All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1551: Undead

"This is what I just remembered after seeing the scene just now. The Phoenix Protoss is actually an undead. I say that, you know." Huang Mengmeng showed a solemn expression again.

"Undead? Undead like this?" Han Chen was stunned this time, this Phoenix Phoenix? Is it just such a bird?

"Otherwise, what do you think it is?" Huang Mengmeng asked irritably, "but you don't have a lot of blood on your body at this time, and you may not have any special problems. Just pay attention to it yourself. Good or bad. The undead also have endless lives, so why do you dislike others."

After all, Huang Mengmeng turned into a streamer and left.

Just leave it to Han Chen who doesn't know what to think.

Regardless, at this time, there was an urgent need to improve his cultivation level, and Han Chen had to integrate that divine blood into the earth divine body.

"It's a pity, I couldn't kill the black shadow distractedly, otherwise, if you want to merge the fire into the Daewoo-class own space, I am afraid that Han Chen's cultivation base will be against the sky." Han Chen thought with some regret.

After the weird scene just now, Han Chen became more careful. After carefully confirming that there was no problem with the Phoenix blood in his body, Han Chen accelerated the movement of the blood. Through the cultivation of the planetary body, Han Chen could feel the sky above the Dantian. There was a cloud of blood mist floating above the four great vortexes, and the blood dance was condensing into a bulging energy stone.

Han Chen knew that this was the result of his previous cultivation of the planetary divine body, which gave Han Chen terrifying energy.

It's been a month since Han Chen had been sailing in seclusion. Seeing that there was no news from Han Chen's cave, the rest of the people felt a little anxious.

This time it was Zhao Feiwu who got up to change defense. Zhao Feiwu couldn't help but amused when he saw the hornet standing there.

Because the wasp's medium-grade spirit stones all fell to the ground, at this time the opponent was dozing off.

Zhao Feiwu deliberately wanted to molested him, so he changed except for a slender hair, constantly disturbing the nostrils of the wasp.

As a result, the hornet was abnormally alert, and immediately changed into a young hornet, which immediately ejected a long distance.

The hornet was awakened from his sleep, and when he looked intently, it was Zhao Feiwu, who couldn't help but said angeredly, "You are a big joke."

"Your current cultivation base has also reached the intermediate level of the eternal realm, so why don't you and I have a discussion!" said Zhao Feiwu.

"I'm too lazy to care about you, I'll go to sleep." The Hornet raised his arm, summoned the sacred stone, and threw it to Zhao Feiwu.

"You said that there is no problem with the Korean team. At the beginning, it was facing a strong power in the Conferred God Realm! Although it is only a clone, for us, it is the existence of a crushing level. Killing us is like killing an ant. It's that simple." Zhao Feiwu caught the middle-grade sacred stone and said.

"I think the Korean team has a natural outlook. If there is a real problem, the Korean team may not be able to return. Of course, we have become a pair of skeletons." The Hornet is very sensible. Replied, both of them felt relieved.

You must know that both of them really care about Han Chen, so they also need some confidence.

"We are about to enter the deeper boundless sea. We have passed through the inner sea that the people in the boundless city said before, and we have come to the edge of the open sea. But be very careful. The activities inside are all very powerful beasts. If necessary, we'd better wait here for a while and see what instructions the Korean team has."

The hornet had a reminder and told Zhao Feiwu the information he already knew.

"Don't be afraid, depending on the time, the Korean team should also be out." Zhao Feiwu said lightly, "Even if the behemoth of the Sealed God Realm really comes, I am afraid that the Korean team can easily solve it..."

But at this moment, the boundless sea suddenly heard a huge roar! The terrifying sound ripples penetrated through the thunderclouds, penetrated the thunderclouds on the horizon, and turned into endless ripples of power!

"Hold your breath! Keep your mind!" the hornet reminded!

Anyhow, the Hornet also watched for nearly half a month, encountered many situations, and experienced a lot more, so he said quickly.

These sound attacks are unstoppable by the guard ship formation, so they must improve their own cultivation to a certain level and can completely resist them.

In this way, Zhao Feiwu naturally didn't dare to take it lightly, and directly held his breath and concentrated his attention.

Just when you hornet thought that this time it would be like countless times in the past, in front of the protective ship formation, it would make the giant beast return without success.

It was a pity that the huge behemoth seemed to be staring at them, opened its huge mouth in the blood basin, and took a bite of the huge spaceship.

The spaceship revealed a terrifying gap, which was unable to block it for a short time.

At this time, Zhao Feiwu and Hortou Feng were completely shocked, because all this happened between the electric light and flint, and there was not much time to react.

At this time, the hornet quickly manipulated the flying boat to avoid the opponent's second attack as soon as possible, and said to Zhao Feiwu in a hurry, "Hurry up and give everyone a message, so that everyone can quickly come out to resist the powerful enemy! The opponent's cultivation base is sure to No less than Daewoo rank or higher! The two of us can't avoid it at all, and the other party doesn't know what special talents they have, so they can bite through our formation!"

"It's terrifying, go to Zhao Feiwu!" The hornet quickly added.

Zhao Feiwu was originally with six gods and no masters. At this time, he heard the layout of the hornet, and he immediately had the backbone, so he hurried out and told other people.

Soon, Wu Yuan, Sun Xue, Tu Huang, Jin Pangli and others all rushed out, and they immediately saw the Hornet and Zhao Feiwu facing the huge beast in front of them in discomfort.

The huge beast has a huge mouth larger than its head, and there is a huge bell in front of its eyes. The bell will emit a very strange sound, which is unbearable, and they don't know the specific information.

At this time, the wasp was already stretched, and immediately shouted, "Pay attention to the bell on its head. It is a terrifying bell sound attack. You must remember to guard your mind, otherwise you will be controlled by the other party, and you will probably die Up!"

In such a tense situation that the Hornets said, everyone was even more afraid to be careless!

"What's the situation? Why is the cultivation base of this sacred beast not as powerful as the last time Sombra was distracted, but how can it attack and break our formation now?" Wu Yuan asked.

"I don't know, this behemoth should have its own special talents and magical powers, so that we can't attack the opponent well at all, and the opponent seems to have its own skills for destroying the formation, so we were quickly breached." The wasp was busy dealing with the flying boat.

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