All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1550: Space fire

It seems that there must be some misunderstanding.

Han Chen couldn't understand the weirdness of it for a moment, but then heard a weird sound coming from behind.

The voice said, "You find me, and then bury me in the Promise Earth. You must remember to put down the fire of space beside me! That is my fire of destruction. If I cannot destroy, then..."

The voice was no longer heard, and Han Chen was dumbfounded on the spot. What is this!

At this time, Han Chen's eyes were red, and he didn't know if he was affected by the words, so Han Chen couldn't help but tears in his eyes.

However, Han Chen didn't feel sad at this time!

Han Chen felt hairy in his heart. This thing is even more scary than Huang Mengmeng's statement that there will be unknowns in ten thousand years.

This is really scary thing.

But for the two corpses in front of him, Han Chen could only keep attacking them, disassembling their bodies bit by bit, and directly tore them to pieces.


Han Chen finally separated the person's head and body, and threw it aside, and saw that the creature with only one head also leaped toward him.

Han Chen opened it.

If it weren't for his divinity no longer existed, Han Chen's must summon the flame essence from the star machine to burn these two corpses clean, it was too weird.

At this time, Han Chen had time to look back and take a closer look, only to see a shriveled corpse on the huge high platform. At this time, he seemed to be trying to look at Han Chen with his ridged body.

"I'll go! Isn't this the king of corpses?"

Han Chen was shocked at once, because the opponent's cultivation base, the physical cultivation base, even Han Chen could not predict.

Could it be that the opponent's cultivation base must have reached Dao level or above?

After reaching the Dao level, people who are too far away from the other party cannot sense the other's cultivation base.

Seeing Han Chen's heart is frizzy.

I want to find an exit, but there is no exit at all.

At this time, the corpse on the high platform was already stunned, "Come on, come to me..."

The voice seemed to be a temptation, as if it was a curse, Han Chen only felt that his whole body was beginning to be a little out of control.

I was crying, the blood in my body seemed to be solidified, and a strange force in his footsteps kept pulling him towards the other side.

"This, what is this!"

Han Chen was completely shocked, what was going on.

Han Chen had to refine the planetary divine body, while hurriedly searching for various corners to see if there were any exits, but he didn't see anything, this is not where he should be.

Just now.

There was a popping sound from all around Han Chen!

Han Chen's head was covered with green liquid, this terrifying green liquid.

Han Chen's forehead is full of blue veins.

It was terrifying. After Nabarabala's voice passed, Han Chen loved to see all the corpses all around fell down.

Every mummy repair base has reached the terrifying Daewoo level, and these Daewoo level mummy surround Han Chen!

And the weird corpse standing on the high platform kept calling, "Come, come to me...bury me..."

"What the hell!"

Han Chen's face is stupid!

However, Han Chen can still tell from the clothing of these people that the corpses under these high platforms seem to have nothing special.

There is a clear difference from the one on the high platform. If it's just a difference in style, Han Chen can still see it.

These two kinds of clothes are two weird things in stark confrontation.

"Could it be that this is a member of the two factions?" Han Chen became anxious and began to believe in his sixth sense.

In this way, Han Chen re-examined the corpse on the high platform. At this time, there was no way to choose. As the ridged corpse on the high platform said, he could only go up from above.

At this moment, Han Chen immediately knocked all the Daewoo-class corpses approaching into flight, and fell to the ground with a snapping noise.

Han Chen strode up to the high platform. Suddenly, Han Chen was out of control, and couldn't help but passed by and hugged the ribbed corpse, which immediately shocked Han Chen beyond words.

The real horror is that Han Chen can't move a single minute at this time!

What the **** is this!

Han Chen was completely shocked!

There was no trace of divine fluctuation on the corpse, but there was a strange magic power that seemed to bind Han Chen. Han Chen was like a puppet, crying when crying, and doing it when he did it.

"Have your head been controlled?" Han Chen was suddenly shocked!

This shouldn't be a trap!

No matter what Han Chen thought, he couldn't help but rushed towards the trap.

Charge at the corpse!

Suddenly Han Chen noticed that there was a breath of reincarnation on the other party. He was inexplicably surprised. He grasped the difference at this moment, and then grasped the breath of reincarnation, turned it into surging power, and poured into Han Chen. In Han Chen's body, the reincarnation of the small river garage in Han Chen's body began.

Han Chen turned into a king of Shura, and used the reincarnation aura to use the reincarnation Tianxin technique. Once it was displayed, although it was relatively green, the effect was very obvious. At this time, the thread of Han Chen's puppet had been cut off. Up.

Han Chen used the breath of reincarnation to display the reincarnation celestial heart technique, turned into a huge wind wheel, and threw towards the corpse!


But before Han Chen attacked, the corpse was automatically transformed into a dead body that could no longer die.

But Han Chen's blessing came at this moment, and he went and rushed toward the corpse without stopping, stepped in, and rammed into the person directly.

Han Chen only felt that his whole body was grilled on fire, thoroughly grilled by the super high temperature passage.

Han Chen woke up silently!

He opened his eyes and saw the familiar Dongfu around him, but unexpectedly discovered that Huang Mengmeng was also nearby.

"You have known that someone is plotting against me?" Han Chen asked unconsciously, Huang Mengmeng's cultivation level has indeed improved a lot.

"Can't say that, it can only come from a woman's intuition. But that woman was a great beauty before she was alive. She asked you to hug her, why don't you hug her." Huang Mengmeng can obviously see the scene just now, too. So asked jokingly.

"How do you know that she is a great beauty? Look at his current appearance, like a corpse, so I dare not go over and hug it." Han Chen laughed bitterly.

"Haha. Of course I know." Huang Mengmeng said with a smile, "You have inherited this drop of Phoenix blood, I'm afraid you will become like her one day."

"What?" Han Chen was stunned immediately. What and what was all this, the scene just now shocked him too much. It was too big for him to accept it.

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