All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1548: Suppress the blood of God

At this moment, I suddenly heard Huang Mengmeng say that he can suppress the blood of God!

Han Chen was shocked and felt lucky at the same time.

He was sure that if Huang Mengmeng suppressed the blood, the black wood branch reincarnation Tianbao could attack the opponent's core heart position.

"Then help me suppress the blood of the gods! But you have to give me the blood of the gods, and I can find you other things you want." Han Chen said firmly.

"No problem, that **** blood was originally harmful to me, I can't use it, and I don't know where you need it. The **** blood is very domineering, I can remind you." Huang Mengmeng said as if they had already Asking suppressed the blood of God.

"I'm sure about that." Han Chen wanted to laugh a little, and the joy of the day had fallen, making Han Chen a little unbearable.

But for Huang Mengmeng’s strength, I’m afraid it’s only higher than himself, and it’s definitely not bad. And as the memory is unlocked, more skills and knowledge are unlocked, and there is definitely a way to defeat the points of the God Realm. God's.

Han Chen didn't know what it was.

I can only pray that Huang Mengmeng will work.

Just thinking about it, that Huang Mengmeng's figure transformed into countless yellow rays of light radiated from the void and transformed into a huge giant tortoise.

This is the essence of Xuanwu!

"What, you, why did you suddenly appear the true **** Xuanwu..." The dark figure was shocked, staring at the huge body in front of him, dumbfounded.

But soon he reacted, "Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a Daewoo-class Xuanwu! It seems that the legend tens of thousands of years ago is true! The God of Eternal Life was really sealed by the Heavenly Court, that's only a difference. You can get away from the Immortal God in one step and reach a higher level of existence! I didn't expect the old man to meet! This time I really gained a lot. Not only did I get the Reincarnation Heavenly Treasure, but also a complete corpse of the **** beast!"


The Xuanwu uttered words, thousands of runes enveloped itself, and the powerful yellow light instantly spread away.

"This, what is this!" This kind of power seems to be divine, but it is different from divine nature. Even the well-informed Conferred God Realm is blinded by the distraction at this time. What kind of energy is this? Time was a little stunned.

But in an instant, he seemed to know, what is this, isn't it the same as when he met the Lord God?

The feeling of making oneself want to bow down is truly terrifying.

This is the power of the Godhead!

I didn't expect the other party to have a godhead!

By the way, when the Immortal God died, Heavenly Court had no way to extract the Godhead, and it seemed that the young Xuanwu in front of him was integrated.

But no matter what, it has now fallen into his own hands.

Let yourself really have a godhead, I don't know if I can compete with the main god.

I'm afraid that the Lord God will listen to his own words obediently.

Thinking about it this way, the dark shadow was a little fluttering, after all, who is not greedy.

Han Chen felt a terrifying coercion that he wanted to completely kneel down.

"This, is this the power of the Godhead?"

Han Chen was also shocked in his heart. The black shadow distracted before obviously did not inherit the godhead, so there was no urge to make Han Chen want to kneel.

At this moment, seeing Xuanwu summoning the godhead, he couldn't stop this impulse.

While Han Chen exclaimed, he immediately recalled Huang Mengmeng's words in his mind, "Hurry up!"

Han Chen's mind was shocked, and he immediately became sober a lot. Of course, it was also possible that Huang Mengmeng deliberately dispersed the power of the godhead a bit.

Let Han Chen move.

Between the electric light and flint, Han Chen let go of the black wood sticks in his hands that were full of the breath of reincarnation. The black wood turned into black light, exuding a terrifying connection and flew toward the opponent's forehead!

"Small carving skill! Your skill is not worth mentioning in front of my Phoenix blood, huh..." At this moment, the black shadow distracted still did not find the danger of the matter, but noticed the instability of the blood. .


That black shadow distracted and roared!

But the terrifying yellow light emerged once again, completely suppressing the Phoenix blood. The Phoenix blood had a terrifying power, but at this time it was captivated by the Xuanwu godhead, and it was surrounding Xuanwu. Twirled, he didn't listen to the distracting call of the black shadow.

Sombra found out the seriousness of the matter at this time.

But there was no time to do more operations. At the same time when he was swaying his blood, the huge black light immediately penetrated the black shadow and distraction!


At the same time, after that huge black light hole penetrated the shadow, Han Chen knew that the other party would definitely not die. So Han Chen hurriedly recalled the black twigs. At this time, the black twigs had become several segments, and obviously they could no longer be used.

Ignoring the sadness and pain, Han Chen immediately took the Xuanwu and used the Void Elf to quickly shuttle through the void.

The black shadow was distracted and his whole body was entangled by the breath of reincarnation. At this time, there was no power to pursue it anymore. He had to find a place to heal his injuries quickly.

So I took a look at the place where Han Chen had gone, and showed a fierce look, "Smelly boy, dare to hurt your uncle here. I must find you in my life and kill you completely. Presumably, soon, we can See you now!"

After muttering, he flew back to Boundless City with bitterness.

He didn't dare to take the initiative to report the situation here to the Lord God. After all, he hadn't caught the offender now. Wouldn't it be an innocent disaster if all the roars were sprinkled on him.

Han Chen didn't know that the black shadow was distracted by the idea of ​​being at odds with the main god. At this time, it was lucky to escape one, and he did not dare to hope.

After a few back and forth, the rabbits rose and fell, and they returned to the flying boat. At this time, the formation on the flying boat was still complete. When everyone saw Han Chen coming back to fly safely, they all came up to greet him.

"How is it, Team Korea, how is that guy?"

"Couldn't it be broken by our Korean team, this flashy guy!" Jin Pangli and Zhao Feiwu were obviously bragging. After all, everyone felt the incredible divine fluctuations in their bodies at the time, and they naturally knew that. The situation is extremely dangerous.

"Well, after I come back this time, I will retreat. We must quickly find a secret place and retreat. It is too dangerous here." Han Chen whispered.

"Not much, we must find a place to stay as soon as possible in this boundless sea, otherwise we may be killed by the enemy. We must be vigilant." Jin Pangli concluded.

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