All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1546: Tinder Fusion

Ah, so ruthless.

Why don't you work hard to practice?

It is a pity that there is no if, so Jin Pangli insisted on holding Feizhou even with tears in his eyes, and gave Han Chen a firm look.

Han Chen smiled slightly, turned into streamer, and the essence of flame jumped out of the flying boat.

After that flew out, the divine spirit in Han Chen's whole body was agitated, and the flames around him flew away, and he immediately appeared.

Seeing those surging riots blowing through Han Chen's mind, fortunately, Han Chen was able to gather all his strength at this time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"Good boy, have the courage!" The dark shadow Jiejie smiled strangely, then waved a huge purple-black fire, turning into a tiger and attacking the two Han Chen.

At this moment, Han Chen suddenly felt that the strength of his whole body seemed to be lost, and was shocked to see what was going on.

"Did you also enter the opponent's Daewoo-class private space? I am obviously very careful!"

Han Chen was frightened, and immediately transformed into a huge angelic mythical form, with twenty wings flying in the wind, especially the pair of gray wings, frantically resisting the surrounding wind and the strange poisonous flames.

When Han Chen was frowning, a faint coolness came from the gray wings, which made Han Chen endure the poisonous burning.

"Unexpectedly, you should have such a high talent, you can survive my poisonous fire for so long." The shadow Jiejie said with a strange smile.

"What's the matter?" When Han Chen carefully recalled the other party's words, when did he hit the other party's Daewoo-class free space?

"You have noticed, you are already in my Daewoo-class self-owned space! You certainly can't imagine, although I am self-proclaimed as the Perilla God, but my real power is not Conferred God, Conferred God Realm It just gave me endless life. What really excites me is that I have integrated the poisonous flame into my Daewoo-class own space. With this skill, I killed the entire heaven and let them see my iron and blood methods! "

"Well, are you very excited?" the man said.

Han Chen was shocked and glanced at the essence of flame, and at the same time, the essence of flame also glanced at Han Chen with his heart.

I didn’t expect the opponent to have such a talent, and he could directly integrate the fire into the Daewoo-class own space. That is to say, the opponent can inexhaustible inexhaustible out of his own life in the Sealed God Realm, as well as this huge The poisonous inflammation!

What a terrifying cultivation level this is to do such a terrifying thing!

At this time, the opponent is not the main god, if it is the main god, I am afraid that Han Chen has already become a fire stick!

"But you don't seem to have a chance. Since the moment you walked out of the flying boat, you have lost the last chance, the last chance to escape." The strong figure who claimed to be the Perilla God said.

Han Chen had no expression on his face, and also unfolded his own Daewoo-class space, and at the same time strengthened the giant spell and planetary body to the most perfect state!

After Han Chen used the planetary divine body at this time, the appearance of the planet was faintly revealed behind him. Of course, the planet at this time had only one outline, which was much weaker than the star wheel of the strong man in the Conferred God Realm.

Moreover, the display is somewhat transparent, so people who are not careful cannot see what it is like.

Han Chen would not take the initiative to tell others what this is.

But at this time Han Chen's cultivation base has skyrocketed!

From the original Daewoo-level mid-level, it suddenly reached the terrifying Daewoo-level peak.

Han Chen's spiritual power at this time was also because of absorbing the unlucky ghost, so it was only at this time that his cultivation reached the peak of the Daewoo rank.

"Planet impact!"

Han Chen is a powerful force condensed from this planetary body, condensing his own surging physical strength, swinging a heavy fist, and slamming it on the opponent's chest!

The power of horror rubbed the surrounding voids with fire, and the fire shattered the voids with blood.

The surging power instantly turned into a huge ball!


The power hit the past!

The black shadow didn’t look at it either. Seeing the other party so vigorously, he raised his own cultivation to the extreme, and condensed his own fire-type poisonous flames into a long poisonous dragon. The poisonous dragon skyrocketed, raising the surrounding temperature to a terrifying level. The high temperature of an active volcano!

If people below the Daewoo level are here, they will definitely be melted by the terrifying heat!

This is where this Daewoo-class has its own space horror, and has its own power to control that inflated flame!

"Go! Poisonous Flame and Poisonous Dragon!"

The two vacant fire dragons engulfed huge divine power, and completely slammed into the past!

As soon as that poisonous flame and poisonous dragon came out, it possessed the surging power that surpassed the peak of the Daewoo rank, and reached the power of the terrifying Conferred God Realm!

Han Chen has no hesitation!


The planet slammed into the poisonous flame poisonous dragon, and the flames and dirt immediately shot out from all around, smashing the surrounding void out of numerous pits.

The place where the two collided gave out a strong wave, like a spider weaving a web, shattering the surrounding void, and the turbulent flow of void blowing from inside immediately absorbed the two of them.

The one who first emerged from the decayed broken void fragments was the terrifying shadow. After the black shadow came out, his gaze was frozen, without a trace of relief, but a solemn application was revealed.

In addition to his powerful skills, he has also mobilized his divinity to the most terrifying state. It's just that he didn't expect the opponent's body to be so powerful.

"The other party is definitely not dead." He said to himself, it seems that he might really want to use the magic weapon the Lord God left him.

The main **** has already reached the key breakthrough point for his cultivation. If he breaks through, his cultivation will reach a higher level.

If he dispatches a magic weapon, he will definitely be alarmed, but in the current state, if he is really making a move, the other party will definitely run away. He still has a judgment on which is more serious.

He stared at the situation in the turbulent void.

Sure enough, seeing the turbulence of the void, a man with twenty wings fluttered out of it.

The two stared at each other, as if saying that you are enough.

Although Han Chen's face was tough, he couldn't help but smile. The other party's cultivation of the Conferred God Realm was not bragging, and it was too difficult to deal with.

And the other party is not the main god, but one of many distractions.

Han Chen can feel it.

To know the appearance of the main god, it would be able to open the sea from the fierce mountains, and the cultivation base was horrified to the extreme, and even in the entire heavenly court, there was an agreement that any battle involving the sect was not allowed to take action in the Conferred God Realm.

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