All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1545: Distraction

"In that case, wouldn't it be okay for us to stay in the boundless sea forever?" Wu Yuan said.

"How can this be done? Whether it is supplies or cultivation base, it will be delayed by the eyes of this place. I don't need to say anything like this." Han Chen pondered and said.

Seeing Han Chen's painful expression, Wu Yuan asked, "What's the matter."

"Oh, this spacecraft has consumed eight middle-grade sacred stones at one time. I am considering how long our sacred stones can be used. According to my calculations, if there is nothing wrong, our sacred stones at this time can sail for at most ten years. That's too much." Han Chen gave a wry smile.

"Oh, this is all a hard work." Wu Yuan couldn't think of a good solution for a moment, and then she had to comfort Han Chen so much.

Han Chen felt warm when she heard Wu Yuan say this.

Even if they are only ten years old, Han Chen believes that they will soon encounter the tomb of the **** of destruction, because they still have the black cloth, and the black cloth will definitely guide them.

At that time, Han Chen can use the black cloth to achieve his goals.

Just as the two people were holding a group for warmth, the void suddenly changed color, revealing a fire, but the flame was indeed dark and purple, and it looked like venom, but the void power that passed through the formation still made Han Chen and others shudder!

"This, this is the powerhouse of the Conferred God Realm!"

Everyone was stunned, "I have caught up so quickly, I am worthy of being a powerhouse in the Conferred God Realm. It's incredible!"

"Come on, everyone prepare quickly, drive the flying boat forward with all your strength, I will resist him for a while!" Han Chen walked to the front deck without hesitation.

Staring intently in the void, only heard an angry roar from the void, saying, "You dare to kill my son... I will avenge this hatred! You die! But if you are willing to surrender , I can consider giving you a position in Infinite City! Even if you are really the villains of the heavenly court, I can make you less tortured."

"This person is very powerful, everyone backs away!" Han Chen said through the voice of everyone's mind, and then said to the void, "Young City Lord wants to kill me, how can I not fight back! He is self-inflicted! "

Han Chen is also absolutely unwilling, the other party's so-called avatar is probably a procrastination strategy.

The true **** of the other party did not come.

"You...Okay, you actually used sophistry...Forget it, my son is not as good as your own, and his methods are not as good as yours, and he is more than guilty. Then, I cherish your talents, it is better to stay in the endless city, we How about providing you with the highest quality treatment so that you can enshrine the gods in a short time? I can even tell you a big secret!"

The man didn't know if it was the devil, and even talked about these transactions at this time.

For a time, Han Chen's team members were all confused by King Kong.

Han Chen knew that the other party must be procrastinating.

Han Chen was anxious, even if the other party hadn't come over yet, the current powerful divine suppression exuding it was enough to suppress them, so that they could not escape at all!

But in any case, you still have to escape. If you can't escape once, then you will escape twice if you do!

In this way, Han Chen immediately gritted his teeth, turned into a streamer, and began to rush towards the deeper waters of the boundless sea!

"Huh! You are so stubborn, then don't blame my Perilla God for being cruel, you really don't know how to lift up!"

With that, the dark shadow was not solid, turned into a strong light and rushed towards Han Chen's flying boat.

Especially the first-hand attack, the purple-black fire light with a strong corrosiveness, attacked Han Chen's flying boat formation.

Han Chen Feizhou had no time to evade, and was immediately attacked by the opponent.


The huge divine fluctuations shook the entire formation, as if it was a candle in the wind.

Shake like chaff.

"Ah!" The Han Chen team behind that spit out blood suddenly, staining the splint.

At this time, they couldn't help at all, so they could only watch, so they could only cover up the blood in their mouth, otherwise Han Chen was worried.

Han Chen didn't have time to look after.

What he was most worried about just now was that his flying boat could not support the opponent's attack at all, but after this time, Han Chen saw that the flying boat was shaking like this, and he had maintained its form without falling, and he felt a little relieved.

But thinking that the flying boat shakes so badly is obviously not a long-term solution. I am afraid that it will still take a certain amount of time before the other party will break his own spaceship.

How to do?

Suddenly, the flame essence in Han Chen's stellar machine quivered with excitement.

Seeing the appearance of the flame essence, Han Chen suddenly felt a little inexplicable. It was at the critical moment just now, so Han Chen didn't care about it. Only then did he realize that the flame essence was so excited, so he summoned the flame essence.

The flame essence looked at the dark flames with longing eyes, and roared in a whisper, "Eat... delicious..."

Han Chen was wondering, but the black shadow outside laughed wildly, and said, "I didn't expect that it would be effortless to step on iron shoes and find nowhere. There is a flame that can purify my poisonous inflammation! Look at your fire, I'm afraid it has already evolved once! It's just that following such a weak master, he can't even use the flame to show one-tenth of his original. It's a mutated old man!"

The black shadow who claimed to be the Perilla God laughed wildly, adjusted the flame in his hand to the most violent state, and then attacked the opponent's body, hitting Han Chen's flying boat severely.

The flying boat became a sea of ​​fire again, and not many were isolated by the formation.

"What to do, if this continues, we will become suckling pigs sooner or later." The Hornet said angrily. The opponent's cultivation base is so strong that it will undoubtedly hit the stone with the pebbles.

Everyone looked at Han Chen anxiously, and at the figure of Han Chen fighting alone. They all vowed silently in their hearts that they must practice hard and not let Han Chen fight alone.

Han Chen patted the head of the essence of flame. After knowing the ultimate ability of his flying boat, he was not as flustered as before. On the contrary, some subtle operations were revealed in his hand, allowing the flying boat to be wrapped in the flame divine nature. Moving forward smoothly.

However, seeing the opponent chasing him so hard, and if the flying boat is subjected to an attack, I am afraid it will really fall apart.

So Han Chen suddenly transmitted a message to Jin Pangli to let him master the flying boat well.

"The Korean team..." Jin Pangli's eyes moistened in an instant. He has experienced this situation many times, and the Korean team faced it alone.

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