All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1539: Reincarnation Technique

The little guy took the jade slip in his mouth, put it on his forehead, and went to the side to practice in a while.

Han Chen once again opened the reincarnation Tianxin. After comprehending the Ghost King Divine Mansion and the Huo Crow Taoist Temple, Han Chen felt the surging power in his body, which was surging and scary.

The reincarnation breath of the whole body began to separate from the original divinity, forming a single stream. This stream occupied the viscera and gathered the thousands of Yin Qi to that place.

Han Chen only felt abdominal cramps.

But these Han Chen ignored them, because Han Chen knew that this was an inevitable process. Fortunately, there is a heavenly vein, and Han Chen’s reincarnation breath has been refined to a certain degree, so after separation, it is very pure, without that. The entangled ghost.

Han Chen felt relieved a lot.

About seven days later, the stream in Han Chen's body gradually converged into a new river. This river looked quite pure, but the coldness still existed, which made people shudder.

Han Chen's heart suddenly jumped.

How does this river look similar to what you imagined?

As Han Chen was thinking, he suddenly took out the Styx picture, and was shocked. The Styx picture above, and his own river, were almost carved out of the same mold, but his own. A river looks much smaller.

It is estimated that it will take at least tens of thousands of years to become the gigantic Styx like that of the Styx.

"It turns out that this is the first step of the technique of reincarnation. It turned out to be to live separate the breath of reincarnation from the divinity of Dantian."

Only then did Han Chen understand the significance of this step.

But in this way, doesn't Han Chen have two dantians?

Han Chen was shocked.

If ordinary people don't know what this means, then Han Chen has cultivated for so long. If he doesn't know, he is too stupid.

This shows that Han Chen's divinity is more than twice that of ordinary people!

This is not considered to have experienced the purification and compression of Tianmai.

Although this would make Han Chen's cultivation extremely slow, Han Chen's current cultivation base was extremely solid.

Han Chen quickly told Huang Mengmeng the news.

"Why are you a dantian with a divine nature and a dantian with a reincarnation?" Huang Mengmeng was also dumbfounded. Who is this, why don't the great things of this day happen to him.

"I have a mixture of divinity and reincarnation. I didn't expect that your boy's life is so good, you can get such powerful two dantians. This is to be said, I am afraid that the gods and the emperors want to occupy your body. I already have it!" Huang Mengmeng was jealous and hated, and almost wanted to swallow Han Chen in one bite.

Han Chen also suddenly realized this problem, and it seemed that he still had to protect the secret in the future.

"Well, what is even more frightening is that someone else’s ceiling may be Dao ancestors, but your ceiling may be two Dao ancestors. Do you know what kind of consciousness is this? The same level is invincible!" Huang Mengmeng said another inference.

This inference made Han Chen even more shocked.

At this time, Han Chen's body is undoubtedly a great treasure. It seems that you must be careful after this trip, otherwise it may become someone else's body in the future.

After thinking in this way, Han Chen withdrew, and after confirming that his body was fine, Han Chen continued to practice the "Reincarnation Tianxin"!

This "Reincarnation Tianxin" is a supplement to the reincarnation of Gongfa, so it has very strong skills in combat and combat, and can even reverse the cause and effect of chaos.

Looking at the development path of this technique, Han Chen couldn't help laughing and saying, "I'm afraid that in the future, I can really say to everyone that God is reincarnated, it's not that the time is not reported."

After another month, Han Chen and his party finally came to the boundless sea.

Han Chen received Wu Yuan's call, and then rushed out, standing on the flying boat, the boundless sea was not blowing.

The endless sea is full of sea water and dense clouds and fog that cannot be removed, which looks even more terrifying.

If ordinary people want to shuttle by ferry, or fly and shuttle alone, I am afraid they will disappear in the boundless sea somehow.

Boundless, there are many spontaneously established towns around here, the biggest of which is the Boundless City in front of you.

The Boundless City is full of the style of ancient western castles. The tall castle above is built on the shore where the stormy waves hit the shore. It is not in the same class as the small fishing villages nearby.

Han Chen felt excited when he looked at it.

"This is the boundless sea!" That Jin Pangli and the Hornet bloomed with joy.

"Hey, there is also an endless city here. It looks like a huge castle. I don't know if there is a prince in it." Wu Yuan said with a smile.

It is estimated that only Han Chen, who also comes from the earth, can understand this joke.

So Han Chen smiled with Wu Yuan.

"Let's go, let's go to the city, buy some things for going to sea, and understand the situation of the boundless sea first. Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared."

Han Chen smiled.

The group lowered the flying boat, paid the sacred stone, and entered the boundless sea.

Because it is close to the coast, it seems that the city owner does not use the mountain, so no one lives on the mountain.

"Young people, you must be careful of the lord of this castle." As everyone looked at the lively giant seaside city, suddenly a beggar-like person drifting by, said to Han Chen's light transmission.

Han Chen didn't care about it just now, because this kid's cultivation was only a title level, and there was really nothing to pay attention to.

But suddenly seeing this person say such a rebellious thing, Han Chen suddenly thought about it.

There are quite a few people in this city with good cultivation bases, but there are many races mixed here, not only human races, but also brutal beasts, giants, dwarves and so on. All kinds of people are here. Appeared.

There is a mixture of fish and dragons, it is difficult to avoid accidents here.

None of this seems to be groundless.

The City Lord's Mansion here can be quite dangerous.

So Han Chen said to others, "Let’s get the relevant information quickly and leave this city."

The others nodded.

After walking around in this city, although most people have a very bad opinion of the city owner, they still haven't said too many things about the city owner.

However, the people here know a lot about the Boundless Sea, especially the sea monsters in the Boundary Sea. For example, the certain fleet was eaten by the sea monsters.

Most of the people who come here are to collect a refining material called Perilla Gold, which is purchased by Heavenly Court.

However, the city lord here is the one who dominates the side, with the resources of Perilla Gold in his hand, even the Heavenly Court dare not arbitrarily leverage the status of the city lord.

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