All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1547: Poison Fire Dragon

If you want to make a move, you are going to fight outside the realm of God, that is, the land abandoned by God.

Therefore, at this time the battle between the two of them, the other party must very much want to fight quickly. At this time, they entered the void and fell into the turbulence of the void. Anyway, it can cover some secrets, so that those in the heavens did not perceive it so quickly.

Han Chen didn't have an estimate in this regard, mainly because the local cultivation base couldn't compete.

Had it not been the last moment of the flame essence, using its talents and magical powers to resist the disturbing poisonous flame poisonous dragon, otherwise Han Chen would have been crushed by this time.

"What should I do?"

Han Chen was also anxious at this time, and just as the other party had received before, from the moment he stepped down from the flying boat, Han Chen had given up the last chance of escape.

But Han Chen did not regret it.

The most important problem now is how to solve the people in front of you is the big problem.

"Hehe, die. Even in this turbulent flow, even if Heaven wants to predict the secret, I am afraid it can't be done. Just wait for death." The man laughed wildly, and once again took his own Daewoo-class space. The **** realm combined with poisonous flames was displayed, and as expected, the opponent's **** realm would never be hindered in the void.

Han Chen sighed deeply.

With a wry smile, Han Chen once again used the giant technique and the refinement of his own planetary divine body to reach the extreme, that Huang Mengmeng has not cultivated the reincarnation Tianxin cultivation method, otherwise, if there is that great magical power to deal with, he will definitely benefit a lot. of!

With a wry smile, Han Chen turned into a planet and slammed into the past.

That poisonous flame and poisonous dragon, the flames are overwhelming.

At the same time, Han Chen noticed that the other party made an action. The other party obviously took something out of the storage bracelet, because Han Chen could clearly perceive a trace of divine fluctuation in it, and it was very strong, like the birth of a phoenix, abnormally overbearing!

Han Chen was frightened, but there was no way. It was already very difficult to deal with the Poisonous Flame and Poisonous Dragon. There was no chance to accumulate strength for that day's life armor lock.

There are too few things to use!

When it was said that it was too late, between the electric light and flint, the planet slammed into the poisonous flame and poisonous dragon fiercely, and the surging power shook the turbulence of the void and broke the control power of the void.

The terrifying power ripples spread, and there are void fragments everywhere.

When Han Chen turned around, the surging divinity violently passed from the Dark Shadow Dad, Han Chen seemed to have a foreboding.

Suddenly Han Cheng took out a black branch, and the black branch greedily sucked Han Chen's breath of reincarnation. If Han Chen hadn’t cultivated a small river, I’m afraid that Han Chen would also move like before. Immovable waste.


Because Han Chen's cultivation base has improved, he has to condense the river of reincarnation Tianxin, so he can quickly provide the black reincarnation celestial treasure with a dense reincarnation aura, causing the black branches of the reincarnation celestial treasure to emit a strong black light!

At this time, it is no longer as lifeless as before!

"You, what's in your hand!" At this moment, the black shadow showed horrified eyes. He was also distracted. Although he did not have the terrifying cultivation base of the main god, she saw the terrible thing on Han Chen. Things were shocked immediately.

"What you have in your hands...ah, I know, I finally know why the heavenly court is chasing you down! You are really an important criminal in the heavenly court. It seems that Yue Qingcheng Na Xiaonizi is really in your hands! Then, I will even more I can't spare you, even if you have such an unknown weapon! I already want to defeat you and smash you completely!"

The black shadow let go of the treasure in his hand. It was a shining treasure bottle. The treasure bottle circulated and rose into the sky. It immediately transformed into a huge blood light, which burst out like the sun. The same, the surrounding void was reflected into a fiery red!

The terrifying power completely shattered the surrounding void power.

"This, this is the Phoenix blood!" Han Chen's eyes were cracked and it was too much to eat. He didn't expect that the other party was inspired by the Phoenix blood!

Han Chen just wanted to ask for true blood from Huang Mengmeng, the ancient Xuanwu, but he couldn't get half a drop. At this moment, he saw a drop of Phoenix blood under such circumstances!

It's so weird.

What is the origin of this city lord, there is actually Phoenix blood!

You must know that it is possible to find this thing by coincidence, but under such circumstances, it is too difficult to really want to get a blood and keep it for so long without being known by the Phoenix Protoss. Up.

It seems that this city lord is really not easy.

Thinking of this, Han Chen couldn't calm down in his heart. The crisis was pervasive, making Han Chen instinctively want to escape.

You know that is Phoenix blood!

Once it comes out and summoned out, it will definitely be possible to refine a person's soul.

Han Chen is hateful!

But at the moment when the blood rushed out, Han Chen suddenly thought of Huang Mengmeng's voice.

Han Chen was pleasantly surprised, "Are you out?"

"Yes, but what really interested me was the Phoenix blood, I had to leave the customs ahead of time." Huang Mengmeng had already turned into a slim girl, although there was still a little loli on her face, but on the other side. The cultivation base that burst out faintly has also reached the terrifying Daewoo-level intermediate.

"I don't know if Ao said your kid is lucky, or is it lucky." Huang Mengmeng's little face showed a trace of envy and hatred.

Han Chen asked himself about asking for the blood of the phoenix, as if the next day, the blood of the phoenix was delivered to his door today.

"How do you say?" Han Chen was at a loss, but since Huang Mengmeng was still in the mood, he was joking here.

"Hey, you actually made the Reincarnation Tianbao!" Huang Mengmeng did not answer Han Cheng, but looked at Han Chen in surprise and said.

"Why, do you know Reincarnation Tianbao now?" Han Chen looked at Huang Mengmeng suspiciously.

"No, my memory is also because I have entered the more than active mid-level, so I have a lot of information, such as how to use the body to suppress the blood of the gods!" Huang Mengmeng smiled.

Only then did Han Chen know what the other party meant when he said that he was lucky. He was talking about this.

Han Chen immediately became energetic, and it seemed that such a situation was really not bad.

Unexpectedly, Huang Mengmeng would be able to suppress the terrifying blood produced by the opponent's Conferred God Realm sacrifice.

Although it was just a distraction in the Conferred God Realm, it was also a powerful person in the Conferred God Realm.

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