All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1544: Santo

That's why he dealt with the rejuvenation side first, and then set off.

When she was about to tear the void, he suddenly felt something was wrong, and a terrifying power transmission immediately spread over there, and the spatial coordinates over there were immediately vain!

"Humph! Little bugs!"

"Poison Yan Maneuver!"

The surging venom and flames rose into the sky, burned the void, and went straight to the boundless sea outside. Desperately catch up.

He knew that the other party was here because he was afraid that the other party was going to cross the boundless sea beforehand.

The boundless sea is vast and boundless, and naturally there are countless footholds. This is also the only place they can escape after killing their son.

In this way, as long as he flew desperately towards the nearest place, he would definitely be able to intercept the opponent!

Indeed, as the city lord had expected, Han Chen immediately led everyone through the void and teleported to the nearest outlet to the sea, and then let the void elves travel through the boundless sea again at the expense of their original power!

As soon as they came out of the void, they immediately felt the difference in the boundless sea.

The violent sea breeze engulfed the violent divinity, circling frantically towards them, completely enveloping them, and causing them to riot involuntarily.

"Everyone held their breath and held their minds!" Han Chen immediately exclaimed.

The reason for this is because they ran away too fast and did not have a process to adapt slowly, so the current situation will appear, which makes them very uncomfortable.

Also make them very dangerous 1

You may die at any time!

"Hold your mind!"

Han Chen hurriedly let out a low voice when he saw the hornet bees rushing around. The hornet just felt a new force in his body rushing around, making him want to attack everything close to him. Fortunately, Han Chen shot in time, and it didn't cause a big mistake.

In this way, the hornet never dared to mess around.

"Everyone holds your breath, I'll unfold the flying boat, and then break the formation above, so that we will have an extra layer of protection!"

Han Chen hurriedly said, that is, Han Chen's spiritual power is different from ordinary people. He has surpassed his own power limit and reached the top level of Daewoo class.

That's why it did not receive such a serious impact. As a result, it also made him absolutely absolutely critical.

Therefore, Han Chen quickly took out the flying boat.

After taking out the flying boat, Han Chen took a look for it, and then asked Xue Yan to immediately infuse his spirit power, completely activating the entire flying boat.

The model of the flying boat in that hand immediately unfolded, from an early age to a larger one, from the original several inches into a huge building!

It's as big as a city lord's mansion!

For a while, even Han Chen was dumbfounded.

I have to say that the technology of this house is amazing!

At this time, they should not be allowed to worry about it. Then, with Xue Yan's rich control experience, Han Chen suddenly controlled the flying boat, and then Han Chen was about to open a formation. Only then did he find the flying boat and found nothing around it. In place, the result was that there were eight prototype cavities on the giant groove.

Han Chenfu's heart was in his heart, and he threw the eight middle-grade sacred stones found in the Young City Lord's storage bracelet into it.

Suddenly, the entire flying boat was shining, emitting a light that was completely different from the haze of the boundless sea aura. Suddenly, the tyrannical winds and tyrannical divinities were isolated from them.

Everyone felt that their whole body was warm, and there was no such damp and violent feeling just now.

They all opened their eyes immediately and looked at the surroundings carefully.

I saw that the surrounding scenes were so majestic and magnificent.

At this time they didn't know where the boundless sea came from, and at this time they saw the boundless ocean all around.

The boundless ocean, nothing is seen, there are winds everywhere.

The winds they encountered just now were the violent winds of the bearer's violent divinity, and in the memory of those people, they were also called gang winds.

"The scenery here is magnificent." Wu Yuan said innocently.

"Madam, I'm afraid it may not be true. We are precarious now." Jin Pangli said with a joke.

The people around also laughed at themselves.

Although the scenery in front of you is magnificent, it is absolutely dangerous.

"The scenery in front of him is nothing but clouds, and the real horror is hidden in it," Han Chen said solemnly. From the moment he entered this boundless sea, Han Chen had a sense of crisis, which made him deeply feel his heart trembling. Very scary.

Han Chen continued, "We just have to deal with the dangers of the boundless sea, we will consume our divinity! You must control your divinity, and these divinities in front of you cannot be directly used for cultivation. And restore the cultivation base."

"Yes, I heard from the people in the boundless city say that the terrifying people in this boundless town are the monsters hidden in the deep sea. It is said that they can cultivate just like us, and even have the same superpowers as our road races. The strong, even the Dao Ancestor will not be able to benefit from it. So we still have to be careful.” Zhao Feiwu said.

Looking at everyone's cultivation base now, and even if everyone had entered such a desperate situation, they absolutely did not complain or abandon themselves. He did not feel a sour feeling in his heart.

I even said there was some excitement.

He said to himself.

Yes, he is just the elder of their Tulong clan. Although he is now a slave of Han Chen, Han Chen has never regarded him as an outsider. Even if discussing such important things at this moment, they absolutely have nothing to exclude. .

This made Tu Huang very pleased.

Now that he can follow Han Chen out to see this magnificent place, his heart is also full of pride.

Even the director he followed treats himself very well.

One must swear allegiance to death.

When the others saw this, they all remembered what Han Chen had said, and didn't dare to act rashly, and began to meditate and regenerate.

"Han Chen, we have no problem, I remember that we were still being followed by the mysterious city lord." Wu Yuan saw that everyone calmed down quickly, and then asked Han Chen.

"That shouldn't be a big problem, because I have used the void elves to shuttle twice, and I should be far from the endless city. The other party wants to sail in such an endless sea and violent wind, I am afraid it is not easy. But If I wait for me to land on land, I'm afraid he will be able to perceive our existence for the first time." Han Chen suddenly sighed.

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