily.

However, in the past five years, although everyone's cultivation base has not improved significantly, the mid-eternal stage cultivation base has been stabilized.

It's a pity that Ao Bai is still lying on the hospital bed, otherwise it would be nice for Ao Bai to practice his hands with these miscellaneous fish.

"After you rest, we will immediately set off for the tomb of the **** of destruction." Han Chen said, waving everyone like a dream.

Han Chen hid in the cave again, the book "Reincarnation Tianxin", Han Chen was the first time to see the special technique of reincarnation breath.

Yu Jian pasted it on his forehead. After a while, Han Chen withdrew, and there were too many hardships and obscurities inside.

Among them are theories about cause and effect and cycles, and even more illusory.

According to the reincarnation Tianxin, everything in the world has cause and effect. Causes are horizontal lines, and results are vertical lines. They are intertwined vertically and horizontally, forming one cause and effect after another.

Every world has a causal origin, and this origin is a place that connects another world.

Han Chen was broken in this place. Could it be that the Daoist Huo Crow's dojo is the origin of cause and effect?

And that ancestral beast is also a causal origin?

Doesn't it have many causal origins?


No, Han Chen seems to have overlooked it. I am afraid that the ancestral beast's body is not so simple. The ancestral beast is inhabited by the ghost king. The ghost king has such a powerful reincarnation breath and incomparable supernatural powers. How can Shadowsuo be transplanted into your body?

Even transplanted into the body of that ancestral beast.

Han Chen couldn't help but admire the fearless and wise Conferred God Realm powerhouses!

It's really unprecedented.

It seems that every strong man who can confer a **** will not be lucky.

Throughout the God of Pluto, the twelve golden guards all have extraordinary strength. Now that Han Chen thinks of the Twelve Jin Wuwei's Wenqu Xing Kong You, he finds it difficult to resist.

Even if the ink fell, the thousands of changes were saved. The landscape paintings, stone carvings, and the thousands of changes instantly defeated Han Chen.

However, Han Chen gained a lot from his journey through the fog of history. At least in this way, Han Chen had already found out who the traitor was.

But every time you need to catch the monkey, I'm afraid that a lot of time was wasted. It seems that the void elves should be allowed to cultivate the planetary body together, and follow themselves into the planetary body, and use the power of the void elves to see if it can Can't directly bring Han Chen out through the fog of history.

If that succeeds, Han Chen might not need to be killed by the opponent every time. Han Chen possesses a relatively good concealment ability, and he can know exactly how Peking University collapsed in the Holy Earth.

Han Chen was so determined, so he summoned the Void Elf, and the little guy came and glanced at Han Chen, and hugged Han Chen's arm affectionately.

"How about it, I will cultivate the planetary body for you." Han Chen asked in a low voice.

"Okay..." The little guy has also begun to evolve to the eternal state, but the transformation is still relatively slow, and now he can only say a simple answer.

But Han Chen was quite satisfied with this, so he made the planetary body into a jade slip and gave it to the little guy.

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