All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1549: Hidden Hall

After speaking, Han Chen and others entered their respective caves, leaving a guard on the deck.

Han Chen walked into the cave, and quickly took out the Phoenix Divine Blood, his heart was restless, even at this time the wound was open, he did not notice.

"I don't know what is the use of this blood, you fellow," said Huang Mengmeng.

Han Chen's face became more and more excited, and said, "Although this thing is useless to you, it is very useful to me. After I cultivated the planetary divine body, and then practiced the planetary divine body, I found that I could cultivate a second This kind of mythological form, I was already quite familiar with that planet's divine body at the time, and got the guidance of a famous teacher. It can be said that after obtaining the divine blood, I can basically cultivate the divine blood."

Han Chen said excitedly.

"Famous teacher guidance?" Huang Mengmeng froze for a while, and did not react for a while, and immediately rang what Han Chen had told him about the holy places of the earth, and then confirmed and asked, "Could it be the earth that you entered several times? In the environment of the Holy Land?"

"Yes, that place is quite mysterious. After entering this time, I found that the terrifying Star Wheel Daozu actually recognized me and said that I may be the only one who can save them. I should be able to solve their troubles." Han Chen showed a wry smile.

But Han Chen had never heard of that horrible existence, the horrible black hole man, and there was no way to start.

It's just that I want to improve my cultivation a little bit more. I really have a chance in the future, and I will definitely save them from the fog of history.

So Han Chen said some speculations about the fog of history, and asked, "Do you think the fog of history can save people?"

"Ah? You, I haven't come into contact with such big secrets before. You know, things outside of the domain are all sources of pollution. As long as you talk about the other party's name, they may be perceived by the other party, and then return Used by the other party." Huang Mengmeng was also solemn and solemn.

Naturally, Han Chen didn't dare to talk more. You should know that even if you use a code name, you may be aware of many talks.

So Han Chen didn't dare to mess around.

After sending Huang Mengmeng away, Han Chen carefully studied the Phoenix blood, and saw that the blood in it was like a drop of flame. If it weren’t for Huang Mengmeng’s basaltic gods to suppress, I’m afraid the Phoenix blood would kill Han Chen was crushed directly.

What a blessing.

This is the second time Han Chen talked about it.

At the moment, Han Chen used the planetary body to restore his cultivation to its peak.

On the fifth day, Han Chen circulated the bottle of divine blood that was like a flame. As soon as he came out, he immediately cooked the entire stellar device. He took that magic Xiaoyan, Yue Qingcheng, Ao Bai, Xueyan, etc. Everyone was shocked.

The Huohui tribe man knelt down in the direction of Han Chen in horror.

After all, the power of God's blood that touched just now was really genuine, and they all thought Han Chen was about to enter the Conferred God Realm.

At that time they will really become the first people of the true gods!

Think they are all excited.

Naturally, he treated Han Chen as a future god, and he prayed sincerely for a long time.

At this time, Han Chen used the phoenix blood to enrich and communicate with something. It seemed to have returned to a special communication channel. On both sides of this channel, white light was shining, but it was definitely not a fluorescent lamp or crystal light. It's bright, even Han Chen doesn't know what it will be.

This passage looked white and flawless. Han Chen walked forward and walked, not knowing how long he had been walking, and suddenly found that a giant glass sphere appeared in front of him. Of course, this is not the glass of the earth. , But the energy ripples on the glass cover.

Han Chen looked at all this with excitement, because there seemed to be a kind of terrifying power hidden here.

It is so pure white here.

Han Chen continued to walk forward, and he saw a strange symbol carved on the ground. It was an inverted eye, like an eyeball without eyelids. It was terrifying, staring at everything!

Suddenly some hanging bodies appeared in front of Han Chen!

Giant Han Chen saw shriveled corpses everywhere in the sky, and these corpses exuded a variety of different powers, from mythological forms to various stages.

In such a holy place, it seems to be full of all kinds of strange symbols and **** smell.

The smell of blood here was so strong that Han Chen seemed to faint.

Everything is so horrible, everything is so weird, making Han Chen suddenly feel at a loss.

Where is this place?

Han Chen exerted his horrible divine power to knock down those shriveled corpses, but the horrible power just fell on the corpses and was immediately bounced away.

But those corpses fell steadily to the ground. Han Chen glanced intently and suddenly showed helpless eyes.

Those were the corpses who had attacked them by Han Chen, and the cultivation base on it had changed from the previous mythological form to exactly the same cultivation base as Han Chen.

"What the **** is this?" Han Chen was extremely calm, feeling that all this was incredible.

what is happening!

Before Han Chen had time to think, the corpses turned into phantoms and attacked, and then Han Chen suddenly felt that the strength of the whole body was frozen.

"The divinity disappears!"

Han Chen was shocked!

But fortunately, Han Chen had originally cultivated a planetary divine body, and suddenly turned into a huge physical power, and slammed the two bodies that were also Daewoo-class attacking into flight!

Planet impact!

The huge force knocked the two Daewoo-class bodies into flight and landed in the corners of the surroundings.

The two fleshy bodies flopped and stood up, turning into surging corpses, with a foul green liquid in their mouths.

Looking at Han Chen, he wanted to nausea, the surging power came out again, and self-love hit the corpse leader out once again.

Han Chen suddenly felt something in his heart, and the two big corpses really stood up again, no matter what power Han Chen used to attack them, they could stand up with a flutter.

"Is it because I have come to my dream? Or is it because I have cultivated the Phoenix blood, so I have hallucinations?"

Just when Han Chen had a headache, a very calm pleading came from behind, "King Shura, you must come to me..."

Han Chen was originally in a highly neurotic state, when he suddenly heard this voice, he was at a loss for what to do.

King Shura?

That's not me, it's Xuanwu. Because Xuanwu's other title is King Shura.

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